38 research outputs found

    Condotte compulsive in paziente con sindrome di Aicardi. agenesia del corpo calloso

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    The corpus callosum, which is the largest white matter structure in the brain of all placental mammals, connects the left and right cerebral hemispheres. An alteration in its morphology, hypoconnectivity or hyperconnectivity is a common marker of various neuropsychiatric pathologies. One of these is Aicardi syndrome, which is characterized by a triad of callosal agenesis, infantile spasms and chorioretinal lacunae. Patients affected by Aicardi syndrome frequently display other malformations together with congenital defects of the eyes, ribs and vertebrae. Based on the current clinical knowledge, this syndrome is now recognized as a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that includes neurological and constitutional symptoms. However, literature data have not yet defined the presence of a particular set of symptoms in psychiatric patients with this condition. The present case is the first report in which an on-going compulsive behaviour focused on the insistence to order objects has been observed in Aicardi syndrom

    Dissociative symptoms in female patients with mood and anxiety disorders: a psychopathological and temperamental investigation.

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE: Dissociative symptoms are frequent among psychiatric patients and may considerably affect patients' psychopathological condition and treatment outcomes. The objectives of the study are to assess the presence of dissociative symptoms in female patients with mood and anxiety disorders, to investigate their correlation with the clinical severity of the disorders and to investigate those personality traits that are more frequent in patients with high levels of dissociation. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 50 Caucasian females were enrolled in the study. Patients were assessed through the Self-Report Symptom Check-List, the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) and rating scales for Depression and Anxiety. RESULTS: The mean DES score in the overall sample was 16.6. 32% of patients had a DES score > 20. Depressive symptoms positively correlated with the DES total scores. Dissociator patients presented some significantly different temperamental characteristics in comparison with non dissociator patients. CONCLUSIONS: Dissociative symptoms are highly present in patients with mood and anxiety disorders and correlate with the severity of depressive symptoms. Specific personality traits more frequently observed in dissociator people may represent predisposing factors; their early identification could be clinically relevant

    L’utopia giustinianea e gli sviluppi fino al VII secolo

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    Ce chapitre examine la politique religieuse de Justinien et ses conséquences jusqu\u27au VIIe s.  Négociateur du traité de 561 au nom de Justinien, Pierre le Patrice avait entrevu le risque qu’en gaspillant leurs ressources, Perses et Romains fussent conquis par ceux qui n’auraient pas dû les vaincre. Un peu moins d’un siècle et demi plus tard, les évêques réunis en concile dans une salle à coupole du palais royal (de là son nom d’In Trullo, 691-692) tirent en partie les conséquences religieuses de la conquête militaire arabo-musulmane. Par une série de 102 canons, ils prévoient une remise en ordre des conduites des clercs moines et laïcs bouleversées par les invasions. Assemblé sans que Rome ait été informé, ce synode appelé aussi Quinisexte donne à la discipline ecclésiastique une véritable ébauche de corpus canonique et contribue à la définition de l’Eglise orthodoxe en récusant certains usages divergents des Arméniens et des Latins. On ne s’étonne guère que le pape Serge Ier (687-701) en rejette les décisions.

    Le metamorfosi della scuola di Alessandria da Eracla a Didimo

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    edited by L. Perrone in collaboration with P. Bernadino and D. Marchin

    omelia XIII

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    Didimo il Cieco. Lezioni sui Salmi. Il Commento ai Salmi scoperto a Tura. Introduzione, traduzione e note a cura di Emanuela Prinzivalli

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    I papiri del Commento ai Salmi, giunti anonimi e attribuiti in modo convincente a Didimo il Cieco, sono stati scoperti alla metà del secolo scorso a Tura, nei pressi de Il Cairo. Si tratta, caso più unico che raro, delle trascrizioni delle lezioni di questo esegeta alessandrino della seconda metà del IV secolo e contengono anche le domande degli allievi. Didimo è un allegorista, seguace del grande Origene. La sua opera ha lo scopo di indirizzare al progresso interiore, in un periodo in cui la chiesa egiziana è travagliata dal confronto con i manichei e dal conflitto fra ariani e niceni. Prinzivalli presenta la prima traduzione in lingua italiana, e il commento più esteso attualmente disponibile in campo internazionale su questa opera. The papyri of the Commentary on the Psalms, anonymous but convincingly attributed to Didymus the Blind (second half of the IV century) were discovered in the middle of the last century in Tura, near Cairo. The Commentary is composed of transcriptions of the lessons, more unique than rare, of this Alexandrian exegete, and also contains questions from his students. Didymus is an allegorist, a follower of the great Origen. His work aims to guide his listeners to their inner perfection, at a time when the Alexandrian Church was in difficulties because of the competition with the Manichaeans and the conflict between the Arians and the Nicaeans. Emanuela Prinzivalli offers the first translation in the Italian language and the most extensive insight internationally on this work