22 research outputs found

    Position-Related Differences in Selected Morphological Body Characteristics of Top-Level Handball Players

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    We aimed to establish the main morphological characteristics of Slovenian junior and senior national handball team players. Morphological characteristics for various player subgroups (goalkeepers, wings, back players and pivots) were also determined so as to establish whether they had distinct profiles. The subjects were 78 handball players who were members of the Slovenian junior and senior national team in the period from 2000 to 2007. A standardised anthropometric protocol was used to assess the subjects’ morphological characteristics. The measurements included 23 different anthropometric measures. Data were processed with the SPSS computer programme. First, basic statistical characteristics of anthropometric measures were obtained for all subjects together and then for each group separately. Somatotypes were determined using Heath-Carter’s method. Endomorphic, mesomorphic and ectomorphic components were calculated by computer on the basis of formulas. In order to determine differences in the body composition and anthropometric data of the subjects playing in different positions, a one-way analysis of variance was employed. The results show that on average the wings differ the most from the other player groups in terms of their morphological body characteristics. The values of their body height, body mass and the quantity of subcutaneous fat are statistically significantly lower than those of players in the other groups. Goalkeepers are relatively tall, with high values of body mass and low values of transversal measures. Their skin folds are the most pronounced among all groups on average and their share of subcutaneous fat in total body mass is the highest. Consequently, their endomorphic component of the somatotype is pronounced. Pivots and back players are becoming increasingly similar in terms of their morphological body characteristics. Pivots maintain greater robustness, have a higher quantity of muscle mass as well as more pronounced transversal measures and a mesomorphic component of the somatotype. The results of our study confirm that groups of handball players occupying different positions differ amongst themselves in terms of many measurements. This is a result of specific requirements of handball play which are to be fulfilled by players

    Why do We Follow Sporting Events?

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the motives for following sporting events and their dependence upon gender and age of spectators. The study was based on a survey of 1727 adult Slovenes. According to the results the most important motives could be classified in the category of Dionysian values. This means that the role of sport in a spectator\u27s life is not that influential; it is much more considered a source of relaxation and pleasure. Higher values of all motives were given by men. Women found the motive »National importance of sport« more important, while the motives »Attraction of sports« and »Competitiveness, fighting spirit, victory« were placed higher by men. Younger spectators evaluated the motives higher, with motives »Pleasure, Entertainment« and »Sport Dynamism« being most important. The data reveal those attributes of sport that have always caught and will also continue to catch the eye of the spectators

    Psihološke karakteristike slovenskih rukometnih vratara

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    Handball is a fast, dynamic sport and the role of the goalkeeper is especially exposed. However, little attention is paid in science to the development of the goalkeeper. This research is focused on the psychological characteristics of handball goalkeepers, specifically with regard to aggression, anxiety, reaction times, fluid intelligence and concentration. More and less successful goalkeepers were compared in these characteristics. Forty-six participants were included – 23 of them were more successful and 23 less successful, according to an expert evaluation. The more successful goalkeepers were also significantly older. The data was collected in 2010 and 2011. The instruments used were Buss-Durkee Aggression Questionnaire, Spielberger’s Anxiety Inventory (STAIX – 1 and 2), the Test of Series for measuring fluid intelligence, the Test of Attention for measuring concentration, and the CRD Series for measuring reaction times. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare both groups. Several significant differences between both groups were found – the less successful goalkeepers had a faster simple reaction time and made fewer mistakes when reacting to simple stimuli. They were also quicker in response times to simple visual orientation stimuli and seemed to lose less time when reacting to different stimuli. It thus seems that neither reaction times, fluid intelligence nor concentration, anxiety or aggression has influence on the quality of handball goalkeepers. The obtained result is easily explained with the age of the participants since the investigated abilities gradually decrease over time.Rukomet je brz, dinamičan sport i uloga vratara je osobito istaknuta, ali se vrlo malo pozornosti poklanja njihovu razvoju. Autori su se odlučili usmjeriti svoje istraživanje na psihološke karakteristike rukometnih vratara, posebno na agresivnost, anksioznost, vrijeme reakcije, fluidnu inteligenciju i koncentraciju. Usporedili smo uspješne i manje uspješne vratare u navedenim karakteristikama. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 46 ispitanika koji su, prema ekspertnoj procjeni, podijeljeni u 23 uspješnija (kvalitetnija) i 23 manje uspješna vratara. Uspješniji vratari bili su značajno stariji od svojih manje uspješnih kolega. Podaci su prikupljeni tijekom 2010. i 2011. godine. Korišteni su Buss-Durkeeov upitnik agresivnosti, Spielbergerov upitnik anksioznosti (STAIX – 1 i 2), test nizova (serija) za mjerenje fluidne inteligencije, test pažnje za mjerenje koncentracije te CRD test nizova za mjerenje vremena reakcije. Za uspoređivanje grupa korištena je jednosmjerna univarijatna analiza varijance (ANOVA). Utvrđene su značajne razlike između grupa: manje uspješni vratari su postigli kraće vrijeme jednostavne reakcije i činili su manje pogrešaka reagirajući na jednostavne podražaje. Bili su također brži u reakcijama na jednostavan podražaj vizualne orijentacije, a čini se da su također gubili manje vremena u reagiranju na različite podražaje. Stoga se čini kako ni vremena reakcije, ni fluidna inteligencija pa ni koncentracija, anksioznost ni agresija ne utječu na kvalitetu rukometnih vratara. Dobiveni rezultati se jednostavno mogu objasniti razlikama u dobi ispitanika budući da navedene sposobnosti postupno opadaju tijekom vremena

    Position-Related Differences in Selected Morphological Body Characteristics of Top-Level Female Handball Players

