314 research outputs found

    A Key-Recovery Attack against Mitaka in the t-Probing Model

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    Mitaka is a lattice-based signature proposed at Eurocrypt 2022. A key advertised feature of Mitaka is that it can be masked at high orders efficiently, making it attractive in scenarios where side-channel attacks are a concern. Mitaka comes with a claimed security proof in the t-probing model. We uncover a flaw in the security proof of Mitaka, and subsequently show that it is not secure in the t-probing model. For any number of shares d ≥ 4, probing t < d variables per execution allows an attacker to recover the private key efficiently with approximately 221 executions. Our analysis shows that even a constant number of probes suffices (t = 3), as long as the attacker has access to a number of executions that is linear in d/t

    Sharper Bounds in Lattice-Based Cryptography using the Rényi Divergence

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    The Rényi divergence is a measure of divergence between distributions. It has recently found several applications in lattice-based cryptography. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we give theoretic results which renders it more efficient and easier to use. This is done by providing two lemmas, which give tight bounds in very common situations { for distributions that are tailcut or have a bounded relative error. We then connect the Rényi divergence to the max-log distance. This allows the Rényi divergence to indirectly benefit from all the advantages of a distance. Second, we apply our new results to five practical usecases. It allows us to claim 256 bits of security for a floating-point precision of 53 bits, in cases that until now either required more than 150 bits of precision or were limited to 100 bits of security: rejection sampling, trapdoor sampling (61 bits in this case) and a new sampler by Micciancio and Walter. We also propose a new and compact approach for table-based sampling, and squeeze the standard deviation of trapdoor samplers by a factor that provides a gain of 30 bits of security in practice

    More Efficient Algorithms for the NTRU Key Generation using the Field Norm

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    NTRU lattices are a class of polynomial rings which allow for compact and efficient representations of the lattice basis, thereby offering very good performance characteristics for the asymmetric algorithms that use them. Signature algorithms based on NTRU lattices have fast signature generation and verification, and relatively small signatures, public keys and private keys. A few lattice-based cryptographic schemes entail, generally during the key generation, solving the NTRU equation: fG−gF=qmod  xn+1 f G - g F = q \mod x^n + 1 Here ff and gg are fixed, the goal is to compute solutions FF and GG to the equation, and all the polynomials are in Z[x]/(xn+1)\mathbb{Z}[x]/(x^n + 1). The existing methods for solving this equation are quite cumbersome: their time and space complexities are at least cubic and quadratic in the dimension nn, and for typical parameters they therefore require several megabytes of RAM and take more than a second on a typical laptop, precluding onboard key generation in embedded systems such as smart cards. In this work, we present two new algorithms for solving the NTRU equation. Both algorithms make a repeated use of the field norm in tower of fields; it allows them to be faster and more compact than existing algorithms by factors O~(n)\tilde O(n). For lattice-based schemes considered in practice, this reduces both the computation time and RAM usage by factors at least 100, making key pair generation within range of smart card abilities

    Quadratic Time, Linear Space Algorithms for Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization and Gaussian Sampling in Structured Lattices

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    A procedure for sampling lattice vectors is at the heart of many lattice constructions, and the algorithm of Klein (SODA 2000) and Gentry, Peikert, Vaikuntanathan (STOC 2008) is currently the one that produces the shortest vectors. But due to the fact that its most time-efficient (quadratic-time) variant requires the storage of the Gram-Schmidt basis, the asymptotic space requirements of this algorithm are the same for general and ideal lattices. The main result of the current work is a series of algorithms that ultimately lead to a sampling procedure producing the same outputs as the Klein/GPV one, but requiring only linear-storage when working on lattices used in ideal-lattice cryptography. The reduced storage directly leads to a reduction in key-sizes by a factor of Ω(d)\Omega(d), and makes cryptographic constructions requiring lattice sampling much more suitable for practical applications. At the core of our improvements is a new, faster algorithm for computing the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization of a set of vectors that are related via a linear isometry. In particular, for a linear isometry r:R^d --> R^d which is computable in time O(d)O(d) and a d-dimensional vector bb, our algorithm for computing the orthogonalization of (b,r(b),r2(b),...,rd−1(b))(b,r(b),r^2(b),...,r^{d-1}(b)) uses O(d2)O(d^2) floating point operations. This is in contrast to O(d3)O(d^3) such operations that are required by the standard Gram-Schmidt algorithm. This improvement is directly applicable to bases that appear in ideal-lattice cryptography because those bases exhibit such ``isometric structure\u27\u27. The above-mentioned algorithm improves on a previous one of Gama, Howgrave-Graham, Nguyen (EUROCRYPT 2006) which used different techniques to achieve only a constant-factor speed-up for similar lattice bases. Interestingly, our present ideas can be combined with those from Gama et al. to achieve an even an larger practical speed-up. We next show how this new Gram-Schmidt algorithm can be applied towards lattice sampling in quadratic time using only linear space. The main idea is that rather than pre-computing and storing the Gram-Schmidt vectors, one can compute them ``on-the-fly\u27\u27 while running the sampling algorithm. We also rigorously analyze the required arithmetic precision necessary for achieving negligible statistical distance between the outputs of our sampling algorithm and the desired Gaussian distribution. The results of our experiments involving NTRU lattices show that the practical performance improvements of our algorithms are as predicted in theory

