16 research outputs found

    The Experience of Male Rape in Non-Institutionalised Settings

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    The aim of this article is to describe the phenomenon of male rape from the victims’ perspectives. The methodology employed relied on transcendental phenomenology in order to create the rich descriptions of the lived experiences of three male survivors of rape. From the descriptions elicited from the formulation of an open-ended question, it was discovered that the phenomenon of male rape has a dominant structure that is related to the destruction and reconstruction of the masculine self. The research also revealed several textural themes that include the characteristics of the assault, treatment and support that victims receive, the effects of the assault on the self, disclosure, the learning and life changes brought about by the assault, the victims’ feelings towards their assailants and the effect of the assault on the victims’ relationships. This study hopes to facilitate further descriptive research on the phenomenon of male rape in order that greater knowledge be gleaned and applied regarding its prevention and healing processes. Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, Volume 5, Edition 2 December 200

    Give Sorrow Words: The Meaning of Parental Bereavement

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    A fundamental tenet of hermeneutic phenomenology is that people seek to create meaning of their experience from the response sited within human consciousness. The focus of this study is on the world of the lived experience as it is interpreted by participants through memory and language as accessed by interviews in order to produce an understanding of the participants’ experience. Three participants were interviewed whose adult children had died as a result of an AIDS-related illness. The interviews were recorded and transcribed, and interwoven analyses sought to illustrate the participants’ lived experience of the phenomenon. An attempt was made to understand how the various phenomena relating to parental bereavement were reflected by participants in the interviews. Common themes included reactions to the knowledge of the illness, the experience of being with their dying child, coping with the pain of the loss, and spiritual and existential concerns. There are references to how others judge their grieving behaviour. Issues of retribution and punishment are prominent and these appear to place a particular burden of sorrow on the grieving parent. The study provided insight into the lived experience of bereavement and the forging of new meaning structures that can accommodate the loss. Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, Volume 5, Edition 2 December 200

    The role of abuse in the development of irritable bowel syndrome: a comparative study: research

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    Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is defined as a chronic relapsing functional bowel disorder of unknown causes which is characterised by attacks of abdominal pain and change of bowel habit resulting in diarrhoea or constipation or both. The prevalence of IBS in the general population of Western countries is 14-24% of women and more commonly found in women than in men. Stress can exacerbate IBS and a significant association between IBS and sexual abuse and physical abuse in childhood and adulthood has been found in overseas studies. No such studies have however been conducted in South Africa. The role that abuse may play in the development of IBS forms the cornerstone of the present study. The participants consisted of 79 adult women aged over 20 years. They were grouped into four categories: abused women with IBS; abused women without IBS; non-abused women without IBS; and non-abused women with IBS. A statistical analysis was carried out to ascertain if there were any differences between the groups in terms of the sub-type of IBS, as well as the types of abuse suffered. The groups were also compared with regard to the levels of anger and anxiety experienced. Prikkelbare Dermsindroom (PDS) word gedefinieer as 'n chroniese, herhalende, funksionele ingewandsversteuring wat gekenmerk word deur aanvalle van buikpyn en 'n verandering in ingewandsgewoontes, wat diarree of hardlywigheid, of beide, tot gevolg het. PDS kom voor by 14 - 24% van die vroulike populasie in Westerse lande en word meer by vroue as by mans aangetref. Volgens die verbandhoudende literatuur kan stres PDS vererger en 'n betekenisvolle verband is gevind tussen PDS en sowel seksuele as fisiese mishandeling in die kinderjare en volwassenheid. Die rol wat mishandeling kan speel in die ontwikkeling van PDS vorm die kern van die huidige studie. 'n Statistiese analise is gedoen om te bepaal of daar enige verskille tussen die groepe bestaan in terme van die subtipe van PDS wat voorkom, sowel as die tipes mishandeling wat ervaar is. Die groepe is ook vergelyk in terme van hulle vlakke van woede en angs. Keywords: Functional Gastrointestinal disorders, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Sexual abuse, Physical abuse and emotional abuse (Health SA Gesondheid: interdisciplinary research journal: 2003 8(4): 88-98

    The role of abuse in the development of irritable bowel syndrome: a comparative study

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    Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is defined as a chronic relapsing functional bowel disorder of unknown causes which is characterised by attacks of abdominal pain and change of bowel habit resulting in diarrhoea or constipation or both. Opsomming Prikkelbare Dermsindroom (PDS) word gedefinieer as ’n chroniese, herhalende, funksionele ingewandsversteuring wat gekenmerk word deur aanvalle van buikpyn en ‘n verandering in ingewandsgewoontes, wat diarree of hardlywigheid, of beide, tot gevolg het. *Please note: This is a reduced version of the abstract. Please refer to PDF for full text

    Introduction: Studies on irritable bowel sydrome

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    The Counselling and Research Centre for Psychogastroenterology was established during 1996 at the Rand Afrikaans. University, Johannesburg, with the broad intent of contributing towards current international efforts in understanding the role of psychosocial factors in the etiology, development and ireatment of the functional GI disorders

    Irritable bowel syndrome: Personality and health behaviours: A biopsychosocial approach