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    The study aimed to establish the main morphological characteristics of Slovenian junior and senior female national handball team players. Morphological characteristics of various player subgroups (goalkeepers, wings, back players and pivots) were also determined so as to establish whether they had distinct profiles. The subjects were 87 handball players who were members of the Slovenian junior and senior female national teams in the period from 2003 to 2009. A standardised anthropometric protocol was used to assess the subjects’ morphological characteristics. The measurements included 23 different anthropometric measures. First, basic statistical characteristics of anthropometric measures were obtained for all subjects together and then for each group separately. Somatotypes were determined using Heath-Carter’s method. Endomorphic, mesomorphic and ectomorphic components were calculated by computer on the basis of formulas. In order to determine differences in the body composition and anthropometric data of the subjects playing in different positions, a one-way analysis of variance was employed. The results show that, on average, the wings differed the most from the other player groups in terms of their morphological body characteristics. The wings differed most prominently from the other player groups in terms of their morphological body parameters as they were significantly smaller and had a statistically significantly lower body mass than the other groups. In terms of transversal measures of the skeleton and the circumferences, the wings significantly differed mainly from the pivots and goalkeepers and less from the backs. The goalkeepers were the tallest, with high values of body mass and low values of transversal measures compared to P. Their skin folds were the most pronounced among all the groups on average and their share of subcutaneous fat in total body mass was the highest. Consequently, their endomorphic component of the somatotype was pronounced. Players in the Pivot position were significantly taller than the W players but were not significantly different from G and B. They had high values of body mass which were significantly higher than that of W but did not differ significantly from the body mass values of B and G. The average values of their circumferences were the highest among all the player groups and the same is true for transversal measures of the skeleton. It is very interesting that, compared to the players in other playing positions, they achieved low values of subcutaneous fat. Their values of the somatotype revealed an endo-mesomorphic somatotype, with a pronounced mesomorphic component. Back players were tall and had the lowest share of subcutaneous fat of all the player groups. Significant differences were established mainly in terms of the structure of the lower extremities. The values of the somatotype characteristics were very balanced between all three components. The results of our study confirm that groups of handball players occupying different positions differed amongst themselves in terms of many measurements. This is a result of the specific requirements of handball play which are to be met by particular players. The tallest players should thus be oriented to back player positions. As regards pivots, the coaches must, besides body height, consider robustness. For goalkeepers, body height is very important; however, the robustness criteria are slightly lower. For wings, body height is not a decisive factor and smaller players can also occupy this position. Both of the above (also taking other criteria into account) facilitate coaches’ decisions when orienting players into their playing positions

    Sprungwurfausführung im Handball – ein auf der Grundlage der expertmodellierung bewertetes kinematisches Modell

