498 research outputs found

    Bott periodicity and stable quantum classes

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    We use Bott periodicity to relate previously defined quantum classes to certain "exotic Chern classes" on BUBU. This provides an interesting computational and theoretical framework for some Gromov-Witten invariants connected with cohomological field theories. This framework has applications to study of higher dimensional, Hamiltonian rigidity aspects of Hofer geometry of CPn \mathbb{CP} ^{n}, one of which we discuss here.Comment: prepublication versio

    Schubert Polynomials for the affine Grassmannian of the symplectic group

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    We study the Schubert calculus of the affine Grassmannian Gr of the symplectic group. The integral homology and cohomology rings of Gr are identified with dual Hopf algebras of symmetric functions, defined in terms of Schur's P and Q-functions. An explicit combinatorial description is obtained for the Schubert basis of the cohomology of Gr, and this is extended to a definition of the affine type C Stanley symmetric functions. A homology Pieri rule is also given for the product of a special Schubert class with an arbitrary one.Comment: 45 page

    Gauged diffeomorphisms and hidden symmetries in Kaluza-Klein theories

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    We analyze the symmetries that are realized on the massive Kaluza-Klein modes in generic D-dimensional backgrounds with three non-compact directions. For this we construct the unbroken phase given by the decompactification limit, in which the higher Kaluza-Klein modes are massless. The latter admits an infinite-dimensional extension of the three-dimensional diffeomorphism group as local symmetry and, moreover, a current algebra associated to SL(D-2,R) together with the diffeomorphism algebra of the internal manifold as global symmetries. It is shown that the `broken phase' can be reconstructed by gauging a certain subgroup of the global symmetries. This deforms the three-dimensional diffeomorphisms to a gauged version, and it is shown that they can be governed by a Chern-Simons theory, which unifies the spin-2 modes with the Kaluza-Klein vectors. This provides a reformulation of D-dimensional Einstein gravity, in which the physical degrees of freedom are described by the scalars of a gauged non-linear sigma model based on SL(D-2,R)/SO(D-2), while the metric appears in a purely topological Chern-Simons form.Comment: 23 pages, minor changes, v3: published versio

    Central extensions of groups of sections

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    If q : P -> M is a principal K-bundle over the compact manifold M, then any invariant symmetric V-valued bilinear form on the Lie algebra k of K defines a Lie algebra extension of the gauge algebra by a space of bundle-valued 1-forms modulo exact forms. In the present paper we analyze the integrability of this extension to a Lie group extension for non-connected, possibly infinite-dimensional Lie groups K. If K has finitely many connected components we give a complete characterization of the integrable extensions. Our results on gauge groups are obtained by specialization of more general results on extensions of Lie groups of smooth sections of Lie group bundles. In this more general context we provide sufficient conditions for integrability in terms of data related only to the group K.Comment: 54 pages, revised version, to appear in Ann. Glob. Anal. Geo

    Block Toeplitz determinants, constrained KP and Gelfand-Dickey hierarchies

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    We propose a method for computing any Gelfand-Dickey tau function living in Segal-Wilson Grassmannian as the asymptotics of block Toeplitz determinant associated to a certain class of symbols. Also truncated block Toeplitz determinants associated to the same symbols are shown to be tau function for rational reductions of KP. Connection with Riemann-Hilbert problems is investigated both from the point of view of integrable systems and block Toeplitz operator theory. Examples of applications to algebro-geometric solutions are given.Comment: 35 pages. Typos corrected, some changes in the introductio

    Loop Groups, Kaluza-Klein Reduction and M-Theory

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    We show that the data of a principal G-bundle over a principal circle bundle is equivalent to that of a \hat{LG} = U(1) |x LG bundle over the base of the circle bundle. We apply this to the Kaluza-Klein reduction of M-theory to IIA and show that certain generalized characteristic classes of the loop group bundle encode the Bianchi identities of the antisymmetric tensor fields of IIA supergravity. We further show that the low dimensional characteristic classes of the central extension of the loop group encode the Bianchi identities of massive IIA, thereby adding support to the conjectures of hep-th/0203218.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX, utarticle.cls, v2:clarifications and refs adde

