11 research outputs found

    A Study of the Growth and Egg Production in Lines of Meat Chickens Selected for Fast and Slow Feathering

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    Seven experiments were carried out with fast and slow feathering lines of meat chickens in order to study the growth and egg production in these lines. The stock used in this study were the progeny of the second, third and fourth generation of lines divergently selected for fast and slow feathering from a grand parent line of Ross broiler breeders carrying the K gene. Almost all experiments followed a factorial design and the factors were diet, age, line and sex. The experiments were carried out at the Scottish Agricultural College, except for experiment on energy metabolism which was carried out at the Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics Research, Edinburgh Research Station, Roslin. Generally, the birds were housed in floor pens, except for the parents after 2 2 weeks of age and the experiment at Roslin where birds were housed in cages. Water and feed were provided ad libitum from day old until the end of experiments, except for replacement parents after 25 days of age. The experiments were designed to provide information on sulphur amino acids and cystine requirements, feather growth, egg production, the genes affecting feathering, heat production, protein deposition and the partition of retained energy as protein and fat. Some previous workers demonstrated that amino acids are not 100% available in most common ingredients for poultry diets. Therefore, for experiment 1 and 2, per cent digestible amino acids were used to convert total to available amino acids. The value for these were based on tables of analyses of raw materials containing mean values for the digestibility of different amino acids. The objective of experiment 1 was to determine the effect of sulphur amino acid (SAA) intake on feather and body growth of male and female chickens in the fast and slow feathering lines. The sulphur amino acids content, and cystine in particular, of chicken feathers is high. Therefore, the intake of these amino acids has an important part to play in feather growth and body growth. The main findings of this study were SAA intake and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of the slow feathering line were significantly higher than the fast feathering line. FCR of the fast and slow feathering lines showed an improvement as the SAA level increased. The SAA requirement of the chicken for maximum efficiency was shown to be slightly higher than that for growth rate. The SAA requirements for the various traits during period I (0-20 days of age) and period II (21-50 days of age) are based on the maximum level achieved: The objective of experiment 3 was to obtain more information on feather growth of fast and slow feathering lines during the first 30 days of their life. Experiment 4 was conducted to obtain information on the performance of the fourth generation of fast and slow feathering lines. The objective of experiment 5 was to determine if two major genes were segregating in the fast and slow feathering lines. The main findings of two experiments of line crossing were that a mutation may have taken place in the selection process. Selection may have lead to an increased frequency of the mutant gene and that gene may now be segregating with K to cause the observed effects in feather growth. The mutant gene may be Ks, one of the k allele series. The objective of experiment 6 was to determine the protein deposition in feathers, meat and whole carcass (without meat) on males and females of fast and slow feathering lines over a wide range of body weights. The main findings were that the slow feathering line had more meat (% live body weight) and had a higher meat and carcass protein content, but lower feathers protein than the fast feathering line. However, no differences in abdominal fat weight was observed between lines. Experiment 7 was conducted to study the influence of feathering on the thermal resistance of the feathers, heat production and efficiency of utilisation of metabolisable energy by the slow and fast feathering lines. The main findings were that the fast feathering line had a greater feather weight than the slow feathering line. The increase in feather weight appeared to be associated with the increase in thermal resistance of the feathers, but a decrease in feather surface temperature and heat production. The fast feathering line had higher total energy retention than the slow feathering line. However, the partition of retained energy between fat and protein (% of retained energy) demonstrated that the slow line had a higher per cent of retained energy as protein (51.6% vs 42.4%) and lower per cent of retained energy as fat (48.4% vs 57 6%) than the fast line


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    Efisiensi di dalam pemberian makanan ayam petelur dapat tercapai apabila biaya makanan dapat ditekan serendah mungkin, tetapi diperoleh hasil keuntungan yang sebesar-besarnya dengan catatan tidak mengurangi arti dari kesehatan ayam-ayamnya dan menurunkan kualitas telurnya. Biaya makanan ayam di dalam peternakan meliputi 60 persen dari jumlah biaya produksi, sehinggabiaya makanan tersebut besar pengaruhnya terhadap maju mundurnya usaha peternakan ayam (Hadisoeparto 1977).Scott et al.(1976J menyataKan bahwa pada masa pertumbuhan ayam-ayam terutama tipe medium dan tipe berat perlu mendapat pemberian makanan terbatas, karena setiap kelebihan energi dalam tubuh dapat diubah menjadi lemak


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    This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of papaya seed in feed on Raja duck’s performance. Experimental animals were 72 birds of 7 days old Raja ducks. Variables observed were feed intake, body weight gain, and feed conversion ratio. Experiment was assigned in one way of Completely Randomized Design with four treatments and three replication (six birds each). The treatments diets were T0 = basal diets without papaya seed, T1=0.3%, T2=0.6%, and T3=1.2% papaya seed. Dietary treatment were provided until 45 days of age. Data were subjected to analysis of variance using SPSS 16.0 and continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test for all significant results at 5% level of probability. Result showed that feeding diets with 1.2% papaya seed supplementation reduced feed intake but increased body weight gain, resulted in better feed conversion ratio (P<0.05). It might indicate that papaya seed has potency to improve performance of Raja ducks. (Key words: Duck, Feed conversion ratio, Papaya seed, Performance


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    This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of papaya seed in feed on Raja duck’s performance. Experimental animals were 72 birds of 7 days old Raja ducks. Variables observed were feed intake, body weight gain, and feed conversion ratio. Experiment was assigned in one way of Completely Randomized Design with four treatments and three replication (six birds each). The treatments diets were T0 = basal diets without papaya seed, T1=0.3%, T2=0.6%, and T3=1.2% papaya seed. Dietary treatment were provided until 45 days of age. Data were subjected to analysis of variance using SPSS 16.0 and continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test for all significant results at 5% level of probability. Result showed that feeding diets with 1.2% papaya seed supplementation reduced feed intake but increased body weight gain, resulted in better feed conversion ratio (P<0.05). It might indicate that papaya seed has potency to improve performance of Raja ducks.(Key words: Duck, Feed conversion ratio, Papaya seed, Performance

