32 research outputs found

    Remarks on explicit strong ellipticity conditions for anisotropic or pre-stressed incompressible solids

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    We present a set of explicit conditions, involving the components of the elastic stiffness tensor, which are necessary and sufficient to ensure the strong ellipticity of an orthorhombic incompressible medium. The derivation is based on the procedure developed by Zee & Sternberg (Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 83, 53-90 (1983)) and, consequently, is also applicable to the case of the homogeneously pre-stressed incompressible isotropic solids. This allows us to reformulate the results by Zee & Sternberg in terms of components of the incremental stiffness tensor. In addition, the resulting conditions are specialized to higher symmetry classes and compared with strong ellipticity conditions for plane strain, commonly used in the literature.The first author’s work and the second author’s visit to Brunel University were partly supported by Brunel University’s ‘BRIEF’ award scheme

    Dispersion of elastic waves in a strongly inhomogeneous three-layered plate

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    Elastic wave propagation in a three-layered plate with high-contrast mechanical and geometric properties of the layers is analysed. Four specific types of contrast arising in engineering practice, including the design of stiff and lightweight structures, laminated glass, photovoltaic panels, and electrostatic precipitators in gas filters, are considered. For all of them the cut-off frequency of the first harmonic is close to zero. Two-mode asymptotic polynomial expansions of the Rayleigh-Lamb dispersion relation approximating both the fundamental bending wave and the first harmonic, are derived. It is established that these can be either uniform or composite ones, valid only over non-overlapping vicinities of zero and the lowest cut-off frequencies. The partial differential equations of motion associated with two-mode shortened dispersion relations are also presented

    An edge moving load on an orthotropic plate resting on a Winkler foundation

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    Steady-state motion of a bending moment along the edge of a semi-infinite orthotropic Kirchhoff plate supported by a Winkler foundation is considered. The analysis of the dispersion relation reveals a local minimum of the phase velocity, coinciding with the value of the group velocity, corresponding to the critical speed of the moving load. In contrast to a free plate, the bending edge wave on an elastically supported plate possesses a cut-off frequency, arising due to the stiffening effect of the foundation. It is shown that the steady-state solution of a moving load problem corresponds to a beam-like edge behaviour. This feature is then confirmed from the specialised parabolic-elliptic formulation, which is oriented to extracting the contribution of the bending edge wave to the overall dynamic response

    Free vibrations of nonlocally elastic rods

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    Several of the Eringen’s nonlocal stress models, including two-phase and purely nonlocal integral models, along with the simplified differential model, are studied in case of free longitudinal vibrations of a nanorod, for various types of boundary conditions. Assuming the exponential attenuation kernel in the nonlocal integral models, the integro-differential equation corresponding to the two-phase nonlocal model is reduced to a fourth order differential equation with additional boundary conditions taking into account nonlocal effects in the neighbourhood of the rod ends. Exact analytical and asymptotic solutions of boundary-value problems are constructed. Formulas for natural frequencies and associated modes found in the framework of the purely nonlocal model and its ”equivalent” differential analogue are also compared. A detailed analysis of solutions suggests that the purely nonlocal and differential models lead to ill-posed problems

    Explicit formulation for the Rayleigh wave field induced by surface stresses in an orthorhombic half-plane

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    We develop an explicit asymptotic model for the Rayleigh wave field arising in case of stresses prescribed on the surface of an orthorhombic elastic half-plane. The model consists of an elliptic equation governing the behaviour within the half-plane, with boundary values given on the half-plane surface by a wave equation. Consequently, propagation along the surface is entirely accounted for by the hyperbolic equation, which, besides, may be immediately recast in terms of the associated surface displacement. The model readily solves otherwise involved dynamic problems for prescribed surface stresses, and its effectiveness is demonstrated for the classical Lamb's problem, as well as for the steady-state moving load problem. The latter example shows that the proposed model is really obtained by perturbation around the steady-state solution for a load moving at the Rayleigh speed

    Edge bending waves on an orthotropic elastic plate resting on the Winkler-Fuss foundation

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    The propagation of bending edge waves on an orthotropic plate supported by the Winkler-Fuss foundation subject to free edge boundary conditions is investigated. A dispersion relation is derived, with the analysis revealing a cut-off frequency and a local minimum of the phase velocity. The conventional sinusoidal profile of the eigensolution is then extended to a more general form, with the deflection expressed in terms of a single plane harmonic function

    Hyperbolic-elliptic model for surface wave in a pre-stressed incompressible elastic half-space

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    The paper aims at derivation of the asymptotic model for surface wave propagating in a pre-stressed incompressible elastic half-space, subject to prescribed surface loading. The approach relies on the slow-time perturbation procedure, extending the previously known hyperbolic-elliptic formulations for surface waves in compressible linearly elastic solids. Within the derived model, the decay away from the surface is governed by a pseudo-static elliptic equation, whereas wave propagation is described by a hyperbolic equation on the surface. The effect of pre-stress, namely, the principal Cauchy stress σ 2, is investigated. Finally, an illustrative example of the Lamb problem is considered, demonstrating the efficiency of the approach

    Justification and refinement of Winkler-Fuss hypothesis

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    Two-parametric asymptotic analysis of the equilibrium of an elastic half-space coated by a thin soft layer is developed. The initial scaling is motivated by the exact solution of the plane problem for a vertical harmonic load. It is established that the Winkler-Fuss hypothesis is valid only for a sufficiently high contrast in the stiffnesses of the layer and the half-space. As an alternative, a uniformly valid non-local approximation is proposed. Higher-order corrections to the Winkler-Fuss formulation, such as the Pasternak model, are also studied