12 research outputs found

    Sordariomycetes, Kelompok Jamur Yang Paling Banyak Terisolasi Dari Daun Jarum Pinus Radiata Di Australia

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    Endophytes fungi have been extensively studied in conifer needles involving culture dependent methods, however little number have been conducted in Pinus radiata and no record have been reported from Tasmania. This study aimed to identify the major group of endophyte fungi isolated from P. radiata needles with varied conditions collected from Tasmania, Victoria and New South Wales plantation and confirmed by phylogenetic analysis of ITS gene. Sixteen endophyte fungi species as member of Sordariomycetes were isolated and Coniochaeta sp. 1 was the most frequently isolated species in this study

    Identifikasi Jamur Endofit Daun Jarum Pinus Radiata Menggunakan Metode Ektraksi Dna Secara Langsung

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    Pinus radiata is the major softwood species planted in New Zealand and Australia. Endophyte fungi that have been extensively studied in conifers needles mainly based on fungal isolation and also rarely conducted in Pinus radiata. This study aimed to observe the optimum condition of P. radiata needles sample for direct extraction of fungal DNA and to identify the fungi associated with P. radiata needles in Plenty plantations by a direct PCR approach. Room temperature dried needles produced clear and consistent DNA amplification compare to fresh needles, and needles dried on drying room or drying machine. Capnodiales was the most diverse group and no fungal pathogen detected in this study. DNA sequence data from direct DNA extraction of P. radiata needles provided sufficient discrimination and identification of fungal species

    Pengujian Awal Penanda Jenis Spesifik Pada Jamur Yang Berpotensi Sebagai Agens Pengendali Hayati Penyakit Busuk Akar Pada Akasia

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    Root rot caused by Ganoderma philippii (Bres. & Henn. ex Sacc.) Bres., is an important disease in Acacia plantation. A strategy to control this disease is currently being developed, particularly on the application of biological control agent (BCA). Species specific primers for rapid identification of potential fungi as BCA were developed. This study aimed to obtain the best DNA condition and the best primers for species specific identification. DNA with 20x dilution is the best condition for amplification of the ITS fragment thus used for rapid species identification. The best primer set to detect Cerrena sp. is CrF1/CrR1, PbF2/PbR2 is the best primer set for Phlebiopsis sp. 1. There was no specific primer suitable to detect Phlebia sp. 1 and Phlebia sp. 2 only but Pl-2F1/Pl-2R4 is the best primer set for Phlebia spp

    Penggunaan Penanda Mikrosatelit untuk Menganalisis Induk Acacia Mangium Willd

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    Penanda molekuler diketahui memiliki potensi menggantikan upaya penyerbukan buatan secara manual dalam program pemuliaaan. Kebun benih persilangan A. mangium dapat dibangun menggunakan induvidu-induvidu terpilih agar penyerbukan terbuka (open pollination) yang terjadi dapat menghasilkan induvidu unggul. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari penggunaan penanda mikrosatelit bagi pengujian induk A. mangium. Analisis induk dilakukan menggunakan DNA genomik total dari 251 induvidu sebagai kadidat induk dan 296 induvidu hasil keturunannya. Reaksi PCR dilakukan menggunakan 15 penanda mikrosatelit (SSR). Genotipa dari semua induvidu tersebut digunakan untuk menentukan pasangan induk dari setiap keturunan yang diuji. Penelitian yang dilakukan dapat mendeteksi pasangan induk dari 202 induvidu (68,2%)

    Teknik Pcr Its-rflp Untuk Seleksi Isolat Jamur Pada Pengujian Agen Pengendali Hayati Pada Serangan Ganoderma Tanaman Acacia Mangium

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    In vivo control activities test of BCA candidate is required to evaluate its effectiveness. This test involved identification of the fungal species that inhabited the experimental plant after inoculation of BCA and pathogen. Identification of inhabitant fungi in the BCA control activity test can be conducted by culturing the fungi on artificial media. Fungal species can be identified based on morphological characters or genetic characters of fungal culture. This study was conducted to determine the potential of PCR ITS-RFLP molecular markers in the initial selection process of fungal isolates before identification based on DNA sequences and to select the enzyme that produce polymorphic PCR ITS RFLP pattern. Three enzymes (DraI, EcoRI and HinfI) were successfully separated 8 fungal cultures used in this study into three groups based on the pattern of PCR ITS DNA, while five other enzymes (BamHI, BclI HaeII, HpaI, and HindIII) were failed to cut the DNA ITS fragments, except for one isolate

    Pengujian Penanda Jenis Spesifik Pada Jamur Yang Berpotensi Sebagai Agens Pengendali Hayati Penyakit Busuk Akar Pada Akasia

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    Root rot caused by Ganoderma philippii (Bres. & Henn. ex Sacc.) Bres., is an important disease in Acacia plantation. A strategy to control this disease is currently being developed, particularly on the application of biological control agent (BCA). Species specific primers for rapid identification of potential fungi as BCA were developed. This study aimed to obtain the best DNA condition and the best primers for species specific identification. DNA with 20x dilution is the best condition for amplification of the ITS fragment thus used for rapid species identification. The best primer set to detect Cerrena sp. is CrF1/CrR1, PbF2/PbR2 is the best primer set for Phlebiopsis sp. 1. There was no specific primer suitable to detect Phlebia sp. 1 and Phlebia sp. 2 only but Pl-2F1/Pl-2R4 is the best primer set for Phlebia spp