    Komparasi Kecernaan Protein pada Kakatua Tanimbar (Cacatua goffiniana,Finsch 1863) dengan Pemberian Sumber Protein Nabati yang Berbeda

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kecernaan protein semu (KPS) dan metabolisme energi semu (MES) pada kakatua tanimbar yang diberi pakan dua sumber protein nabati yang berbeda, yaitu biji bunga matahari dan kacang tanah. Penelitian dilakukan di Penangkaran Burung, Puslit Biologi-LIPI. Analisis nutrisi bahan pakan dan ekskreta dilakukan di Laboratorium Pengujian Puslit Biologi-LIPI. Penelitian berlangsung selama 75 hari. Materi yang digunakan adalah 5 ekor kakatua tanimbar yang terdiri dari 2 jantan dan 3 betina. Burung tersebut mendapatkan 3 perlakuan pakan dengan sumber protein yang berbeda, yaitu kontrol (P0), P0 + kacang tanah (P1), dan P0 + biji bunga matahari (P2). Pakan kontrol ada-lah jagung manis, kelapa, jambu biji, pisang lampung, kedondong, tauge, kacang panjang, dan kangkung. Parameter yang diamati adalah konsumsi pakan, KPS, MES, dan efisiensi metabolisme. Data dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif. Hasil menunjukkan, rataan konsumsi bahan kering P0 ? P1 dan P2. Rataan KPS P1 (1,76%) ? P0 (0,66%) dan P2 (1,39%). Rataan efisiensi metabolik P1 (88,98%) ? P0 (86,72%) dan P2 (87,65%). Rataan MES pada P0 (1354,99 kal/g) ? P1 (1194,21 kal/g) dan P2 (1189,47 kal/g). Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa kacang tanah dan biji bunga matahari dapat digunakan secara bergantian sebagai sumber protein alternatif bagi burung kakatua Tanimbar


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    Penangkaran penting dilakukan untuk mencegah kepunahan burung bayan yang dilindungi dan banyak dimanfaatkan. Pemeliharaan menentukan keberhasilan dari program penjodohan burung. Salah satunya, pola koloni atau pola pasangan. Selain itu, keberhasilan penangkaran tidak lepas dari aspek pakan dan perilaku. Tujuan penelitian ini, yaitu untuk mengetahui respon koloni nuri bayan terhadap penambahan bayan jantan dewasa yang ditinjau dari aspek perilaku dan pakan. Variabel yang diamati adalah perilaku harian, preferensi pakan, serta konsumsi pakan koloni nuri bayan sebelum dan setelah penambahan bayan jantan dewasa. Nuri bayan yang digunakan sebanyak enam ekor yang terdiri dari 2 ekor jantan dan 4 ekor betina. Pengamatan perilaku harian koloni burung bayan dilakukan di Penangkaran Burung, Pusat Penelitian Biologi-LIPI dengan metode scan sampling dan pencatatan dengan metode instantaneous recording. Pengamatan dilakukan selama 16 hari dengan 2 periode, yaitu kontrol dan perlakuan penambahan bayan jantan (8 hari kontrol dan 8 hari perlakuan) mulai pukul 07.30‒15.30 WIB. Penentuan preferensi dan jumlah konsumsi pakan dilakukan dengan penimbangan sisa setiap jenis pakan. Rata-rata suhu dan kelembaban masing-masing pada pukul 07.30 WIB yaitu 25.78 ℃ dan 65.00%, pada pukul 12.00 WIB yaitu 31.65 ℃ dan 42.83%, serta pada pukul 15.30 WIB yaitu 30.65 ℃ dan 44.83%. Koloni burung bayan dengan perlakuan memiliki frekuensi perilaku bertengger, makan, terbang, memanjat, dan interaksi sosial yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan koloni bayan kontrol. Total rata-rata bahan pakan yang dikonsumsi koloni bayan kontrol berdasarkan berat kering sebanyak 145,24 g/koloni/hari, sedangkan pada koloni dengan perlakuan sebesar 154,56 g/koloni/hari. Bahan pakan yang paling disukai oleh koloni bayan adalah jagung dan jumlah konsumsi pakan koloni bayan perlakuan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan koloni bayan kontrol

    Investasi Agribisnis Komoditas Unggulan Peternakan

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    Memelihara, menangkar dan mrelatih nuri/ Prijono

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    viii, 112 hal : ill, ; 22 cm

    Agar beo bicara/ Prijono

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    viii, 64 hal. : ill. ; 22 cm

    Chick growth and nutrient requirement during rearing period on eclectus parrot (

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    Nutrition is an important aspect of the successful breeding of wild birds in captivity. This research aims to find out nestling growth of Eclectus parrot (Eclectus roratus, Müller 1776) by parent-reared and nutrient requirement during rearing season. This research used a pair of Eclectus parrot with a male chick at first and fifth clutch, and female chick at the second, third, and fourth clutch. This research was conducted from July 2016 to June 2018. The bodyweight of chick was measured every week and feed intake was observed since the age of one week until the chick can eat independently. Feed was provided ad libitum and cafeteria. The chick was the altricial type. Feathers began to cover all bodies at weeks 9. Fledging time was approximately at weeks 10-11. Chick could be separated from its parents at 20 weeks of age. Feed intake tends to be increased along with the increasing age of chick. Eclectus favorites feed is sunflower seed. Nutrient consumption when rearing male chick is more than rearing the female chick