3 research outputs found

    Cognitive Science Dan Cognitive Development Dalam Pemrosesan Informasi (Information Processing) Padaanak

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    Cognitive science is a science which studies how human mental processes to influence one's behavior. Principal major issue that needs to be known in the understanding of cognitive science and their development is related to how the initial state of cognitive science itself, the mind is adapted, the development process starting from the concrete to the abstract, the conceptual nature of the change, the difference between learning and development, format representation of the underlying changes in development, the role of implicit and explicit cognitions in the development, the role of the association and the rules in the development, the universal development, cognitive domain and how to influence the development of brain structure. There are three difference in the cognitive domain of the most common sense that domain as a module, as the domain of expertise, and domain as a model of mind. Ilmu kognitif adalah suatu pengetahuan yang mempelajari tentang bagaimana proses mental manusia dalam mempengaruhi perilaku seseorang. Pokok pembahasan utama yang perlu diketahui dalam memahami ilmu kognitif dan perkembangannya yaitu terkait dengan bagaimana keadaan awal dari ilmu kognitif itu sendiri, pikiran yang teradaptasi, proses perkembangan mulai dari hal yang kongkrit sampai dengan abstrak, sifat konseptual dalam Perubahan, perbedaan antara belajar dan pengembangan, format representasi yang mendasari Perubahan dalam perkembangan, peran kognisi implisit dan eksplisit dalam perkembangan, peran asosiasi dan aturan dalam perkembangan, perkembangan secara universal, domain kognitif dan bagaimana struktur otak mempengaruhi perkembangan. Ada tiga perbedaan domain kognitif dari indera yang paling umum yaitu domain sebagai modul, domain sebagai bidang keahlian, dan domain sebagai model pikiran

    Hubungan Antara Body Dissactisfaction Dengan Kecenderungan Perilaku Diet Pada Remaja Putri

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    The aim of this research is to find out the correlation between body dissatisfaction with dieting behavior of adolescent female. The subjects were 96 adolescent females who were still studying in Junior High School with age between 12 – 15 years. Scale used in this research was dieting behavior scale by Polivy, et al (1978) arranged based on three dieting behavior aspects, which are external aspect, emotional aspect, and restraint aspect and body dissatisfaction scale arranged based on body dissatisfaction component by Thomson, et al (Odang, 2005), which are affective component, cognitive and behavior. The result of this research was there was a positive correlation between body dissatisfaction with dieting behavior of adolescent female, (r = 0.456 and p < 0.01), so that the hypothesis of this research was acceptable. Keywords: body dissatisfaction, dieting behavior, female adolescenc

    Pemanfaatan Lppl Belu TV sebagai Media Promosi dalam Pengembangan Wisata Daerah

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    : In the global life, tourism become the most prospective sector for Indonesia economic. Therefore, it must be developed also increased. By promoting the regional tourism and using the local mass medias. The function of local television is becoming the promotion media for local product. The function of local television is becoming the product promotion media also helping the regional tourism development. As the one of local television at Belu region, it applied the function as the promotion media by promoting the regional potencial at Belu region. In this research, the writer used qualitative descriptive method by collecting the data through interview and documentation. 1). In operating the function as the promotion media, LPPL Belu television did a program production form. It was Jelajah wisata program, Kreasi budaya program, Potret desa program and lintas Belu program. 2). The impact of the promotion is the local tourist grew up significantly every year, also the society around knew further about their tourism there. 3). The problem were the minimal human resources for each division or part, the minimal facilities and the operational cost. Key words: Local television, Promotion media,Tourism