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    The jump shot is one of the most important elements of specific handball motor behaviour. We wanted to assess it with the method of expert modelling. The sample of subjects consisted of ten male elite handball players, members of the national Slovenian teams that play in the first national handball division (average height - 191.1 ± 4.48 cm; average body mass - 90.0 ± 4.40 kg, average age - 23.4 ± 4.2 years; average training experience in senior teams - 5.3 ± 2.1 years). We analysed six backcourt players, two wing players and two pivots. Each of the subjects executed, after a 20-minute warm-up, three jump shots. Data processing was performed by APAS (Ariel Dynamics, California, USA). Expert modelling was performed with the SPEX expert system. We formed a success tree containing 17 variables, representing all five phases of the jump shot. In order to assess the validity of this kinematic model, three independent referees also assessed the quality of the jump shot. The ranks obtained from their marks were then compared with the ranks obtained with the SPEX expert model. On the basis of the obtained results we then constructed an expert mark for each analysed player. The level of concordance of the referees was high (W = 0.875), the coefficient of correlation between the actual ranks and the referee ranks was statistically significant (0.912). Our final finding is that a kinematic model of the jump shot constructed in this way can also be a good criterion for assessing the quality of the basic technique of the jump shot for seniors.Uvod Skok šut jedan je od najvažnijih specifičnih elemenata motoričkog ponašanja u rukometu pa je zbog toga vrlo važno poznavati njegovu strukturu, pri čemu nam pomaže kinematička analiza. Samo na temelju znanstvenih analiza možemo podrobno opisati tehniku izvođenja dotičnog elementa i povezati je s taktikom igre, ali i izraditi metodičke postupke za učenje i vježbanje, usavršavanje toga tehničkog elementa. Stoga je glavni cilj ovoga rada analizirati kinematički model rukometnoga skok šuta i vrednovati ga metodom ekspertnoga modeliranja. Metode Uzorak ispitanika sastojao se od desetorice rukometaša, članova slovenskih nacionalnih izabranih momčadi koji svi igraju u prvoj ligi (prosječna tjelesna visina: 191.1 ± 4.48 cm; prosječna tjelesna masa: 90.0 ± 4.40 kg, prosječna dob: 23.4 ± 4.2 go-dine; prosječno igračko i trenažno iskustvo u seni-orskim momčadima: 5.3 ± 2.1 godine), od toga šest vanjskih igrača, dva krila i dva kružna napadača. Svaki je ispitanik, nakon 20-minutnog zagrijavanja, izveo tri skok šuta punom snagom. Za prikupljanje parametara potrebnih za kinematičku analizu koristili smo uređaj APAS (Ariel Dynamics, Cali-fornia, USA). Za ekspertno modeliranje koristio se Ekspertni sutav SPEX. Oblikovali smo stablo od 17 varijabli koje su predstavljale pet faza skok šuta (zalet, odraz, let, izbačaj lopte, doskok) (tablica 1). Da bi se provjerila valjanost kinematičkog modela, tri su neovisna suca također procjenjivala kvalitetu izvedbe skok šuta svakog ispitanika. Kvaliteta izvedbe skok šuta pojedinog ispitanika izražena je prosječnom ocjenom. Definirali smo one parametre za koje smo smatrali da se mogu vizualno dovoljno kvalitetno procijeniti budući da izvedba skok šuta traje vrlo kratko (tablica 3). Tako dobiven poredak ispitanika usporedili smo s poretkom dobivenim ekspertnim modelom SPEX. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata konstruirali smo ekspertnu ocjenu za svakog ispitanika. Rezultati Apsolutne vrijednosti kinematičkih parametara (tablica 4) bili su osnovni ulazni podaci pomoću kojih je bilo moguće konstruirati i procijeniti kinematički model izvedbe skok šuta sa stajališta tehnike i na temelju ekspertnog modeliranja. Nakon unosa podataka oblikovan je odgovarajući model stabla odlučivanja. Na lijevoj strani je prikazana struktura stabla: individualne faze skok šuta napisane su velikim slovima, a varijable u pojedinim fazama napisane su malim slovima (tabli ca 5). Najviši čvor predstavlja procjenu izvedbe pojedinog ispitanika. Nakon toga su pojedini kinematički parametri ponderirani, čime je svakom čvoru pridijeljena određena razina važnosti. U čvoru “mark” ponderirane su pojedine faze skok šuta. U tablici 5 vidi se da je najveća važnost pripisana fazi izbačaja (39%), potom fazi odraza (32%) i fazi leta (18%). Najmanja je važnost pripisana zaletu i doskoku. Najvažniji parametri za pojedine faze izvedbe skok šuta definirani su kao “trajanje kontakta s podlogom za vrijeme odraza” (10.5%), “visina izbačaja” (10.5%) i “brzina lopte” (12.6%). U tablici 6 prikazan je poredak pojedinog ispitanika od prvog do desetog prema ocjenama dobivenima iz kinematičkog modela ekspertnim modeliranjem, a u tablici 7 prikazan je poredak prema procjenama triju nezavisnih sudaca (1. – najbolji; 10. - najlošiji). Stupanj slaganja sudaca bio je vrlo visok (W = 0.875), a korelacijski koeficijent između stvarnog (kinematičkog) poretka i sudačkog poretka bio je statistički značajan (0.912). Rasprava i zaključak Mjerenja učinkovitosti izvedbe pojedinog tehničkog elementa vrlo su komplicirana, a ni kriteriji nisu uvijek potpuno jednoznačni. To osobito vrijedi za rukomet gdje se pojedini tehnički element izvodi u nazočnosti i djelovanju suigrača i protivnika, uz obvezno poštovanje pravila igre. Usprkos tomu, svaki igrač na svakoj poziciji mora usavršiti sve tehničke elemente kako bi ih mogao izvoditi kao tipične i netipične varijante. Pri tome je jako važno odrediti one dijelove pojedinog tehničkog elementa koji su osobito važni za njegovu učinkovitu izvedbu. Uspješnost izvedbe udaraca na vrata (izražena kao postotak šuta) jedan je od ključnih čimbenika uspješnosti u rukometnoj utakmici – otprilike polovina svih udaraca na vrata izvede se s pozicija vanjskih igrača, a od toga 60% tehnikom skok šuta. Igrači se međusobno razlikuju po načinu izvedbe skok šuta, što se vidi i iz rezultata programa SPEX i iz ocjena sudaca. Većina razlika vjerojatno proizlazi iz razlika u morfološkim i motoričkim obilježjima pojedinih ispitanika, ali i iz specifičnosti pojedinih igračkih mjesta za koja su se ispitanici već specijalizirali. U stvaranju kinematičkog modela nismo željeli dati prednost nijednoj igračkoj poziciji zato jer smatramo da je skok šut iz ravnog zaleta na zonu osnovni element, jedan od onih elemenata rukometne igre koji se prvi uče u stupnjevitoj izobrazbi rukometaša u dobi od 10 do 13 godina. Istina je da igrači kasnije, tijekom specijalizacije za pojedina igračka mjesta, stječu i usavršavaju puno širi repertoar udaraca na vrata, no opisani skok šut i dalje ostaje osnovni udarac na vrata i svaki obra-zovani rukometaš mora biti sposoban ispravno demonstrirati dotični element. Dobiveni rezultati su obećavajući jer pokazu-ju da se tim pristupom može dobro ocijeniti kine-matička struktura skok šuta. Usporedba podataka o izvedbi skok šuta pojedinog igrača s modelnim vrijednostima (modelom) omogućuje da se otkriju nepravilnosti u izvedbi. Ubuduće bi bilo dobro da se jednako procijene i drugi rukometni tehnički ele-menti (osobito sve vrste udaraca na vrata). Bilo bi dobro da se konstruiraju modeli tehničkih eleme-nata specifični za pojedinu igračku poziciju. Pritom valja imati na umu da takav model nikako i nikada ne može obuhvatiti sve relevantne varijable koje utječu na učinkovitost, primjerice preciznost. I, što je još važnije, učinkovitost primjene pojedinog te-hničkog elementa u utakmici ne ovisi samo o kine-matičkoj ispravnosti izvedbe. Konačno, držimo da je tako konstruiran kinematički model skok šuta do-bar kriterij za procjenu kvalitete izvedbe osnovnih tehničkih elemenata kod seniora.Der Sprungwurf ist ein der wichtigsten Elemente von der spezifischen Handballmotorik, das in dieser Untersuchung nach der Methode der Expertmodellierung bewertet wurde. Zehn Handballspieler, Mitglieder der slowenischen Nationalmannschaft, die in der ersten Nationaldivision spielen (Durchschnittsgröße 191,1 ± 4,48 cm; durchschnittliche Körpermasse 90,0 ± 4,40 kg, Durchschnittsalter 23,4 ± 4,2 Jahre; durchschnittliche Trainingerfahrung in Seniorenmannschaften 5,3 ± 2,2 Jahre), haben nach einer Aufwärmungszeit von 20 Minuten drei Sprungwürfe ausgeführt. Die Datenbearbeitung wurde mit APAS (Ariel Dynamics, California, U.S.A.) und die Expertmodellierung mit dem SPEX-Expertsystem durchgeführt. Danach wurde ein Erfolgsbaum mit 17 Variablen geformt, die alle fünf Phasen des Sprungwurfs darstellen. Um die Gültigkeit des ausgewählten kinematischen Modells zu prüfen, wurde die Sprungwurfsqualität auch von drei unabhängigen Schiedsrichtern bewertet. Die aus ihren Bewertungen erworbene Reihenfolge wurde dann mit der mit dem SPEX-Expertmodell erworbenen Reihenfolge verglichen. Auf der Grundlage der erworbenen Ergebnissewurde dann für jeden analysierten Spieler eine Expertnote erstellt festgelegt. Die Übereinstimmung zwischen den Noten der einzelnen Schiedsrichter war hoch (W = 0,875) und der Korrelationskoeffizient der tatsächlichen und der von den Schiedsrichtern ermittelten Reihenfolge statistisch bedeutend (0,912). Als Endergebnis ergab die Untersuchung, dass das auf diese Weise konstruierte kinematische Sprungwurfmodell auch ein gutes Kriterium zur Beurteilung der Qualität der Grundtechnik des Sprungwurfs bei Senioren sein kann

    Position-Related Differences in Selected Morphological Body Characteristics of Top-Level Female Handball Players

