3 research outputs found


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    Karsinoma Hepatoseluler (KHS) kanker hepar atau yang disebut sebagai hepatoma atau karsinoma hepatoseluler merupakan tumor ganas hati primer yang terjadi akibat dari bertumbuhnya sel hepatosit secara abnormal. Di Indonesia kanker hepar menduduki posisi ke-5 dengan prevalensi mencapai 18.121 orang pada tahun 2012. Untuk mengetahui karakteristik penderita hepatoma di RSUD Dr. Soetomo telah dilakukan studi cross-sectional dengan mempelajari rekam medis lalu menilai gambaran umum sosiodemografi yakni umur, jenis kelamin, daerah asal, keluhan utama, tanda vital, faktor risiko, hasil pemeriksaan laboratoris, hasil pemeriksaan fungsi hati, hasil imaging, hasil klasifikasi BCLC, jenis terapi, dan cara keluar dari rumah sakit. Data yang terekam dikumpulkan dan dimasukkan dalam database, kemudian di analisis secara deskriptif. Penderita karsinoma yang dirawat inap di RSUD Dr. Soetomo tahun 2014-2016 yaitu sebanyak 100 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa umur terbanyak adalah 50-59 tahun, jenis kelamin terbanyak adalah laki-laki (84%), dan daerah asal adalah dari Jawa Timur (88%), keluhan utama pasien pasien yang terbanyak adalah mual muntah (46%). Berdasarkan tanda vital banyak ditemukan dalam nilai normal. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor risiko terbanyak dari karsinoma hepatoseluler adalah akibat virus hepatitis B, dengan kategori yang terbanyak berdasarkan klasifikasi BCLC yaitu BCLC B (32%). Jenis terapi terbanyak adalah terapi suportif/paliatif dan berdasarkan cara keluar dari rumah sakit terbanyak adalah dengan cara pasien pulang berobat jalan

    The Clean And Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors And Healthy Housing Influenced The Incident Of Acute Respiratory Infection In Childhood

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    Introduction: Based on preliminary surveys in this study, it was found 86.7% of respondents suffered from accute respiratory infection experienced 4 times reinfection within 3 months and 50% of respondents rarely consumed balanced nutritious food. Aims: to find the correlation between clean and healthy lifestyle behaviours, healthy housing and the frequency of accute respiratory infection in children under the age of 1-4 years. Method: a cross-sectional study was used by involving mothers or caregivers with infants aged 1-4 years in Malang Regency. A questionnaire was applied as research instrument. Data obtained were conducted by a nonparametric contingency coefficient test with IBM SPSS v17. Result: Statistical analysis shows that there is a significant correlation between family members who smoke (p-value=0.021) and the level of home density (p-value=0.03) with the frequency of acute respiratory tract infections in toddlers. While the relationship of other variables such as the sex of children under five (p-value=0.799), clean and healthy lifestyle behaviour: delivery at primary health care (p-value=0.084), exclusive breastfeeding(p-value=0.940), routinely visiting Integrated Healthcare Center (p-value=0.396), hand washing behaviour (p-value=0.523), consuming healthy food (p-value=0.247), and infant's activity(p-value=0.096), healthy housing: ventilation (p-value=0.396) and lighting (p-value=0.767) have no a significant correlation with incident of accute respiratory infection in infants. Conclusion: There is a correlation between family members who smoke and the level of home density with the frequency of accute respiratory infection in children under the age of 1-4 years

    Risk Factors Of Hypertension In Rural Indonesia: A Crosssectional Study From A Rural Village In Indonesia

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    Aim: To determine the risk factors of hypertension in rural Indonesia. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a rural district in East Java, Indonesia. Using the modified WHO STEPwise approach to chronic disease risk factor surveillance (STEPS) questionnaire, variables related to the risk factors of hypertension were collected. Acquired data was analysed for significance using SPSS ver. 23.0 (IBM Corp, Armonk, USA). Results: A total of 103 respondents participated in this study. The prevalence of hypertension in this study was 35.92%. Old age (OR = 8.25, CI 95% 1.69 - 40.31) and obesity (OR = 6.18, CI 95% 2.09 - 18.32) was found to be a significant risk factor of hypertension. While gender, education level, occupation, physical activity, and smoking habits were considered not significant. Conclusion: Prevalence of hypertension in rural Indonesia is still high. This study highlighted age and body mass index as the significant risk factors of hypertension