101 research outputs found


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    Penjadwalan Mesin dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Pembangkitan Jadwal Aktif dan Algoritma Penjadwalan Non-Delay untuk Produk Hydrotiller dan Hammermil pada CV. Cherry Sarana Agro

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    Fulfillment of all demands of consumers who come to the product is one thing that always wanted to be achieved by a company. These requests are not independent of the company's ability to manufacture certain products. CV Cherry Sarana Agro manufactures a wide range of agricultural equipment, one of which is the product hydrotiller and hammermil. Demand for both products are always in large numbers for each period, however, the company could not meet the entire demand. One of the main factors that led this small company's production capacity for these two products is not optimal scheduling of machines made by companies, causing many to be a queue on a particular machine so that the total process operating time becomes very large. Scheduling method is used to optimize the scheduling of machines working on the report of this practice is actively scheduling method and the method of non-delay scheduling. The data needed to perform scheduling with both of these methods is the data used machines, data processing operations and data processing time of operation. With these three data, can be compared to the actual scheduling done by the company with the scheduling is done using active scheduling method and the method of non-delay scheduling. The most optimal scheduling is obtained after comparing the three methods used are scheduling using the non-delay scheduling. This method was chosen because the resulting make span is much smaller than the two other methods. This method is well applied in the company because in addition to reducing the total processing time, can also increase production capacity, so that all requests can be met.Keywords: Active schedulling method, non-delay schedulling method, makespan, hydrotiller, hammermi

    Pengendalian Persediaan Pozzolan di PT Semen Padang

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    Inventory of raw materials is the most important thing to produce the product. Inventory control of the raw materials quantityalso refers to the production process at the factory. PT Semen Padang used raw materials including cement manufacture clay, limestone, silica, gypsum, pozzolan and sand iron or copper slag. Among the raw materials, the most used is pozzolan. This research will be carried out data processing for inventory control using the EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) and POQ (Periodic Order Quantity) to compare with inventory control has been implemented by the company. The data collected for this study include data processing is the use of historical data pozzolan material per period in 2012 and 2013, the cost of raw materials ordering pozzolan, pozzolan storage costs of raw materials and lead time, acceptance of pozzolan from suppliers to storage. Data processing is performed to determine the inventory control of raw materials sand pozzolan in 2014. The results and conclusions obtained are forecasting the use of pozzolan in 2014 is 1.135.355,77 tons it means will be more than in previous years and the inventory control with POQ (Periodic Order Quantity) produces the minimum inventory costs with price Rp 1.775.179.959,61.Keywords: forecasting, inventory, EOQ, POQAbstrakPersediaan bahan baku merupakan elemen terpenting dalam produksi yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan untuk menghasilkan produk. Pengendalian persediaan terhadap kuantitas bahan baku yang dilakukan gudang juga merujuk ke proses produksi yang dilakukan oleh pabrik. Pabrik-pabrik di PT Semen Padang tersebut menggunakan bahan baku pembuatan semen diantaranya tanah liat (clay), batu kapur, batu silika, gypsum, pozzolan dan pasir besi atau copper slag. Diantara bahan baku tersebut, pemakaian terbanyak adalah pemakaian pozzolan. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan pengolahan data untuk pengendalian persediaan dengan menggunakan metode EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) dan POQ (Periodic Order Quantity) untuk membandingkan dengan pengendalian persediaan yang telah diterapkan oleh perusahaan. Data yang dikumpulkan untuk pengolahan data penelitian ini diantaranya yaitu data historis pemakaian bahan baku pozzolan per periode pada tahun 2012 dan 2013, biaya pemesanan bahan baku pozzolan, biaya penyimpanan bahan baku pozzolan dan waktu tenggang (lead time) penerimaan pozzolan dari pemasok ke gudang. Pengolahan data yang dilakukan adalah untuk menentukan pengendalian persediaan bahan baku pasir pozzolan di tahun 2014. Hasil dan kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah peramalan pemakaian pozzolan di tahun 2014 akan lebih banyak dibanding tahun-tahun sebelumnya yaitu dengan total pemakaian sebanyak 1.135.355,77 ton dan pengendalian persediaan dengan metode POQ (PeriodicOrderQuantity) menghasilkan biaya persediaan yang lebih minimum yaitu sebesar Rp 1.775.179.959,61.Kata kunci: peramalan, persediaan, EOQ, PO

    Analisis Produktifitas Menggunakan Metode ObjectiveMatrix (OMAX) (Studi Kasus: PT. Moradon Berlian Sakti)

