4 research outputs found

    Arthur Prinz Collection - Dickinson College.

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    This collection consists mainly of notes, research materials, and manuscripts for a book that Arthur Prinz was writing during his time as an economics professor at Dickinson College (Carlisle, Pennsylvania) from the 1950s through the 1970s. The book is a translation and further refinement of Prinz’s unpublished dissertation from 1923, which examines the psychological aspects of Karl Marx’s Das Kapital. The materials in this collection related to the book include handwritten and typed manuscripts, shorthand notes, clippings, and articles written by others.Also included are several folders of lecture notes, clippings, research materials, and some correspondence.The economics professor Arthur Prinz (1898-1981) was born in Guatemala, educated in Berlin, and emigrated first to Palestine and then to the United States, where he became a professor of economics at Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.Box inventory in fileFinding aid available online.Believed to have been donated to Dickinson College by Mrs. Arthur Prinz in 1982 , no documentation of the donation of these papers can be found. The folders were presumably arranged around that time in 1982, but it is unclear if the folder arrangement represented any kind of original order from when the materials were first received. The collection was transferred to the Leo Baeck Institute in 2011.See also the Arthur Prinz Collection, AR 5103Processeddigitize

    Plunging into chaos.

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    Imprisonment in Berlin in November 1938; politics of Jewish leadership, especially the Hilfsverein der deutschen Juden and the Reichsvertretung, in 1938 and 1939; contains information on Paul Eppstein, Hannah Karminski, and historian Friedrich Meinecke.Born in Guatemala City on December 3, 1898, Arthur Prinz moved to Berlin with his family in 1904. He studied economics, history, and philosophy at the University of Berlin, receiving his doctorate in 1923. He taught at Humboldt Hochschule, Berlin, from 1926 until his dismissal in 1933. From 1935 until 1939, he worked for the Hilfsverein der Juden in Deutschland, and edited its journal Juedische Auswanderung. He emigrated to Palestine in 1939, and to the United States in 1948, where he became professor of economics at Dickenson College. He died in San Diego on August 27, 1981

