6 research outputs found

    Design, construction and validation of a control system of the physiological properties in a cardiac bioreactor

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    During this Bachelor Thesis a system to measure, record and control physiological properties in a cardiac bioreactor has been designed, developed and validated. The present study has been developed in the Laboratory for Bioartificial Organs of the Hospital Gregorio Marañon of Madrid. The cardiac bioreactor for which this system has been built keeps an isolated pig heart alive and beating during several hours by using a modified Langendorff system. The main goal of this bioreactor is to evaluate the mechanisms of mortal cardiac arrhythmias under a control situation and without producing any kind of pain in animals. Specifically, porcine hearts are maintained alive by forcing coronary arteries perfusion with a physiological solution that mimics blood. The main goal of the present study was to develop a system of sensors to have physiological properties of the perfused media under control to foster the proper functioning of the cardiac processes taking place in the bioreactor. During the development of the present bachelor thesis, a system that measures oxygenation, pH, temperature and level of the circulating medium in the main vessel of the bioreactor has been developed. In addition to record and store the data, the system trigger specific alarms if any of these properties is out of a user defined range. The developed prototype makes use of self-made MATLAB software, a camera and an Arduino board connected to three sensors, an LCD screen and a buzzer. It has proven to work for long periods of time without problems, measuring properly all these properties and triggering the alarm when they were out of user defined range.Ingeniería Biomédic

    Feasible Wrench Set Computation for Legged Robots

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    During locomotion, legged robots interact with the ground by sequentially establishing and breaking contact. The interaction wrenches that arise from contact are used to steer the robot Center of Mass (CoM) and reject perturbations that make the system deviate from the desired trajectory and often make them fall. The feasibility of a given control target (desired CoM wrench or acceleration) is conditioned by the contact point distribution, ground friction, and actuation limits. In this work, we develop a method to compute the set of feasible wrenches that a legged robot can exert on its CoM through contact. The presented method can be used with any amount of non-co-planar contacts and takes into account actuation limits and limitations based on an inelastic contact model with Coulomb friction. This is exemplified with a planar biped model standing with the feet at different heights. Exploiting assumptions from the contact model, we explain how to compute the set of wrenches that are feasible on the CoM when the contacts remain in position as well as the ones that are feasible when some of the contacts are broken. Therefore, this method can be used to assess whether a switch in contact configuration is feasible while achieving a given control task. Furthermore, the method can be used to identify the directions in which the system is not actuated (i.e. a wrench cannot be exerted in those directions). We show how having a joint be actuated or passive can change the non-actuated wrench directions of a robot at a given pose using a spatial model of a lower-extremity exoskeleton. Therefore, this method is also a useful tool for the design phase of the system. This work presents a useful tool for the control and design of legged systems that extends on the current state of the art.Comment: \c{opyright} 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Identification of Hip and Knee Joint Impedance During the Swing Phase of Walking

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    Knowledge on joint impedance during walking in various conditions is relevant for clinical decision-making and the development of robotic gait trainers, leg prostheses, leg orthotics and wearable exoskeletons. Whereas ankle impedance during walking has been experimentally assessed, knee and hip joint impedance during walking have not been identified yet. Here we developed and evaluated a lower limb perturbator to identify hip, knee and ankle joint impedance during treadmill walking. The lower limb perturbator (LOPER) consists of an actuator connected to the thigh via rods. The LOPER allows to apply force perturbations to a free-hanging leg, while standing on the contralateral leg, with a bandwidth of up to 39 Hz. While walking in minimal impedance mode, the interaction forces between LOPER and the thigh were low (<5N) and the effect on the walking pattern was smaller than the within-subject variability during normal walking. Using a non-linear multibody dynamical model of swing leg dynamics, the hip, knee and ankle joint impedance were estimated at three time points during the swing phase for nine subjects walking at a speed of 0.5 m/s. The identified model was well able to predict the experimental responses for the hip and knee, since the mean variance accounted (VAF) for was 99% and 96%, respectively. The ankle lacked a consistent response and the mean VAF of the model fit was only 77%, and therefore the estimated ankle impedance was not reliable. The averaged across-subjects stiffness varied between the three time points within 34-66 and 0-3.5 Nm/rad Nm/rad for the hip and knee joint respectively. The damping varied between 1.9-4.6 and 0.02-0.14 Nms/rad Nms/rad for hip and knee respectively. The developed LOPER has a negligible effect on the unperturbed walking pattern and allows to identify hip and knee impedance during the swing phase