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    PT. Moradon Berlian Sakti is Die Casting manufacturer of Honda motorcycle spare parts and other types of products, such as chair. Along with the rapid advancement of technology, PT. Moradon Berlian Sakti always strive to maintain and improve its existence. One of important factor that need to be noticed is the productivity issue. Productivity assessment can be conducted based on the comparison of company input and output in terms of materials, capital, labor and energy. After learning the level or productivity index, company leader can identify which condition has productivity shrinkage and make decision to increase productivity company based on those condition. Based on the calculations, the levels of productivity index in 2012, was virtually uniform from January to December. But in October the productivity is high and reach the level 94.33%. That is because that performance indicators are in accordance with expectation of company leader. While in December productivity dramatically decreased to 4.67%, it is because less supervision and control from the company.Key Words: Performance indicators, productivity, system evaluationAbstrakPT. Moradon Berlian Sakti merupakan salah satu industri manufaktur yang bergerak di bidang Die Casting dalam membuat spare part sepeda motor Honda, dan beberapa jenis produk lainnya, seperti kursi. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman dan majunya teknologi pada saat ini PT. Moradon Berlian Sakti selalu berusaha untuk mempertahankan dan meningkatkan keeksistensiannya dalam dunia industri. Salah satu faktor penting yang perlu diperhatikannya adalah masalah produktifitas. Penilaian produktifitas dapat dilihat dari perbandingan nilai input dan output perusahaan, baik dari segi material, modal, tenaga kerja dan energy yang digunakan. Setelah mengetahui tingkat atau indeks produktifitas dari perusahaan itu sendiri, maka pimpinan perusahaan akan mencoba mengevaluasi kondisi-kondisi yang dimana disana terjadi penyusutan produktifitas, sehingga hal tersebut akan mampu meningkatkan produktifitas perusahaan di masa yang akan datang. Berdasarkan perhitungan yang telah dilakukan, maka didapatkan bahwa tingkat indeks produktifitas pada tahun 2012, hampir bisa dikatakan merata mulai dari bulan Januari sampai Desember. Tetapi pada bulan Oktober produktifitas yang dihasilkan tinggi yaitu 94,33%. Hal tersebut dikarenakan bahwa indikator-indikator performansi yang ada pada bulan tersebut sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan pimpinan perusahaan. Sedangkan pada bulan Desember mengalami penurunan drastis yaitu menjadi 4,67%, hal tersebut disebabkan karena tingkat pengawasan dan pengontrolan yang kurang dari pihak perusahaan.Kata Kunci: Indikator performansi, produktivitas, evaluasi siste

    Perancangan Model Pengukuran Kinerja Green Supply Chain Pulp dan Kertas

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    Green supply chain performance measurement system is required to manage environmental risk, increase competitive and obtain appropriate strategy for company. Performance measurement system in PT RAPP only focus on midstream and downstream operation related with manufacturing processes and supplier. The problem is how to redesign existing performance measurement system for pulp and paper in PT RAPP, so that downstream operation related with distributor can be integrated into green supply chain performance measurement system. Research objective designing conceptual and computer model for green supply chain measurement of pulp and wherein information entire supply chain can be managed well. Conceptual model is designed with involving activities such as stakeholder identification, stakeholder green requirement analysis, green objective identification, and KPI weighting. Supply chain operations reference (SCOR) metric is applied to identify key performance indicator (KPI). KPI weighting is determined by AHP method. Computer application is designed by combining database, mathematical formulation, and user interface. it is designed to implement conceptual model. Research result is consisting of two levels with fifteen objectives and twenty seven KPI’s. Proposed application has capability to support decision maker in calculating partial and total performance measure each period. It is designed specifically with quantitative measure to support operational decision making related with environmental aspect.Keywords: Green, supply chain, SCOR, performance measur

    Analisis Kompetensi Kewirausahaan Industri Kecil Suku Cadang di Kota Padang

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    As economic development and current technology, there tends to SMEs have been reversed there is some effort to close down due to lack of existing orders in the business. Therefore, the government made efforts to assist existing SMEs to be able to survive in the face of global crisis is happening right now. These efforts may include providing small loans and may include training services in accordance with its business. One of the materials provided in the training is about entrepreneurship so that SMEs are expected to compete with similar companies. The low ability entrepreneur pointed out as one of the reasons SMEs are not able to compete with large companies, such as SI (Small Industry) Spare Parts in the city of Padang. The failure to penetrate IK Parts of competition to supply spare parts in the PT. Semen Padang because of its low ability entrepreneur is owned by SI. With no indicator of entrepreneur ability, there are some problems for governments about policies that will be taken for judge the SI. Therefore, the entrepreneur ability should be decided to helps government in decisions making of policies, so that SI can be competing with larger companies. The method that been used in this study is the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and the recommendations for policies that can be used by the government by using SWOT analysis. QFD is used to identify consumer needs and its association with the characteristic techniques provided by the government, so that the final results are the critical competencies that should be developed first. The linkage between the needs of consumers with technical characteristics reflected in the House of Quality (HOQ). While the results of the SWOT analysis are four types of strategies which can be used later by using the strategy outlined in the strategy implementation architecture for 10 years. This research resulted in 25 indicators of entrepreneurial competencies that include Human Resources (HR), financial, and research and development which consist of eight aspects. The resulting formulation of strategies using SWOT analysis generates SO Strategies (5 strategies), WO Strategies (7 strategies), ST Strategies (7 strategies), and WT Strategies (5 strategies). The design of the implementation of the strategy is planned for 10 years which is reflected in the architecture of the strategy and its implementation strategies.Keywords: small industries, indicators, competences, entrepreneur, strategie