33 research outputs found

    DNA packaging by molecular motors: from bacteriophage to human chromosomes

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    Dense packaging of genomic DNA is crucial for organismal survival, as DNA length always far exceeds the dimensions of the cells that contain it. Organisms, therefore, use sophisticated machineries to package their genomes. These systems range across kingdoms from a single ultra-powerful rotary motor that spools the DNA into a bacteriophage head, to hundreds of thousands of relatively weak molecular motors that coordinate the compaction of mitotic chromosomes in eukaryotic cells. Recent technological advances, such as DNA proximity-based sequencing approaches, polymer modelling and in vitro reconstitution of DNA loop extrusion, have shed light on the biological mechanisms driving DNA organization in different systems. Here, we discuss DNA packaging in bacteriophage, bacteria and eukaryotic cells, which, despite their extreme variation in size, structure and genomic content, all rely on the action of molecular motors to package their genomes

    The kinetochore-microtubule coupling machinery is repurposed in sensory nervous system morphogenesis

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    Dynamic coupling of microtubule ends to kinetochores, built on the centromeres of chromosomes, directs chromosome segregation during cell division. Here, we report that the evolutionarily ancient kinetochore-microtubule coupling machine, the KMN (Knl1/Mis12/Ndc80-complex) network, plays a critical role in neuronal morphogenesis. We show that the KMN network concentrates in microtubule-rich dendrites of developing sensory neurons that collectively extend in a multicellular morphogenetic event that occurs during C. elegans embryogenesis. Post-mitotic degradation of KMN components in sensory neurons disrupts dendritic extension, leading to patterning and functional defects in the sensory nervous system. Structure-guided mutations revealed that the molecular interface that couples kinetochores to spindle microtubules also functions in neuronal development. These results identify a cell-division-independent function for the chromosome-segregation machinery and define a microtubule-coupling-dependent event in sensory nervous system morphogenesis

    Intraflagellar transport: mechanisms of motor action, cooperation, and cargo delivery

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    Intraflagellar transport (IFT) is a form of motor-dependent cargo transport that is essential for the assembly, maintenance, and length control of cilia, which play critical roles in motility, sensory reception, and signal transduction in virtually all eukaryotic cells. During IFT, anterograde kinesin-2 and retrograde IFT dynein motors drive the bidirectional transport of IFT trains that deliver cargo, for example, axoneme precursors such as tubulins as well as molecules of the signal transduction machinery, to their site of assembly within the cilium. Following its discovery in Chlamydomonas, IFT has emerged as a powerful model system for studying general principles of motor-dependent cargo transport and we now appreciate the diversity that exists in the mechanism of IFT within cilia of different cell types. The absence of heterotrimeric kinesin-2 function, for example, causes a complete loss of both IFT and cilia in Chlamydomonas, but following its loss in Caenorhabditis elegans, where its primary function is loading the IFT machinery into cilia, homodimeric kinesin-2-driven IFT persists and assembles a full-length cilium. Generally, heterotrimeric kinesin-2 and IFT dynein motors are thought to play widespread roles as core IFT motors, whereas homodimeric kinesin-2 motors are accessory motors that mediate different functions in a broad range of cilia, in some cases contributing to axoneme assembly or the delivery of signaling molecules but in many other cases their ciliary functions, if any, remain unknown. In this review, we focus on mechanisms of motor action, motor cooperation, and motor-dependent cargo delivery during IFT

    Interplay between Ciliary Ultrastructure and IFT-Train Dynamics Revealed by Single-Molecule Super-resolution Imaging

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    Summary: Cilia are built and maintained by intraflagellar transport (IFT), driving IFT trains back and forth along the ciliary axoneme. How IFT brings about the intricate ciliary structure and how this structure affects IFT are not well understood. We identify, using single-molecule super-resolution imaging of IFT components in living C. elegans, ciliary subdomains, enabling correlation of IFT-train dynamics to ciliary ultra-structure. In the transition zone, IFT dynamics are impaired, resulting in frequent pauses. At the ciliary base and tip, IFT trains show intriguing turnaround dynamics. Surprisingly, deletion of IFT motor kinesin-II not only affects IFT-train dynamics but also alters ciliary structure. Super-resolution imaging in these mutant animals suggests that the arrangement of IFT trains with respect to the axonemal microtubules is different than in wild-type animals. Our results reveal a complex, mutual interplay between ciliary ultrastructure and IFT-train dynamics, highlighting the importance of physical cues in the control of IFT dynamics. : Oswald et al. use trajectories of single intraflagellar transport proteins in the chemosensory cilia of C. elegans to generate super-resolution fluorescence maps. Local motility properties can be correlated to ciliary ultrastructure. They find that in the absence of kinesin-II, the ciliary ultrastructure is substantially altered. Keywords: single-molecule fluorescence microscopy, super-resolution microscopy, intraflagellar transport, intracellular transport, cilia, motor cooperation, molecular motor protein

    Visualizing Cytoplasmic Flow During Single-cell Wound Healing in <em>Stentor coeruleus</em>

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    Although wound-healing is often addressed at the level of whole tissues, in many cases individual cells are able to heal wounds within themselves, repairing broken cell membrane before the cellular contents leak out. The giant unicellular organism Stentor coeruleus, in which cells can be more than one millimeter in size, have been a classical model organism for studying wound healing in single cells. Stentor cells can be cut in half without loss of viability, and can even be cut and grafted together. But this high tolerance to cutting raises the question of why the cytoplasm does not simply flow out from the size of the cut. Here we present a method for cutting Stentor cells while simultaneously imaging the movement of cytoplasm in the vicinity of the cut at high spatial and temporal resolution. The key to our method is to use a "double decker" microscope configuration in which the surgery is performed under a dissecting microscope focused on a chamber that is simultaneously viewed from below at high resolution using an inverted microscope with a high NA lens. This setup allows a high level of control over the surgical procedure while still permitting high resolution tracking of cytoplasm