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    The study aimed to establish the main morphological characteristics of Slovenian junior and senior female national handball team players. Morphological characteristics of various player subgroups (goalkeepers, wings, back players and pivots) were also determined so as to establish whether they had distinct profiles. The subjects were 87 handball players who were members of the Slovenian junior and senior female national teams in the period from 2003 to 2009. A standardised anthropometric protocol was used to assess the subjects’ morphological characteristics. The measurements included 23 different anthropometric measures. First, basic statistical characteristics of anthropometric measures were obtained for all subjects together and then for each group separately. Somatotypes were determined using Heath-Carter’s method. Endomorphic, mesomorphic and ectomorphic components were calculated by computer on the basis of formulas. In order to determine differences in the body composition and anthropometric data of the subjects playing in different positions, a one-way analysis of variance was employed. The results show that, on average, the wings differed the most from the other player groups in terms of their morphological body characteristics. The wings differed most prominently from the other player groups in terms of their morphological body parameters as they were significantly smaller and had a statistically significantly lower body mass than the other groups. In terms of transversal measures of the skeleton and the circumferences, the wings significantly differed mainly from the pivots and goalkeepers and less from the backs. The goalkeepers were the tallest, with high values of body mass and low values of transversal measures compared to P. Their skin folds were the most pronounced among all the groups on average and their share of subcutaneous fat in total body mass was the highest. Consequently, their endomorphic component of the somatotype was pronounced. Players in the Pivot position were significantly taller than the W players but were not significantly different from G and B. They had high values of body mass which were significantly higher than that of W but did not differ significantly from the body mass values of B and G. The average values of their circumferences were the highest among all the player groups and the same is true for transversal measures of the skeleton. It is very interesting that, compared to the players in other playing positions, they achieved low values of subcutaneous fat. Their values of the somatotype revealed an endo-mesomorphic somatotype, with a pronounced mesomorphic component. Back players were tall and had the lowest share of subcutaneous fat of all the player groups. Significant differences were established mainly in terms of the structure of the lower extremities. The values of the somatotype characteristics were very balanced between all three components. The results of our study confirm that groups of handball players occupying different positions differed amongst themselves in terms of many measurements. This is a result of the specific requirements of handball play which are to be met by particular players. The tallest players should thus be oriented to back player positions. As regards pivots, the coaches must, besides body height, consider robustness. For goalkeepers, body height is very important; however, the robustness criteria are slightly lower. For wings, body height is not a decisive factor and smaller players can also occupy this position. Both of the above (also taking other criteria into account) facilitate coaches’ decisions when orienting players into their playing positions

    Positionsbedingte unterschiede im Umfang und in der Intensität der Großräumigen zyklischen bewegungender Handballspieler

