54 research outputs found

    The Ligurian Units of Western Tuscany (Northern Apennines): insight on the influence of pre-existing weakness zones during ocean closure

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    Most of the tectonic units cropping out in Western Tuscany are fragments of the Jurassic oceanic crust, ophiolitic successions, overlaid diachronously by Upper Cretaceous-middle Eocene carbonate and siliciclastic flysch successions with their Cenomanian-lower Eocene shalycalcareous basal complexes. These units, so called Ligurian, have been emplaced during the closure of the Ligurian-Piedmont Ocean. Ophiolite bearing debris flows are common in the flysch basins and their relationship with ophiolitic tectonic slices points to a strong relation between tectonics and sedimentation from the early compressive events of the Late Cretaceous. The tectonic activity reflects in a rough morphology of the ocean floor. It progressively influences the distribution and sedimentology of the turbidites. During middle Eocene this relationship begun very important and a paleogeographic reconstruction with prominent linear ophiolitic reliefs that bounded some turbiditic basins can be done. In our reconstruction the sedimenta..

    Deformation pattern in the underthrust carbonate-rich sequence of the Sibillini Thrust (central Italy): insights for shear zone evolution in modern subduction complexes

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    Modern convergent zones at tropical latitudes are characterized by subduction of carbonate sediment. Although carbonate response to deformation is different from clay, they are commonly treated as having a similar rheology. This approximation, though, is inadequate since carbonate behavior is complicated by cementation and pressure solution. Our goal, here, is to focus on the deformation of carbonate sediment in the footwall of a major fossil thrust zone and compare it with a possible scenario in a modern environment. The focus area is the Monti Sibillini Thrust, in the Umbria-Marche sector of the Northern Apennines where the pelagic, Late Eocene-Oligocene carbonates of the Scaglia Cinerea Formation are underthrusted beneath the late Cretaceous-Middle Eocene Scaglia Rossa Formation. The data collected during this meso-structural study allowed for an interpretation of the temporal and spatial relationships between the observed deformation structures (S-C deformation bands, shear veins and stylolites). Thes..
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