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    The goal of this study was to indicate the complex nature of functional gastrointestinal disorders by studying the interaction between Irritable Bowel Syndrome and person personality aspects and health behaviour. An ex post facto design was used to compare two groups of women, the one group with iBS (N = 60) and the other without (N = 60) in terms of the above mentioned variables. The NEO-Personality lnventory (Revised) was used to compare the groups on five broad aspects of personality i.e. Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness for Experience, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness. The Health Behaviour Checklist was used to measure health behaviours as indicated by the foilowing factors: Wellness Maintenance and Enhancement, Accident Control, Traffic Risk Taking and Substance Risk Taking. The results indicate that statistically significant differences do indeed exist between the groups in terms of certain personality aspects (neuroticism, extraversion, openness for experience) and certain health aspects (especially wellness maintenance and enhancement and traffic risk taking). It seems then as if IBS sufferers share certain personality characteristics which influence their behaviour related to the maintenance and enhancement of their health. Finally, we recommend a holistic approach to treatment and therapeutic interventions. Opsomming Die studie het ten doel gehad om die komplekse aard van die Funksionele Maagderm Versteurings aan te dui deur die interaksie tussen Prikkelbare Dermsindroom en persoonlikheidsaspekte en gesondheidsgedrag ("health behavioui') te bestudeer. Daar is gebruik gemaak van 'n ex post facto ontwerp om twee groepe vrouens, die een groep met PDS (N = 60) en die ander daarsonder (N = 60), ten opsigte van die veranderlikes te vergelyk. Die NEO - Personality lnventory (Revised) is gebruik om die groepe te vergelyk ten opsigte van vyf brei persoonlikheidsaspekte naamlik, Neurotisme, Ekstraversie, Oopheid vir Ervaring, Welgevalligheid en Konsensieusheid. Tweedens is die Health Behaviour Checklist gebruik om gesondheidsgedrag te meet soos aangedui deur die volgende faktore: Gesondheidsinstandhouding en -verbetering, Ongelukbeheer, Verkeer Risikogeneigdheid en Middeirisikogeneigdheid ("Substance"). Die resultate toon aan dat statisties beduidende verskille wei bestaan tussen die groepe ten opsigte van sekere persoonlikheidaspekte (neurotisme, ekstraversie en oopheid vir ervaring) en sekere gesondheidsgedragaspekte (veral gesondheidsinstandhouding en -verbetering en verkeer risikogedrag). Dit wil dus voorkom asof PDS lyers sekere persoonlikheidskenmerke deel wat hui gedrag op so 'n wyse beinvloed dat hulle sekere gedrag ten opsigte van die instandhouding en verbetering van hul gesondheid toon. Laastens word 'n holistiese benadering vir behandeling en terapeutiese intervensies aanbeveel

    Irritable bowel syndrome: The incidence of concurrent psychopathology

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    The goal of this study was to improve understanding of the association between physiology and psychology in Functional Gastrointestinal disorders by considering the co-morbidity of lrritable Bowel Syndrome and psychopathology in a sector of the South African population. A comparison was made between the incidence of concurrent psychopathology in a sample of 48 white female patients, aged 25 to 55 years and diagnosed with lrritable Bowel Syndrome and the incidence of psychopathology in a control group that consisted of 39 white women, aged 25 to 55 years, who did not meet the criteria for lrritable Bowel Syndrome. The Personality Assessment Inventory was used to determine the incidence of psychopathological personality traits and symptoms in the lrritable Bowel Syndrome group and the control group. This is a selfadministered, objective measuring instrument of adult personality that was developed to provide information about 18 critical clinical variables. The instrument was developed and standardised for use in the clinical assessment of individuals aged 18 years and older. Earlier studies showed a high incidence of associated psychiatric disorder in patients with lrritable Bowel Syndrome. This study confirmed this trend and it seems as if age and level of education has no influence on the incidence of psychopathology in patients with lrritable Bowel Syndrome. Opsomming Dit was die doel van die studie om 'n verbeterde begrip van die assosiasie tussen fisiologie en sielkunde in Funksionele Maagderm Versteurings te bewerkstellig deur die komorbiditeit van Prikkelbare Dermsindroom en psigopatalogie binne 'n sektor van die Suid Afrikaanse populasie te oorweeg. 'n Vergelyking is getref tussen die voorkoms van konkurrente psigopatalogie in 'n steekproef van 48 wit, vroulike pasiente wat wissel in ouderdomme van 25 tot 55 jaar en gediagnoseer is met Prikkelbare Dermsindroom, en die voorkoms van psigopatalogie in 'n kontrolegroep wat bestaan het uit 39 wit vrouens wat nie aan Prikkelbare Dermsindroom ly nie en wie se ouderdomme gewissel het van 25 tot 55 jaar. Die "Personality Assessment Inventory" is gebruik om die voorkoms van psigopatalogiese persoonlikheidtrekke en simptome in die Prikkelbare Dermsindroomgroep en die kontrolegroep te bepaal. Hierdie is 'n self-geadministreerde, objektiewe meetinstrument van volwasse persoonlikheid wat ontwerp is om inligting oor 18 kritiese kliniese veranderlikes te verskaf. Die instrument is ontwikkel en gestandaardiseer vir gebruik in die kliniese taksering van individue vanaf die ouderdom van 18 jaar. Vroesre studies het 'n hoe voorkoms van geassosieerde psigiatriese versteuring in pasiente met Prikkelbare Dermsindroom getoon. Die tendens is bevestig in die studie en dit blyk asof ouderdom of opvoedingsvlak nie 'n invloed het op die voorkoms van psigopatalogie in pasiente met Prikkelbare Dermsindroom nie