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    The aim of this study was to identify the differences in the volume and intensity of large-scale cyclic movement activities performed by handball players in different playing positions - backcourt players, wings, pivots and goalkeepers. For this purpose six experimental model matches (2x20min), played by the Slovenian male handball teams (youth, juniors and seniors), were analysed. The sample consisted of 84 players of twelve teams (average age 20.26 ± 4.28yrs; average height 182.51 ± 6.59cm; average body mass 80.61 ± 10.37kg) and was divided into four sub-samples by playing position. The collection of data on the cyclic loading of players in a handball match was based on the computer-aided automatic tracking method with the SAGIT system, based on computer vision methods. The output data on the cyclic movements obtained by the SAGIT programme were processed by the selected descriptive statistics methods in Excel and SPSS programmes. Statistically significant differences were registered between the groups of players in different playing positions in terms of average distances walked or run during matches (volume). The greatest total distance was covered by the wings (3,855m), followed by the backcourt players (3,432m) and pivots (3,234m), whereas goalkeepers ran the least (1,753m). Differences also appeared in the intensity of large-scale cyclic movements, that is in the percentage of time spent in all the speed classes. In the first speed class statistically significant differences occurred among all the groups - the goalkeepers spent the highest percentage of time (86%) here, followed by the pivots (62%) and wings (58%). There were no statistically significant differences in the second speed class between the groups of wings (23%), backcourt players (25%) and pivots (25%); however, all three groups differed from the goalkeepers (11%). The highest percentage of time spent in the third speed class was that of the wings (14%) and backcourt players (14%). Nevertheless, there were no statistically significant differences between them. Pivots (10%) and goalkeepers (2%) did not spend much time in the third speed class, so statistically significant differences were registered for the latter two and the groups mentioned before. In the fourth speed class statistically significant differences occurred between all the groups of players. In this speed class the wings spent the most time (4%), followed by the backcourt players (3%) and pivots (2%), whereas the lowest percentage of time in this speed class was that of the goalkeepers (0.5%). There were statistically significant differences between all the groups of players in terms of average speed of movement - the fastest were the wings (1.60m/s), followed by the backcourt players (1.43m/s), pivots (1.34m/s), and goalkeepers (0.73m/s)Uvod Zahvaljujući napretku informatičke i video tehnologije, analize raznorodnih motoričkih aktivnosti (opterećenje) koje igrači izvode tijekom rukometne utakmice, postale su raznolike i podrobnije. Svrha im je proširiti spoznaje o strukturi opterećenja pojedinih igrača i momčadi u cjelini, a te spoznaje nužne su trenerima za racionalno planiranje i kontrolu trenažnog procesa. Opterećenja u rukometu, tj. njihov intenzitet i ekstenzitet, vrlo su heterogena zato što se ukupna kretna aktivnost rukometaša sastoji i o acikličkih struktura gibanja (dodavanja lopte, udarci na vrata, skokovi, tjelesni kontakt prilikom prodora ili obrambenih akcija, padovi) i od cikličkih struktura gibanja (trčanje, hodanje, trčkaranje, bočno kretanje, kretanje unatrag), a razne kombinacije tih kretanja pojavljuju se u intervalima. Tijekom utakmice, radno se opterećenje, obilježeno visokim ili niskim intenzitetom te velikim ili malim ekstenzitetom, kontinuirano izmjenjuje s razdobljima relativnog mirovanja, tj. s razdobljima stajanja ili vrlo polaganog hodanja. Cikličke kretne aktivnosti temeljne su za rukomet zato što igraču omogućuju da se po igralištu kreće u dvije dimenzije - u širinu i u dužinu. Uključuju hodanje i trčanje bez lopte, ali i vođenje lopte u hodanju ili trčanju. Metode Uzorak ispitanika sastojao se od 84 igrača iz 12 momčadi koji su bili podijeljeni u 4 poduzorka prema kriteriju igračkog mjesta - vanjski igrači, krila, kružni napadači i vratari. Svaka momčad odigrala je jednu ispitnu utakmicu (2 x 20 minuta). Promatrali smo parametre cikličkih kretnih aktivnosti igrača na različitim igračkim mjestima, dakle, u svakoj se momčadi bilježio ekstenzitet i intenzitet kretanja dva krila, tri vanjska igrača, jednoga kružnog napadača i jednog vratara. Utakmice su se igrale u relativno kontroliranim uvjetima. Uzorak varijabli obuhvaća cikličke kretne strukture po definiciji. Utvrdili smo ekstenzitet svih cikličkih aktivnosti, postotak zastupljenosti pojedine brzinske kategorije (ukupno 4 - kriterij: brzina kretanja) u ukupnom opsegu kretanja te prosječnu brzinu kretanja. Podaci o opterećenju igrača u rukometnoj utakmici prikupljeni su računalno podržanom metodom automatskog praćenja igrača pomoću sustava SAGIT (Perš i dr., 2002). Izlazni podaci o cikličkim kretnim aktivnostima obrađeni su izabranim deskriptivnim sta-tističkim metodama iz programa Excel i SPSS. Razlike u ekstenzitetu i intenzitetu cikličkih kretnih aktivnosti utvrđene su multifaktorskom analizom varijance. Koristile su se apsolutne vrijednosti za prehodane i/ili pretrčane udaljenosti (metri), kao i prosječna brzina (m/s), dok se za utvrđivanje količine kretanja određenim intenzitetom koristio postotak vremena koje je pojedini igrač proveo u određenoj brzinskoj kategoriji. Provedena je i komparativna (post-hoc) analiza u kojoj su uspoređeni podaci o kretanju igrača na pojedinim pozicijama kako bi se ustanovilo postoje li statistički značajne razlike. Zbog višestrukih usporedaba poslužili smo se Bonferronijevom korekcijom. Statistički značajnim smatrao se svaki rezultat na razini α < .05. Rezultati Statistički značajne razlike dobivene su među skupinama igračkih mjesta s obzirom na prosječnu udaljenost prevaljenu tijekom utakmice. Najveću su udaljenost na utakmici istrčavala krila, zatim vanjski igrači pa kružni napadači, dok su vratari najmanje trčali. Razlike su dobivene i za prosječno vrijeme kretanja određenom brzinom za sve brzinske kategorije. U prvoj, najsporijoj, brzinskoj kategoriji zabilježene su statistički značajne razlike između sve četiri skupine igrača. Vratari su proveli najviše vremena u toj brzinskoj kategoriji, a slijedili su ih kružni napadači i krila. Statistički značajne razlike za drugu brzinsku kategoriju nisu zabilježene između skupina vanjskih igrača, krila i kružnih napadača, ali su se sve tri skupine značajno razlikovale od skupine vratara. Najveći postotak vremena provedenoga u trećoj brzinskoj kategoriji zabilježen je za krila i vanjske igrače (nisu se međusobno značajno razlikovali). Kružni napadači i vratari pretrčavaju kraće udaljenosti - zabilježena je statistički značajna razlika između te dvije skupine igrača i dvije ranije spomenute skupine. U četvrtoj brzinskoj kategoriji zabilježene su značajne razlike među sve četiri skupine igrača. U toj su brzinskoj kategoriji krila provela najviše vremena, slijede ih vanjski igrači i kružni napadači, dok su vratari zabilježili najniži postotak vremena kretanja tom brzinom. Statistički značajne razlike pojavile su se između sve četiri skupine igrača i s obzirom na prosječnu brzinu kretanja - najbrža su bila krila, slijede ih vanjski igrači, kružni napadači pa vratari. Rasprava i zaključci S obzirom na različita igračka mjesta u rukometu te poslove i zadatke koje igrači na tim mjestima moraju obaviti tijekom utakmice, očekivale su se razlike u ekstenzitetu i intenzitetu cikličkoga kretanja igrača na različitim pozicijama. Očekivanja su ispunjena u gotovo svim varijablama. Usporedimo li rezultate ovog istraživanja s rezultatima nekih prijašnjih istraživanja, možemo reći da smo dobili sličan doprinos pojedinih brzinskih kategorija ukupno prevaljenim udaljenostima u rukometnoj utakmici (Campbel, 1985; Al-Lail, 1996; Bon, 2001). Dobivene su i slične razlike među skupinama igrača na različitim igračkim mjestima s obzirom na ukupno pretrčane i prehodane udaljenosti (Cuesta, 1988; Bon, 2001). S aspekta cikličkih opterećenja u rukometu, a na temelju dobivenih rezultata, mogli bismo trenerima dati neke preporuke za fizičku pripremu rukometaša. Najmanje 3-4% ukupnog vremena pojedinog treninga (od 90 do 120 minuta) za vanjske igrače, kružne napadače i krila trebalo bi posvetiti vježbama trčanja maksimalnom brzinom, a najmanje 10-14% vježbama trčanja srednjim intenzitetom. S gledišta cikličkih aktivnosti, preostalo vrijeme može se provesti u vježbama trčanja niskim intenzitetom ili u hodanju i stajanju. Naravno, opći plan i program treninga poklanja naročitu pozornost opterećenjima koja proizlaze iz trčanja maksimalnim intenzitetom i povezuje ih s treninzima i vježbama i drugih usmjerenja. Međutim, čini se kako u suvremenom rukometu, koji je bitno određen promjenama pravila igre, ostaje sve manje prostora za rad niskog intenziteta. Trenažni programi moraju uključivati sve više visokointenzivnih aktivnosti i cikličkog i acikličkog tipa. Valja smanjiti opseg manje intenzivnih cikličkih aktivnosti i koristiti ih kao relativan predah. Taj pristup treningu nešto je drugačiji u treningu vratara. U usporedbi s igračima na drugim igračkim mjestima, vratari na utakmici izvode vrlo malo cikličkih aktivnosti.. Stoga bi bilo racionalnije da se u trening vratara uvede više acikličkih specifičnih vježbi, svojstvenih njihovoj natjecateljskoj aktivnosti, a smanji opseg cikličkih aktivnosti.Diese Studie hatte als Ziel, die Unterschiede im Umfang und in der Intensität bei den zyklischen Bewegungen zu bestimmen, die für die an verschiedenen Spielpositionen spielenden Handballspieler charakteristisch sind, bzw. für die Rückraumspieler, die Flügel, die Kreisspieler und die Torhüter. Zu diesem Zweck wurden sechs Testspiele (2x20Min) der slowenischen männlichen Handballmannschaften (Kadetten, Junioren und Senioren) analysiert. 84 Handballspieler aus zwölf Mannschaften nahmen an dieser Forschung teil (das Durchschnittsalter 20,26±4,28 Jahre; die Durchschnittshöhe 182,51±6,59cm; das durchschnittliche Körpergewicht 80,61±10,37kg). Sie wurden in vier weitere Gruppen eingeteilt gemäß der Spielposition. Die Daten über die zyklische Belastungen der Spieler im Handballspiel wurden mit einer computergestützten automatischen Tracking Methode gesammelt bzw. mit SAGIT System, das auf Computer-visuellen Methoden basiert. Die mit SAGIT Programm erhaltenen Ergebnisse der zyklischen Bewegungen wurden mittels der ausgewählten Methoden der deskriptiven Statistik in Excel und SPSS Programmen verarbeitet. Statistisch bedeutende Unterschiede sind zwischen auf verschiedenen Spielpositionen spielenden Spielern bemerkbar, in Bezug auf die durchschnittliche Entfernung, über die ein Spieler während des Spiels gegangen oder gelaufen ist (Umfang). Die größte Entfernung legten die Flügel (3855m) zurück, dann die Rückraumspieler (3432m) und die Kreisspieler (3234m), während die Torhüter am wenigsten liefen (1753m). Die Unterschiede waren auch in der Intensität der zyklischen Bewegungen zu erkennen, d.h. im Prozent der verbrauchten Zeit in allen Geschwindigkeitsklassen. In der ersten Geschwindigkeitsklasse statistisch bemerkenswerte Unterschiede kamen in allen Gruppen auf - die Torhüter verbrauchten die meiste Zeit (86%), dann die Kreisspieler (62%) und die Flügel. Es gab keine statistisch bedeutenden Unterschiede in der zweiten Geschwindigkeitsklasse zwischen den Torhütern, den Kreisspielern und den Flügeln; alle drei Gruppen aber unterschieden sich von den Torhütern (11%). In der dritten Geschwindigkeitsgruppe verbrauchten prozentual die Flügel (14%) das größte Zeitquantum, dann die Rückraumspieler (14%). Trotzdem gab es keine statistisch bedeutenden Unterschiede zwischen ihnen. Die Kreisspieler (10%) und Torhüter (2%) verbrauchten nicht viel Zeit in der dritten Geschwindigkeitsklasse, so dass statistisch bedeutende Unterschiede für die letzten zwei und die oben genannten Gruppen auch hier gelten. In der vierten Gruppe sind Unterschiede zwischen allen Spielergruppen festzustellen. In dieser Geschwindigkeitsklasse verbrauchten die Flügel (4%) das größte Zeitquantum, dann die Rückraumspieler (3%), die Kreisspieler (2%) und die Torhüter (0.5%). Statistisch bedeutende Unterschiede zwischen allen Spielergruppen sind bei mittlerer Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit zu merken - die Flügel waren am schnellsten (1,60m/s), dann die Rückraumspieler (1,43m/s), die Kreisspieler (1,34m/s) und die Torhüter(0,73m/ s)