    Arthur Prinz Collection 1908-1980

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    This collection details the life and work of the economist and professor Arthur Prinz. Much of his research and writing focused on the works of Marx as well as the relationship between German Jews and the economy. In addition to these topics, Prinz, who worked with the Hilfsverein der deutschen Juden in the 1930s, also wrote extensively on the subjects of emigration and immigration, especially of German Jewry.Perhaps the most well-represented topic in this collection regards the work of the Hilfsverein. Correspondence concerning this topic will be found in Series II, including correspondence with former members of the Hilfsverein. A large amount of material on this topic is also located in Series III: Manuscripts, and includes memoranda and articles by Prinz on the work of the organization, lectures on its work, and a fictional play given to Prinz by his colleagues at the Hilfsverein at the time of his leaving Germany. The related topic of Jewish emigration is also placed in several areas of the collection. Manuscripts of articles by Prinz on emigration are located in Subseries 3 of Series III: Manuscripts. Research notes, clippings, and books and offprints on such topics are in Series IV: Research.Prinz's writings and research on economics, especially in relation to the ideas of Karl Marx and the role played by German Jewry in the development of that country's economy are also to be found in several areas of this collection. Manuscripts of Arthur Prinz's unpublished dissertation, “Das Marxsche System in psychologischer Betrachtung”, in both the original German and a lengthened English version, is located in Series III: Manuscripts, Subseries 3: Non-Fiction. Documents pertaining to this piece include not only drafts of the manuscripts, but also research notes. The same subseries also holds the work produced by Arthur Prinz on German Jewry's role in the changing German economy: Strukturwandlungen der deutschen Wirtschaft und die Wirtschaftstätigkeit der deutschen Juden (Structural Changes in the German Economy and the Economical Activities of the German Jews). Material for this work includes manuscripts, research notes, and an outline. In addition, the collection also contains index cards pertaining to this topic. Further information concerning economics topics will be found among the research materials located in Series IV: Research.A third area of interest in this collection concerns Arthur Prinz's portrayal of everyday life in Palestine. Series I holds a biographical description of Prinz's experiences shortly after arriving in the area. Series II holds correspondence between Prinz and other individuals, which mention life in Palestine and the conflicts between various Jewish groups there. Finally, Series III also holds material on this topic in the form of memoranda and notes for a lecture.Very little detailed information about Arthur Prinz's personal life in America will be found among the documents of this collection. Information on his family members is scarce. Researchers should also be aware that many of the notes and manuscripts in this collection are written in stenography.The following individuals are mentioned in this collection: Auerbach, F.L.; Arndt, Kaethe; Baeck, Leo; Baehr, H.W.; Beckerath, Herbert von; Bergstraesser, Arnold; Bernstorff, Albert Graf; Berolzheimer, Josef; Bischofswerder, Franz; Blumenfeld, Kurt; Blumenthal, Arthur; Borchardt, Friedrich; duBois-Reymond, Robert; Birnbaum, I.; vom Brocke, Bernhard; Brodnitz, Georg; Bronfenbrenner, Martin; Brutzkus, Boris; Casals, Pablo; Carter, Jimmy; Chassel, Henry; Chodziesner, Fritz; Cohn, Benno; Church, Frank; Cohn, Fritz; Cohn-Willner, Ernst; Curtius, Julius; Curtius, Klaus; Diederichs, Eugen; Dreyfus, Willy; Dukas, Helen; Ebbutt, Norman; Edel, Dr.; Einstein, Norbert; Eppstein, Paul; Esh, Shaul; Faul, Erwin; Freund, Michael; Friedenthal, Hans; Garrett, Clarke; Goldschmidt, Fritz; Graetzer, Georg; Gross, Walter; Grubel, Fred; Gutfeld, Alexander; Haeften, Barbara; Haeften, Hans Bernd von; Harms, Bernhard; Hirsch, Felix; Hirsch, Kurt; Horwell, Arnold R.; Horwitz, Arnold; Jacobi, Stephan; Jacoby, Hans; Jaeckh, Ernst; Japhet, Laura; Joachim, Gabriele; Kahn, Ernst; Kantorowicz, Ernst; Kautsky, Karl; Kautsky, Luise; Klee, Hans; Knoche, Walter; Kraus, Israel; Kreutzberger, Max; Kuenzli, Arnold; Leschnitzer, Adolf; Levy, Emil; Levy, Rudolf; Lewy, E.; Loewe, Kaete; Maier, Max Herrmann; Mann, Heinrich; Marschak, Jakob; Marx, Karl; Meyerhoff, Dr.; Moller, Herbert; Newman, Herberg