    A Transparent Lower Limb Perturbator to Investigate Joint Impedance During Gait

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    Joint impedance plays an important role in postural control and movement. However, current experimental knowledge on lower limb impedance during gait is limited to the ankle joint. We designed the LOwer limb PERturbator (LOPER) aimed to assess knee and hip joint impedance during gait. The LOPER applies force perturbations with a 39 Hz bandwidth, tested on a free-hanging leg. In minimal impedance mode, peak interaction forces during walking are low (&amp;lt; 5 N). Also, this mode has a negligible effect on the gait pattern, as it is smaller than the within-subject variability during normal walking. In short, the LOPER is a transparent device able to elicit a clear response at both hip and knee joints to investigate lower limb dynamics. A second motor added to the LOPER could improve isolation of the perturbation contribution to knee and hip dynamics. People with neurological disorders can benefit from knowledge of joint impedance during gait through improved biomimetic devices and clinical decision making.</p

    A Transparent Lower Limb Perturbator to Investigate Joint Impedance During Gait

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    Joint impedance plays an important role in postural control and movement. However, current experimental knowledge on lower limb impedance during gait is limited to the ankle joint. We designed the LOwer limb PERturbator (LOPER) aimed to assess knee and hip joint impedance during gait. The LOPER applies force perturbations with a 39 Hz bandwidth, tested on a free-hanging leg. In minimal impedance mode, peak interaction forces during walking are low (&amp;lt; 5 N). Also, this mode has a negligible effect on the gait pattern, as it is smaller than the within-subject variability during normal walking. In short, the LOPER is a transparent device able to elicit a clear response at both hip and knee joints to investigate lower limb dynamics. A second motor added to the LOPER could improve isolation of the perturbation contribution to knee and hip dynamics. People with neurological disorders can benefit from knowledge of joint impedance during gait through improved biomimetic devices and clinical decision making.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Biomechatronics & Human-Machine Contro

    Identification of Hip and Knee Joint Impedance During the Swing Phase of Walking

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    Knowledge on joint impedance during walking in various conditions is relevant for clinical decision-making and the development of robotic gait trainers, leg prostheses, leg orthotics and wearable exoskeletons. Whereas ankle impedance during walking has been experimentally assessed, knee and hip joint impedance during walking have not been identified yet. Here we developed and evaluated a lower limb perturbator to identify hip, knee and ankle joint impedance during treadmill walking. The lower limb perturbator (LOPER) consists of an actuator connected to the thigh via rods. The LOPER allows to apply force perturbations to a free-hanging leg, while standing on the contralateral leg, with a bandwidth of up to 39 Hz. While walking in minimal impedance mode, the interaction forces between LOPER and the thigh were low (&lt;5N) and the effect on the walking pattern was smaller than the within-subject variability during normal walking. Using a non-linear multibody dynamical model of swing leg dynamics, the hip, knee and ankle joint impedance were estimated at three time points during the swing phase for nine subjects walking at a speed of 0.5 m/s. The identified model was well able to predict the experimental responses for the hip and knee, since the mean variance accounted (VAF) for was 99% and 96%, respectively. The ankle lacked a consistent response and the mean VAF of the model fit was only 77%, and therefore the estimated ankle impedance was not reliable. The averaged across-subjects stiffness varied between the three time points within 34-66 and 0-3.5 Nm/rad Nm/rad for the hip and knee joint respectively. The damping varied between 1.9-4.6 and 0.02-0.14 Nms/rad Nms/rad for hip and knee respectively. The developed LOPER has a negligible effect on the unperturbed walking pattern and allows to identify hip and knee impedance during the swing phase.Biomechatronics & Human-Machine Contro