    Positionsbedingte unterschiede im Umfang und in der Intensität der Großräumigen zyklischen bewegungender Handballspieler

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    The aim of this study was to identify the differences in the volume and intensity of large-scale cyclic movement activities performed by handball players in different playing positions - backcourt players, wings, pivots and goalkeepers. For this purpose six experimental model matches (2x20min), played by the Slovenian male handball teams (youth, juniors and seniors), were analysed. The sample consisted of 84 players of twelve teams (average age 20.26 ± 4.28yrs; average height 182.51 ± 6.59cm; average body mass 80.61 ± 10.37kg) and was divided into four sub-samples by playing position. The collection of data on the cyclic loading of players in a handball match was based on the computer-aided automatic tracking method with the SAGIT system, based on computer vision methods. The output data on the cyclic movements obtained by the SAGIT programme were processed by the selected descriptive statistics methods in Excel and SPSS programmes. Statistically significant differences were registered between the groups of players in different playing positions in terms of average distances walked or run during matches (volume). The greatest total distance was covered by the wings (3,855m), followed by the backcourt players (3,432m) and pivots (3,234m), whereas goalkeepers ran the least (1,753m). Differences also appeared in the intensity of large-scale cyclic movements, that is in the percentage of time spent in all the speed classes. In the first speed class statistically significant differences occurred among all the groups - the goalkeepers spent the highest percentage of time (86%) here, followed by the pivots (62%) and wings (58%). There were no statistically significant differences in the second speed class between the groups of wings (23%), backcourt players (25%) and pivots (25%); however, all three groups differed from the goalkeepers (11%). The highest percentage of time spent in the third speed class was that of the wings (14%) and backcourt players (14%). Nevertheless, there were no statistically significant differences between them. Pivots (10%) and goalkeepers (2%) did not spend much time in the third speed class, so statistically significant differences were registered for the latter two and the groups mentioned before. In the fourth speed class statistically significant differences occurred between all the groups of players. In this speed class the wings spent the most time (4%), followed by the backcourt players (3%) and pivots (2%), whereas the lowest percentage of time in this speed class was that of the goalkeepers (0.5%). There were statistically significant differences between all the groups of players in terms of average speed of movement - the fastest were the wings (1.60m/s), followed by the backcourt players (1.43m/s), pivots (1.34m/s), and goalkeepers (0.73m/s)Uvod Zahvaljujući napretku informatičke i video tehnologije, analize raznorodnih motoričkih aktivnosti (opterećenje) koje igrači izvode tijekom rukometne utakmice, postale su raznolike i podrobnije. Svrha im je proširiti spoznaje o strukturi opterećenja pojedinih igrača i momčadi u cjelini, a te spoznaje nužne su trenerima za racionalno planiranje i kontrolu trenažnog procesa. Opterećenja u rukometu, tj. njihov intenzitet i ekstenzitet, vrlo su heterogena zato što se ukupna kretna aktivnost rukometaša sastoji i o acikličkih struktura gibanja (dodavanja lopte, udarci na vrata, skokovi, tjelesni kontakt prilikom prodora ili obrambenih akcija, padovi) i od cikličkih struktura gibanja (trčanje, hodanje, trčkaranje, bočno kretanje, kretanje unatrag), a razne kombinacije tih kretanja pojavljuju se u intervalima. Tijekom utakmice, radno se opterećenje, obilježeno visokim ili niskim intenzitetom te velikim ili malim ekstenzitetom, kontinuirano izmjenjuje s razdobljima relativnog mirovanja, tj. s razdobljima stajanja ili vrlo polaganog hodanja. Cikličke kretne aktivnosti temeljne su za rukomet zato što igraču omogućuju da se po igralištu kreće u dvije dimenzije - u širinu i u dužinu. Uključuju hodanje i trčanje bez lopte, ali i vođenje lopte u hodanju ili trčanju. Metode Uzorak ispitanika sastojao se od 84 igrača iz 12 momčadi koji su bili podijeljeni u 4 poduzorka prema kriteriju igračkog mjesta - vanjski igrači, krila, kružni napadači i vratari. Svaka momčad odigrala je jednu ispitnu utakmicu (2 x 20 minuta). Promatrali smo parametre cikličkih kretnih aktivnosti igrača na različitim igračkim mjestima, dakle, u svakoj se momčadi bilježio ekstenzitet i intenzitet kretanja dva krila, tri vanjska igrača, jednoga kružnog napadača i jednog vratara. Utakmice su se igrale u relativno kontroliranim uvjetima. Uzorak varijabli obuhvaća cikličke kretne strukture po definiciji. Utvrdili smo ekstenzitet svih cikličkih aktivnosti, postotak zastupljenosti pojedine brzinske kategorije (ukupno 4 - kriterij: brzina kretanja) u ukupnom opsegu kretanja te prosječnu brzinu kretanja. Podaci o opterećenju igrača u rukometnoj utakmici prikupljeni su računalno podržanom metodom automatskog praćenja igrača pomoću sustava SAGIT (Perš i dr., 2002). Izlazni podaci o cikličkim kretnim aktivnostima obrađeni su izabranim deskriptivnim sta-tističkim metodama iz programa Excel i SPSS. Razlike u ekstenzitetu i intenzitetu cikličkih kretnih aktivnosti utvrđene su multifaktorskom analizom varijance. Koristile su se apsolutne vrijednosti za prehodane i/ili pretrčane udaljenosti (metri), kao i prosječna brzina (m/s), dok se za utvrđivanje količine kretanja određenim intenzitetom koristio postotak vremena koje je pojedini igrač proveo u određenoj brzinskoj kategoriji. Provedena je i komparativna (post-hoc) analiza u kojoj su uspoređeni podaci o kretanju igrača na pojedinim pozicijama kako bi se ustanovilo postoje li statistički značajne razlike. Zbog višestrukih usporedaba poslužili smo se Bonferronijevom korekcijom. Statistički značajnim smatrao se svaki rezultat na razini α < .05. Rezultati Statistički značajne razlike dobivene su među skupinama igračkih mjesta s obzirom na prosječnu udaljenost prevaljenu tijekom utakmice. Najveću su udaljenost na utakmici istrčavala krila, zatim vanjski igrači pa kružni napadači, dok su vratari najmanje trčali. Razlike su dobivene i za prosječno vrijeme kretanja određenom brzinom