E.;Paucker, Arnold; Pechel, Rudolf; Oppenheimer, Ludwig; Pollack, Hubert; Prausnitz, Vera; Preuss, W.; Prinz, Arthur; Prinz, Clara; Prinz, Fanny; Prinz, Hermann; Prinz, Joachim; Reichmann, Ernst; Reissner, Hans G.; Rohrbach, Paul; Rosenstock, A.; Rosenstock, Werner; Rothschild, Henry; Ruestow, Alexander; Rumbold, Anthony; Salinger, Hans; Schelting, A. von; Schleier, Lilli; Schmitt, Carl; Seckel, Helmut; Shughart, Dale F.; Spiegel, S.; Spinoza-Loge, Berlin; Spranger, Eduard; Steinberger-Schwarz, L.; Stevenson, Adlai E., III; Stillschweig, Kurt; Strauss, Herbert; Templeton, Kenneth S., Jr.; Thaler, Karl; Thalheim, Karl C.; Wahl, Jenny; Warburg, Anita; Warburg, Max; Weiss, Samuel; Weltsch, Robert; Wiener, Alfred; Wischnitzer, Mark; Wolfers, Arnold; Wolpe, Ivan; Zehrer, Hans; Zweig, ArnoldArthur Prinz was born in Guatemala City, Guatemala, on December 3 1898, the son of Hermann Prinz and Clara nee Gutmann. His father had immigrated to the United States from Germany in 1876 and was a naturalized U.S. citizen who became a plantation owner in Guatemala; his mother was a teacher. In 1904 Hermann Prinz took the family to Berlin so his parents could meet their grandchildren, and died suddenly while there, leaving Clara Prinz to raise their three children, Walter, Arthur, and Alice. It was Clara Prinz who taught her son, Arthur, English.Arthur Prinz attended the Bismarck-Gymnasium in Berlin until 1918, then continued his studies at the University of Berlin where he studied economics, history, and philosophy. In 1923 he graduated magna cum laude, but his dissertation, "Das Marxsche System in psychologischer Betrachtung", was never published. From 1923 until 1933 Prinz taught economics at Humboldt University in Berlin,until the exclusion of Jews from the education sector, disrupted his career, and he was dismissed in July 1933.In 1933 Arthur Prinz was conducting research for the Streseman-Stiftung to write on international migration after World War I. It was while researching this topic that Prinz became involved with the Hilfsverein der Juden in Deutschland (German Jewish Aid Society). He worked for this agency from 1933 until 1939. Here he was primarily responsible for editing the organization’s bulletin Juedische Auswanderung. In addition, he conducted lectures on the subject of refugee and relief matters. On the evening of November 9/10, 1938, he was arrested and then released.In 1939 Prinz went with his sister Alice, who was very ill, to Palestine, intending to return to Germany and his work with the Hilfsverein once she was settled there. His colleagues in Germany convinced him to remain there, where he lived until 1947, working as a free-lance teacher and writer for newspapers. It was in Palestine that Arthur Prinz met and married his wife, Fanny Haber. In 1948 he immigrated to the United States and found a position teaching economics at Dickinson College in Pennsylvania. He maintained an active interest in Jewish and Israeli affairs as well as American socio-economic and political developments, and his prolific journalistic output in the period after his immigration to the United States documents these intellectual concerns. Arthur Prinz died in San Diego on August 27, 1981.EAD finding aid available onlinePhotographs removed to Photograph CollectionDer Ausweg ; Baeck, Leo ; Berliner Zionistische Vereinigung ; Council of Jews from Germany ; Deutsche Rundschau ; Einstein, Albert ; A. Francke Ltd. Co., Bern ; Freie Juedische Volkshochschule ; German Jewish Aid Committee ; HIAS-HICEM ; Juedische Auswanderung ; Juedische Rundschau ; Juedischer Centralverein, Landesverband Gross-Berlin ; Juedische Volksdienst ; Junker und Dunnhaupt Verlag ; Kartell juedischer Verbindungen ; Mitteilungsblatt ; Mittelstelle fuer juedische Erwachsenenbildung ; Der Morgen ; Palaestina-Amt der Jewish Agency for Palestine ; The Philosopher's Index ; Reichsbund juedischer Frontsoldaten ; Reimar Hobbing Verlagsbuchhandlung ; Schlossberg ; Stresemann-Stiftung ; Synagogengemeinde Duesseldorf. Wohlfahrtsamt ; Yad Vashem ; Yaverbaum and Co., CPAs ; Zionistisch-Akademischer Klub, Hamburg ; Jewish culture and contexts ; Akiba Eger-Loge ; American Economic Refugee Corporationdigitize

    Hermann Prinz Collection undated, 1975

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    The collection contains a photograph of Hermann Prinz with his signature, accompanied by correspondence discussing his identity and possible family relations.The original German-language inventory is available in the folderProcessed for digitizationSent for digitizationReturned from digitizationLinked to online manifestationdigitize