1 research outputs found

    Childhood stress

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    Stress has been recognized as a major source of potential physiological, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral problems in both adults and children (Forman & O\u27Malley, 1984). Selye (1956) has pointed out that a certain amount of stress is an inevitable part of living, but excessive stress can have damaging consequences. It calls forth emotional reactions and can lead to marked changes in attitude and behavior. Selye (1974) has defined stress as the nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it. (p. 27) These demands which he labeled stressors may arise from either pleasant or unpleasant stimuli or situations. Almost anything can become a stressor, providing it is of sufficient duration, frequency, or intensity. Thus, any major change can lead to stress, which is essentially the disruption of homeostasis or balance within the body (Barrow & Prosen, 1981)