za sve brzinske kategorije. U prvoj, najsporijoj, brzinskoj kategoriji zabilježene su statistički značajne razlike između sve četiri skupine igrača. Vratari su proveli najviše vremena u toj brzinskoj kategoriji, a slijedili su ih kružni napadači i krila. Statistički značajne razlike za drugu brzinsku kategoriju nisu zabilježene između skupina vanjskih igrača, krila i kružnih napadača, ali su se sve tri skupine značajno razlikovale od skupine vratara. Najveći postotak vremena provedenoga u trećoj brzinskoj kategoriji zabilježen je za krila i vanjske igrače (nisu se međusobno značajno razlikovali). Kružni napadači i vratari pretrčavaju kraće udaljenosti - zabilježena je statistički značajna razlika između te dvije skupine igrača i dvije ranije spomenute skupine. U četvrtoj brzinskoj kategoriji zabilježene su značajne razlike među sve četiri skupine igrača. U toj su brzinskoj kategoriji krila provela najviše vremena, slijede ih vanjski igrači i kružni napadači, dok su vratari zabilježili najniži postotak vremena kretanja tom brzinom. Statistički značajne razlike pojavile su se između sve četiri skupine igrača i s obzirom na prosječnu brzinu kretanja - najbrža su bila krila, slijede ih vanjski igrači, kružni napadači pa vratari. Rasprava i zaključci S obzirom na različita igračka mjesta u rukometu te poslove i zadatke koje igrači na tim mjestima moraju obaviti tijekom utakmice, očekivale su se razlike u ekstenzitetu i intenzitetu cikličkoga kretanja igrača na različitim pozicijama. Očekivanja su ispunjena u gotovo svim varijablama. Usporedimo li rezultate ovog istraživanja s rezultatima nekih prijašnjih istraživanja, možemo reći da smo dobili sličan doprinos pojedinih brzinskih kategorija ukupno prevaljenim udaljenostima u rukometnoj utakmici (Campbel, 1985; Al-Lail, 1996; Bon, 2001). Dobivene su i slične razlike među skupinama igrača na različitim igračkim mjestima s obzirom na ukupno pretrčane i prehodane udaljenosti (Cuesta, 1988; Bon, 2001). S aspekta cikličkih opterećenja u rukometu, a na temelju dobivenih rezultata, mogli bismo trenerima dati neke preporuke za fizičku pripremu rukometaša. Najmanje 3-4% ukupnog vremena pojedinog treninga (od 90 do 120 minuta) za vanjske igrače, kružne napadače i krila trebalo bi posvetiti vježbama trčanja maksimalnom brzinom, a najmanje 10-14% vježbama trčanja srednjim intenzitetom. S gledišta cikličkih aktivnosti, preostalo vrijeme može se provesti u vježbama trčanja niskim intenzitetom ili u hodanju i stajanju. Naravno, opći plan i program treninga poklanja naročitu pozornost opterećenjima koja proizlaze iz trčanja maksimalnim intenzitetom i povezuje ih s treninzima i vježbama i drugih usmjerenja. Međutim, čini se kako u suvremenom rukometu, koji je bitno određen promjenama pravila igre, ostaje sve manje prostora za rad niskog intenziteta. Trenažni programi moraju uključivati sve više visokointenzivnih aktivnosti i cikličkog i acikličkog tipa. Valja smanjiti opseg manje intenzivnih cikličkih aktivnosti i koristiti ih kao relativan predah. Taj pristup treningu nešto je drugačiji u treningu vratara. U usporedbi s igračima na drugim igračkim mjestima, vratari na utakmici izvode vrlo malo cikličkih aktivnosti.. Stoga bi bilo racionalnije da se u trening vratara uvede više acikličkih specifičnih vježbi, svojstvenih njihovoj natjecateljskoj aktivnosti, a smanji opseg cikličkih aktivnosti.Diese Studie hatte als Ziel, die Unterschiede im Umfang und in der Intensität bei den zyklischen Bewegungen zu bestimmen, die für die an verschiedenen Spielpositionen spielenden Handballspieler charakteristisch sind, bzw. für die Rückraumspieler, die Flügel, die Kreisspieler und die Torhüter. Zu diesem Zweck wurden sechs Testspiele (2x20Min) der slowenischen männlichen Handballmannschaften (Kadetten, Junioren und Senioren) analysiert. 84 Handballspieler aus zwölf Mannschaften nahmen an dieser Forschung teil (das Durchschnittsalter 20,26±4,28 Jahre; die Durchschnittshöhe 182,51±6,59cm; das durchschnittliche Körpergewicht 80,61±10,37kg). Sie wurden in vier weitere Gruppen eingeteilt gemäß der Spielposition. Die Daten über die zyklische Belastungen der Spieler im Handballspiel wurden mit einer computergestützten automatischen Tracking Methode gesammelt bzw. mit SAGIT System, das auf Computer-visuellen Methoden basiert. Die mit SAGIT Programm erhaltenen Ergebnisse der zyklischen Bewegungen wurden mittels der ausgewählten Methoden der deskriptiven Statistik in Excel und SPSS Programmen verarbeitet. Statistisch bedeutende Unterschiede sind zwischen auf verschiedenen Spielpositionen spielenden Spielern bemerkbar, in Bezug auf die durchschnittliche Entfernung, über die ein Spieler während des Spiels gegangen oder gelaufen ist (Umfang). Die größte Entfernung legten die Flügel (3855m) zurück, dann die Rückraumspieler (3432m) und die Kreisspieler (3234m), während die Torhüter am wenigsten liefen (1753m). Die Unterschiede waren auch in der Intensität der zyklischen Bewegungen zu erkennen, d.h. im Prozent der verbrauchten Zeit in allen Geschwindigkeitsklassen. In der ersten Geschwindigkeitsklasse statistisch bemerkenswerte Unterschiede kamen in allen Gruppen auf - die Torhüter verbrauchten die meiste Zeit (86%), dann die Kreisspieler (62%) und die Flügel. Es gab keine statistisch bedeutenden Unterschiede in der zweiten Geschwindigkeitsklasse zwischen den Torhütern, den Kreisspielern und den Flügeln; alle drei Gruppen aber unterschieden sich von den Torhütern (11%). In der dritten Geschwindigkeitsgruppe verbrauchten prozentual die Flügel (14%) das größte Zeitquantum, dann die Rückraumspieler (14%). Trotzdem gab es keine statistisch bedeutenden Unterschiede zwischen ihnen. Die Kreisspieler (10%) und Torhüter (2%) verbrauchten nicht viel Zeit in der dritten Geschwindigkeitsklasse, so dass statistisch bedeutende Unterschiede für die letzten zwei und die oben genannten Gruppen auch hier gelten. In der vierten Gruppe sind Unterschiede zwischen allen Spielergruppen festzustellen. In dieser Geschwindigkeitsklasse verbrauchten die Flügel (4%) das größte Zeitquantum, dann die Rückraumspieler (3%), die Kreisspieler (2%) und die Torhüter (0.5%). Statistisch bedeutende Unterschiede zwischen allen Spielergruppen sind bei mittlerer Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit zu merken - die Flügel waren am schnellsten (1,60m/s), dann die Rückraumspieler (1,43m/s), die Kreisspieler (1,34m/s) und die Torhüter(0,73m/ s)