    The Geroch group in the Ashtekar formulation

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    We study the Geroch group in the framework of the Ashtekar formulation. In the case of the one-Killing-vector reduction, it turns out that the third column of the Ashtekar connection is essentially the gradient of the Ernst potential, which implies that the both quantities are based on the ``same'' complexification. In the two-Killing-vector reduction, we demonstrate Ehlers' and Matzner-Misner's SL(2,R) symmetries, respectively, by constructing two sets of canonical variables that realize either of the symmetries canonically, in terms of the Ashtekar variables. The conserved charges associated with these symmetries are explicitly obtained. We show that the gl(2,R) loop algebra constructed previously in the loop representation is not the Lie algebra of the Geroch group itself. We also point out that the recent argument on the equivalence to a chiral model is based on a gauge-choice which cannot be achieved generically.Comment: 40 pages, revte

    Loop Operators and the Kondo Problem

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    We analyse the renormalisation group flow for D-branes in WZW models from the point of view of the boundary states. To this end we consider loop operators that perturb the boundary states away from their ultraviolet fixed points, and show how to regularise and renormalise them consistently with the global symmetries of the problem. We pay particular attention to the chiral operators that only depend on left-moving currents, and which are attractors of the renormalisation group flow. We check (to lowest non-trivial order in the coupling constant) that at their stable infrared fixed points these operators measure quantum monodromies, in agreement with previous semiclassical studies. Our results help clarify the general relationship between boundary transfer matrices and defect lines, which parallels the relation between (non-commutative) fields on (a stack of) D-branes and their push-forwards to the target-space bulk.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Euler buckling in red blood cells: An optically driven biological micromotor

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    We investigate the physics of an optically-driven micromotor of biological origin. A single, live red blood cell, when placed in an optical trap folds into a rod-like shape. If the trapping laser beam is circularly polarized, the folded RBC rotates. A model based on the concept of buckling instabilities captures the folding phenomenon; the rotation of the cell is simply understood using the Poincar\`e sphere. Our model predicts that (i) at a critical intensity of the trapping beam the RBC shape undergoes large fluctuations and (ii) the torque is proportional to the intensity of the laser beam. These predictions have been tested experimentally. We suggest a possible mechanism for emergence of birefringent properties in the RBC in the folded state

    An Invitation to Higher Gauge Theory

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    In this easy introduction to higher gauge theory, we describe parallel transport for particles and strings in terms of 2-connections on 2-bundles. Just as ordinary gauge theory involves a gauge group, this generalization involves a gauge '2-group'. We focus on 6 examples. First, every abelian Lie group gives a Lie 2-group; the case of U(1) yields the theory of U(1) gerbes, which play an important role in string theory and multisymplectic geometry. Second, every group representation gives a Lie 2-group; the representation of the Lorentz group on 4d Minkowski spacetime gives the Poincar\'e 2-group, which leads to a spin foam model for Minkowski spacetime. Third, taking the adjoint representation of any Lie group on its own Lie algebra gives a 'tangent 2-group', which serves as a gauge 2-group in 4d BF theory, which has topological gravity as a special case. Fourth, every Lie group has an 'inner automorphism 2-group', which serves as the gauge group in 4d BF theory with cosmological constant term. Fifth, every Lie group has an 'automorphism 2-group', which plays an important role in the theory of nonabelian gerbes. And sixth, every compact simple Lie group gives a 'string 2-group'. We also touch upon higher structures such as the 'gravity 3-group' and the Lie 3-superalgebra that governs 11-dimensional supergravity.Comment: 60 pages, based on lectures at the 2nd School and Workshop on Quantum Gravity and Quantum Geometry at the 2009 Corfu Summer Institut