974 research outputs found

    A client loyalty model for services supplied for middle-long periods

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    The paper describes a standard model for customer loyalty evaluation of services based on a continuing relationship with the provider. The relationship terminates when the customer shows a clear unloyalty behavior (switching to another provider or not using the service). Two different dimensions of loyaltyare considered: Behavioral Loyalty and Attitudinal Loyalty, that are analyzed in relation to Trust, Convenience, Overall Satisfaction and Inertia. The methodology is based on the Structural Equation Models

    Analysis of peripheral industrial areas via multidimensional scaling: the EU case

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    Nel presente lavoro si propone la tecnica del multidimensional scaling non metrico come strumento per evidenziare aree industriali dell'Europa dell'est che, per ragioni logistiche ed infrastrutturali, risultano essere particolarmente decentrate rispetto a quelle dell'Europa occidental

    A customer loyalty model for services based on a continuing relationship with the provider

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    In the present paper we propose a standard model for customer loyalty evaluation of services based on a continuing relationship with the provider. The relationship terminates when the customer shows a clear unloyalty behavior (switching to another provider or not using the service). We consider two different dimensions of loyalty: Behavioral Loyalty and Attitudinal Loyalty, that we suggest to analyze in relation to Trust, Convenience, Overall Satisfaction and Inertia. The methodology is based on the Structural Equation Models

    Customer Loyalty Analysis in an heterogeneus market: a comparison between a priori segmentation and model based segmentation

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    Aim of Customer Loyalty Analysis is detecting suitable strategies to make loyal a customer. Like in Customer Satisfaction Analysis PLS-Path Modeling (PLSPM) is a suitable technique. As PLS-PM assumes homogeneity over population and customers\u2019 behaviors are different about loyalty, a PLS-Path model should be run in each homogeneous subgroup. Nevertheless these groups are not known. Then two way are possible: to use an a priori marketing segmentation or to adopt a model-based segmentation. The paper presents a short reflection on these different approaches

    About the use of entanglement in the optical implementation of quantum information processing

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    We review some applications of entanglement to improve quantum measurements and communication, with the main focus on the optical implementation of quantum information processing. The evolution of continuos variable entangled states in active optical fibers is also analyzed.Comment: 8pages, invited contribution to Quant. Interf. IV (ICTP Trieste 2002

    Estudio comparativo de criterios de rotura del oleaje regular

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    La altura de ola en rotura (Hb) es un parámetro fundamental para el cálculo del transporte de sedimentos y la determinación de la evolución de la línea de costa. Asimismo, en zonas de profundidad reducida esta altura de ola será el parámetro básico para el diseío de estructuras de protección de costas. Existe un gran número de criterios de rotura que permiten estimar (en el caso de oleaje regular) Hb en función de las características del oleaje y de la playa. Sin embargo, según la expresión que se adopte, los valores de Hb obtenidos presentan grandes discrepancias. En este artículo se realiza un estudio comparativo para determinar que criterios de rotura son los más adecuados. Dado que en la Naturaleza el oleaje es, en mayor o menor medida, irregular, se ha efectuado una recopilación de datos de laboratorio existentes en la bibliografía. Con ellos se ha analizado la idoneidad de los distintos criterios en relación con diversos parámetros (peralte del oleaje, pendiente de la playa, etc.) y se ha tratado de obtener nuevos criterios que se ajusten mejor a la totalidad de la base de datos

    Sulle orme del consumatore affinity analysis e knowledge visualization per il processo decisionale

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    L\u2019articolo analizza i reali comportamenti di acquisto dell\u2019acquirente all\u2019interno del punto vendita e individua i pattern latenti pi\uf9 significativi attraverso un\u2019analisi di affinit\ue0 di 128.364 scontrini estratti da un dataset di 715.662 transazioni effettuate in un anno. Lo studio individua le strutture associative pi\uf9 ricorrenti relativamente alla singola merceologia. Attraverso la tecnica della Market Basket Analysis \ue8 stato possibile individuare le categorie merceologiche che creano \u201cpoli d\u2019attrazione\u201d sul punto vendita stimolando acquisti di altre categorie. In particolar modo, applicando le regole associative sul punto vendita \ue8 stato possibile identificare le \u201caree calde\u201d e le \u201caree fredde\u201d. L\u2019articolo evidenzia quindi alcune riflessioni sulle strategie che possono adottare gli store manager

    Bell Measurements and Observables

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    A general matrix approach to study entangled states is presented, based on operator completeness relations. Bases of unitary operators are considered, with focus on irreducible representations of groups. Bell measurements for teleportation are considered, and robustness of teleportation to various kinds of non idealities is shown.Comment: 11 pages. Elsart styl

    Correlations of Crystal Structure and Solubility in Organic Salts: The Case of the Antiplasmodial Drug Piperaquine

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    Five organic salts of the antiplasmodial drug piperaquine (PQ, C29H32Cl2N6) were synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction methods. The corresponding solubilities in water and acetic acid solutions were evaluated in the 20-50 \ub0C (293-323 K) T range by UV-vis spectroscopy, with the aim of elucidating how they depend on chemical, structural, and thermodynamic factors. Experiments were complemented by DFT calculations, both in vacuo and in the solid state, to estimate changes in thermodynamic state functions related to the solvation process. It is demonstrated that solubility is mainly governed by the electronic and chemical properties of the anion, while lattice energies and packing effects, including in-crystal conformational changes of the drug, play a less important role. PQ salts generally conform to the predictions of hard and soft acid and bases (HSAB) theory, as less soluble compounds bear ions of comparable hardness, and vice versa. A remarkable exception is the PQ hydrogen sulfate salt, whose poor solubility can be ascribed to an exceptionally stable crystal lattice. Other factors, such as entropic effects related to solid-state disorder, can influence the response of solubility to temperature
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