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    Workouts on Freestyler™ board are performed with stretching elastic tubes which are attached to arms and legs. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of exercises with Freestyler™ elastic tubes of different resistance on heart rate frequency and prediction of energy expenditure. Eleven males (age 23.4 ± 1.1 years; height 181.6 ± 3.1 cm; weight 81.4 ± 4.9 kg) participated in the study. Effort was assessed with measuring heart rate (HR) frequency. To calculate maximum HR frequency (HRmax) an intermittent Fitness test 30-15 (Buchheit, Haddad, Millet, Lepretre, Newton and Ahmaidi, 2009) was used. Predicted energy expenditure was evaluated with Keytel et al. (2005) formula. One-way analysis of variance - repeated measures was used to analyse the effects of exercises with elastic tubes of different resistance. The results shows that both in relative HR frequency (% HRmax) (F(4, 40) = 161, 906; p = .000) and predicted energy expenditure (F(4, 40) = 151, 677; p = .000) there are statistically significant differences when performing exercises with elastic tubes of different resistance. It could be concluded that doing the same exercises with higher and higher resistance elastic tubes on the Freestyler™ board, could increase the % HRmax (from 19% to 43%) and predicted energy exposure (from 33% to 71%), compared to no additional resistanc

    Jesu li viši rukometni vratari bolji? Neka obilježja i sposobnosti slovenskih sportaša

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    Although previous studies have found that body height and body mass are relevant for the selection of handball goalkeepers, there is still a dilemma whether taller goalkeepers actually have any advantage over the shorter goalkeepers in certain performance characteristics. Therefore the purpose of this study was to evaluate the chosen anthropometric characteristics and psycho-motor abilities of Slovenian handball goalkeepers with a particular emphasis on the group of taller goalkeepers. Goalkeepers were classified into two groups: a group of taller goalkeepers (TG˃185 cm, n=24) and a group of shorter goalkeepers (SG≤185 cm, n=18). Different tests were used to assess hip flexibility, agility, explosive arm and leg strength and basic sensory functions. Differences in the selected variables between the groups were tested with independent samples t-test. Correlations between the variables were established using Pearson’s correlation coefficient statistic. The level of significance was set at p<.05. The taller goalkeepers generated more energy (p≤.05) in squat jump and countermovement jump performance than the shorter goalkeepers. The two groups of goalkeepers did not differ significantly either in body mass or in body mass index (BMI). The established correlations for the whole sample of goalkeepers revealed that body height had a negative influence only on the average simple reaction time. Likewise, body mass and BMI had a negative influence on the scores in the explosive leg strength tests. The results confirmed the opinion of handball experts that taller goalkeepers should be preferred in the process of selecting athletes for goalkeeping in handball. However, the values of body mass should specifically be considered, as well as certain motor and perceptual abilities.Premda su tjelesna visina i masa u dosadašnjim istraživanjima označene relevantnim faktorima za selekciju rukometnih vratara, još uvijek postoji dilema jesu li viši vratari uistinu u prednosti pred nižim vratarima kada se razmatraju određeni aspekti uspješnosti. Stoga je cilj ovoga rada bio evaluirati izabrane antropometrijske karakteristike i psiho-motoričke sposobnosti slovenskih rukometnih vratara, a osobita je pozornost poklonjena skupini viših vratara. Ispitanici su podijeljeni u dva poduzorka: viši vratari (TG>185 cm, n=24) i niži vratari(SG≤185cm, n=18). Različitim testovima procijenjena je fleksibilnost, agilnost, eksplozivna snaga ruku i nogu te osnovne osjetilne funkcije (percepcija i reakcija). Razlike u izabranim varijablama između dviju grupa testirane su t-testom za nezavisne uzorke, a Pearsonov koeficijent korelacije uporabljen je za otkrivanje korelacija između varijabli. Razina značajnosti za sve analize bila je p<,05. Viši vratari su generirali više energije (p≤,05) od nižih vratara u izvedbi skoka iz čučnja i skoka s pripremom. Dvije se skupine vratara nisu značajno razlikovale ni po vrijednostima tjelesne mase ni indeksa tjelesna mase (BMI). Korelacije uspostavljene između varijabli za čitav uzorak rukometnih vratara pokazale su negativan utjecaj tjelesne visine samo na prosječno vrijeme jednostavne reakcije. Isto se tako pokazao negativan utjecaj tjelesne mase i BMI na rezultate u testovima eksplozivne jakosti nogu (skočnost). Dobiveni su rezultati potvrdili mišljenje rukometnih stručnjaka prema kojemu u procesu selekcije sportaša za poziciju rukometnog vratara valja preferirati tjelesno više rukometaše. Pritom, međutim, pozornost treba obratiti osobito na vrijednosti tjelesne mase, ali i na neke druge motoričke i psihičke sposobnosti