    Non-Linear Polynomial Selection for the Number Field Sieve

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    International audienceWe present an algorithm to find two non-linear polynomials for the Number Field Sieve integer factorization method. This algorithm extends Montgomery's "two quadratics" method; for degree 3, it gives two skewed polynomials with resultant O(N5/4), which improves on Williams O(N4/3) result

    Exact Lattice Sampling from Non-Gaussian Distributions

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    We propose a new framework for trapdoor sampling over lattices. Our framework can be instantiated in a number of ways. In a departure from classical samplers, it allows for example to sample from uniform, affine, ``product affine\u27\u27 and exponential distributions. It allows for example to sample from uniform, affine and ``product affine\u27\u27 distributions. Another salient point of our framework is that the output distributions of our samplers are perfectly indistinguishable from ideal ones, in contrast with classical samplers that are statistically indistinguishable. One caveat of our framework is that all our current instantiations entail a rather large standard deviation

    A Concrete Treatment of Efficient Continuous Group Key Agreement via Multi-Recipient PKEs

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    Continuous group key agreements (CGKAs) are a class of protocols that can provide strong security guarantees to secure group messaging protocols such as Signal and MLS. Protection against device compromise is provided by commit messages: at a regular rate, each group member may refresh their key material by uploading a commit message, which is then downloaded and processed by all the other members. In practice, propagating commit messages dominates the bandwidth consumption of existing CGKAs. We propose Chained CmPKE, a CGKA with an asymmetric bandwidth cost: in a group of N members, a commit message costs O(N) to upload and O(1) to download, for a total bandwidth cost of O(N). In contrast, TreeKEM costs (log N) in both directions, for a total cost (N log N). Our protocol relies on generic primitives, and is therefore readily post-quantum. We go one step further and propose post-quantum primitives that are tailored to \Chained CmPKE, which allows us to cut the growth rate of uploaded commit messages by two or three orders of magnitude compared to naive instantiations. Finally, we realize a software implementation of Chained CmPKE. Our experiments show that even for groups with a size as large as N = 2^10, commit messages can be computed and processed in less than 100 ms

    Integral Matrix Gram Root and Lattice Gaussian Sampling without Floats

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    Many advanced lattice based cryptosystems require to sample lattice points from Gaussian distributions. On

    How to Hide MetaData in MLS-Like Secure Group Messaging: Simple, Modular, and Post-Quantum

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    Secure group messaging (SGM) protocols allow large groups of users to communicate in a secure and asynchronous manner. In recent years, continuous group key agreements (CGKAs) have provided a powerful abstraction to reason on the security properties we expect from SGM protocols. While robust techniques have been developed to protect the contents of conversations in this context, it is in general more challenging to protect metadata (e.g. the identity and social relationships of group members), since their knowledge is often needed by the server in order to ensure the proper function of the SGM protocol. In this work, we provide a simple and generic wrapper protocol that upgrades non-metadata-hiding CGKAs into metadata-hiding CGKAs. Our key insight is to leverage the existence of a unique continuously evolving group secret key shared among the group members. We use this key to perform a group membership authentication protocol that convinces the server in an \textit{anonymous} manner that a user is a legitimate group member. Our technique only uses a standard signature scheme, and thus, the wrapper protocol can be instantiated from a wide range of assumptions, including post-quantum ones. It is also very efficient, as it increases the bandwidth cost of the underlying CGKA operations by at most a factor of two. To formally prove the security of our protocol, we use the universal composability (UC) framework and model a new ideal functionality FCGKAmh{\mathcal{F}_{\text{CGKA}}^{\sf mh}} capturing the correctness and security guarantee of metadata-hiding CGKA. To capture the above intuition of a ``wrapper\u27\u27 protocol, we also define a restricted ideal functionality FCGKActxt\mathcal{F}_{\text{CGKA}}^{\sf ctxt}, which roughly captures a non-metadata-hiding CGKA. We then show that our wrapper protocol UC-realizes FCGKAmh{\mathcal{F}_{\text{CGKA}}^{\sf mh}} in the FCGKActxt\mathcal{F}_{\text{CGKA}}^{\sf ctxt}-hybrid model, which in particular formalizes the intuition that any non-metadata-hiding CGKA can be modularly bootstrapped into metadata-hiding CGKA
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