1,917 research outputs found

    Only Relevant Information Matters: Filtering Out Noisy Samples to Boost RL

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    In reinforcement learning, policy gradient algorithms optimize the policy directly and rely on sampling efficiently an environment. Nevertheless, while most sampling procedures are based on direct policy sampling, self-performance measures could be used to improve such sampling prior to each policy update. Following this line of thought, we introduce SAUNA, a method where non-informative transitions are rejected from the gradient update. The level of information is estimated according to the fraction of variance explained by the value function: a measure of the discrepancy between V and the empirical returns. In this work, we use this metric to select samples that are useful to learn from, and we demonstrate that this selection can significantly improve the performance of policy gradient methods. In this paper: (a) We define SAUNA's metric and introduce its method to filter transitions. (b) We conduct experiments on a set of benchmark continuous control problems. SAUNA significantly improves performance. (c) We investigate how SAUNA reliably selects samples with the most positive impact on learning and study its improvement on both performance and sample efficiency.Comment: Accepted at IJCAI 202

    A generative model for sparse, evolving digraphs

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    Generating graphs that are similar to real ones is an open problem, while the similarity notion is quite elusive and hard to formalize. In this paper, we focus on sparse digraphs and propose SDG, an algorithm that aims at generating graphs similar to real ones. Since real graphs are evolving and this evolution is important to study in order to understand the underlying dynamical system, we tackle the problem of generating series of graphs. We propose SEDGE, an algorithm meant to generate series of graphs similar to a real series. SEDGE is an extension of SDG. We consider graphs that are representations of software programs and show experimentally that our approach outperforms other existing approaches. Experiments show the performance of both algorithms

    Bandits Warm-up Cold Recommender Systems

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    We address the cold start problem in recommendation systems assuming no contextual information is available neither about users, nor items. We consider the case in which we only have access to a set of ratings of items by users. Most of the existing works consider a batch setting, and use cross-validation to tune parameters. The classical method consists in minimizing the root mean square error over a training subset of the ratings which provides a factorization of the matrix of ratings, interpreted as a latent representation of items and users. Our contribution in this paper is 5-fold. First, we explicit the issues raised by this kind of batch setting for users or items with very few ratings. Then, we propose an online setting closer to the actual use of recommender systems; this setting is inspired by the bandit framework. The proposed methodology can be used to turn any recommender system dataset (such as Netflix, MovieLens,...) into a sequential dataset. Then, we explicit a strong and insightful link between contextual bandit algorithms and matrix factorization; this leads us to a new algorithm that tackles the exploration/exploitation dilemma associated to the cold start problem in a strikingly new perspective. Finally, experimental evidence confirm that our algorithm is effective in dealing with the cold start problem on publicly available datasets. Overall, the goal of this paper is to bridge the gap between recommender systems based on matrix factorizations and those based on contextual bandits

    Improving offline evaluation of contextual bandit algorithms via bootstrapping techniques

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    In many recommendation applications such as news recommendation, the items that can be rec- ommended come and go at a very fast pace. This is a challenge for recommender systems (RS) to face this setting. Online learning algorithms seem to be the most straight forward solution. The contextual bandit framework was introduced for that very purpose. In general the evaluation of a RS is a critical issue. Live evaluation is of- ten avoided due to the potential loss of revenue, hence the need for offline evaluation methods. Two options are available. Model based meth- ods are biased by nature and are thus difficult to trust when used alone. Data driven methods are therefore what we consider here. Evaluat- ing online learning algorithms with past data is not simple but some methods exist in the litera- ture. Nonetheless their accuracy is not satisfac- tory mainly due to their mechanism of data re- jection that only allow the exploitation of a small fraction of the data. We precisely address this issue in this paper. After highlighting the limita- tions of the previous methods, we present a new method, based on bootstrapping techniques. This new method comes with two important improve- ments: it is much more accurate and it provides a measure of quality of its estimation. The latter is a highly desirable property in order to minimize the risks entailed by putting online a RS for the first time. We provide both theoretical and ex- perimental proofs of its superiority compared to state-of-the-art methods, as well as an analysis of the convergence of the measure of quality