3 research outputs found

    Produção de polpas de mangas Tommy Atkins, na Amazônia setentrional, através da aplicação de preservativos e da pasteurização

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    The present work had evaluated the efficiency of the pasteurization and the use of preservatives in mangos pulps (Mangifera indica L.) refrigerated. Before carrying out the treatments, the fruits had been cleaned in solution of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) at 100 mg. L(-1), for 10 minutes. After the processing, it was carried out through the adjustment of pH of pulps for 3.0 and the adjustment of the water activity (W(a)) at 0.95. The used variable had been the branching (hot water at 95 +/- 5 degrees C, for 0 and I minute), the addition of sodium benzoate in the concentrations of 0; 200 and 500 mL.L(-1) and, sulfite dioxide (SO(2)) in 0, 100 and 200 mL.L(-1). Then the pulps had been packed in low density polyethylene (LDPE) bags of 0,060 mm (0.10 x 0.12 m - without free space and content of 500g of pulp) and, conditioned in at 20 +/- 1 degrees C e 80 +/- 3% of R.H, for 28 days. At the end of the experiment, the treatments not submitted to the branching had shown the biggest ascorbic acid levels. However, in these same treatments had been noticed intense microbiological activity and raised levels of pH. There aren't significant differences between the tested treatments in the titratable acidity (TA) and soluble solids (SS) analyses. Due to the absence of black spot in the pulps used during all the experimental period, it couldn't be detected the differences between the application of the SO(2) and the use of the branching. The lower index of microbiological contamination and the preference of the judges in the sensorial panel had been attributed to the submitted treatments to the branching, addition of 500mL.L(-1) of sodium benzoate and addition of 200mL.L(-1) of sulfite dioxide

    Qualidade pós-colheita de mangas, não-refrigeradas, e submetidas ao controle da ação do etileno

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    O presente trabalho objetivou-se na caracterização físico-química de mangas cv. Tommy Atkins e Haden, submetidas ao controle da ação do etileno, através da exposição dos frutos à ação de adsorvedores de etileno. Os frutos colhidos em estádio de fisiologicamente maturos foram embalados em filmes de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD) de 0,006 mm de espessura, com ou sem o sachê de adsorção de etileno, e acondicionados em embalagens de papelão (0,65 x 0,52 m), sem o controle da temperatura e da umidade relativa (30 ± 3 ºC e 70 ± 5 % de U.R.). Os tratamentos ficaram constituídos dessa maneira: T1 - mangas cv. Tommy Atkins, com o sachê de adsorção; T2 - mangas cv. Tommy Atkins, sem o sachê de adsorção; T3- mangas cv. Haden com o sachê de adsorção, e T4 - mangas cv Haden sem o sachê de adsorção. As análises de firmeza de polpa, sólidos solúveis (SS), acidez titulável (AT), pH, ácido ascórbico e concentração de etileno foram realizadas na instalação do experimento (dia 0), e aos 7; 14; 21; 28 e 35 dias; e aos 35 dias foi realizado um teste de preferência. Ao final do experimento, observou-se que, em ambas as cultivares, a menor concentração de etileno nas embalagens, a maior firmeza de polpa, a maior contenção no avanço e na diminuição do SS e AT, respectivamente, bem como a melhor manutenção do conteúdo de ácido ascórbico foram detectadas nos frutos acondicionados em embalagens contendo o sachê de adsorção de etileno. Não foram detectadas variações significativas nos valores de pH. No teste de preferência, houve variação significativa, onde os frutos acondicionados sob ação do adsorvedor de etileno foram preferidos por parte dos julgadores.The present work was objectified in the physic-chemical characterization of mangoes cv. Tommy Atkins and Haden, submitted to the control of ethylene action, trough the exposition of fruits of the ethylene's absorption system. The fruits harvested in the nature green stage, had been packed in low density polyethylene films (LDPE) of 0,006 mm of thickness, with or without and ethylene's absorption system, conditioned in cardboard packing (0,65 x 0,52 m), without the control of the temperature and the relative humidity (30 ± 3 ºC and 70 ± 5 % of R. H.). The treatments had been constituted in this way: T1 - mangoes cv. Tommy Atkins, with ethylene's absorption system; T2 - mangoes cv. Tommy Atkins, without ethylene's absorption system; T3 - mangoes cv. Haden, with ethylene's absorption system e, T4 - mangoes cv. Haden, without ethylene's absorption system The analysis of pulp firmness, soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA), pH, ascorbic acid and ethylene's concentration in the packing were made in the installation of the experiment (day 0) and to the 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days and, to the 35 days, it was carried out a preference test. In the end, it was observed, in both cultivars, the lesser concentration of ethylene in the packing, the biggest pulp firmness, the biggest containment in the advance and the reduction of SS and TA, respectively, as well as the best maintenance of ascorbic acid contents, had been detected in the fruits conditioned packed contending the ethylene's adsorption system. Significant variations in the values of pH had not been detected. Also, in the preference test, the fruits conditioned under the action of the ethylene's adsorption system had been the preferred ones on the part of the judges