    The serotonin connection in ingestive disorders in women with and without irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

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    This study compared women with lrritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and women without IBS, with regards to characteristics of indigestion disturbances, as measured by the Eating Disorder Inventory-2. A comparison between the two groups was also made of their blood-serotonin leveb. A sample group (N = 30) of women that suffer from IBSand~ac ontrol group (N = 28) completed the "lrritable bowel syndrome Client Questionnaire" and the "Eating Disorder Inventory-2". A part of the study attempted to determine if there is a significant difference between women with and wi!5out IBS with regard to the following subscales on the Eating Disorder Inventory-2: "Body Dissatisfaction", "Drive for Thinness", "Bulimia" and the "lntroceptive Awareness" subscale. The results show a statistical significant difference between the groups, as well as a statistical significant difference on the "Bulimia" subscale. A statistical significant difference between the groups was also shown with regard to the "introceptive Awareness" subscale. No differences were found with regard to the "Drive for Thinness" and the "Body Dissatisfaction" subscales. The results also did not show a statistical significant difference between the groups with regard to serotonin levels. Opsomming Die studie het vrouens met Prikkelbare Dermsindroom (PDS) en vrouens daarsonder vergelyk ten opsigte van kenmerke van die ingestie versteurings, soos gemeet deur die "Eating Disorder Inventory-2. 'n Vergelyking tussen die groepe ten opsigte van bloed-serotonien vlakke is ook getref. 'n Steekproei (N = 30) van vrouens wat aan PDS ly en 'n kontrolegroep (N = 28) het die "lrritable bowel syndrome Client Questionnaire" en die "Eating Disorder Inventory-2 voltooi. 'n Deel van die studie het gepoog om te bepaai of daar 'n beduidende verskil is tussen vrouens met en sonder PDS ten opsigte van die volgende subskale op die "Eating Disorder Inventory-2: "Body Dissatisfaction", "Drive for Thinness", "Bulimia" en die "lntroceptive Awareness" subskale. Die resultate dui op 'n statisties beduidende verskil tussen die groepe asook'n statisties beduidende verskil op die "Bulimia" subskaal. 'n Statisties beduidende verskil tussen die groepe is ook getoon ten opsigte van die "lntroceptive Awareness" subskaal. Geen verskille ten opsigte van die "Drive for Thinness" en die "Body Dissatisfaction" subskale is gevind nie. Die resultate toon ook geen statisties beduidende verskil tussen die groepe ten opsigte van serotonienvlakke nie

    Irritable bowel syndrome and vocational stress: individual psychotherapy

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    The goal of this study was to provide individualised psychotherapy for a sample suffering from IBS and vocational stress. Opsomming Die doelstelling van hierdie studie was om eïndividualiseerde psigoterapie te verskaf aan ’n steekproef van lyers met Prikkelbare Dermsindroom (PDS) en beroepspanning. *Please note: This is a reduced version of the abstract. Please refer to PDF for full text

    Irritable bowel syndrome and psychological stress

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    The purpose of this study was twofold. The first aim was to clarify the relationship between psychological stress and lrritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) by establishing whether individuals suffering from IBS experience minor stress differently from healthy individuals in terms of its frequency or intensity. The second aim was more general and concerns theory building in a field filled with ambiguity and confusion. Two groups, one comprising IBS sufferers and the other healthy controls, completed the Daily Stress lnventory and the Occupational Stress lnventory - questionnaires designed to measure minor daily and occupational stress respectively. The findings indicate that IBS sufferers do not experience more stress than healthy individuals, but they experience the stressors with greater intensity. Opsomming Die doel van die studie was tweeledig. Eerstens is daar gepoog om duidelikheid te kry oor die verband tussen sielkundige stres en Prikkelbare Dermsindroom (PDS), deur te bepaal of individue wat aan PDS ly geringe stres anders ervaar as gesonde individue in terme van gereeldheid of intensiteit. Die tweede doelwit was meer algemeen en spreek die kwessie van teorie ontwikkeling aan in 'n veld gevul met dubbelsinningheid en verwarring. Twee groepe, een bestaande uit PDS lyers en die ander 'n gesonde kontrolegroep, het die "Daily Stress Inventory'' en die "Occupational Stress Inventory" voltooi. Die vraelyste is ontwerp om onderskeidelik daaglikse stres en werkstres te meet. Die resultate dui daarop dat PDS lyers nie meer stres ervaar as die gesonde individue nie, maar dat hulle wel die stressors ervaar met groter intensiteit