577 research outputs found

    68/06/11 Court Ruling is Gratifying to Detective in Frisk Case

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    Detective Marty McFadden was happy the Supreme Court upheld the trial court\u27s decision in Terry v. Ohio. He reiterated that, based on their behavior on October 31, 1963, he knew Terry, Chilton and Katz were going to perpetrate a crime if the opportunity presented itself.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/terryvohio_newspaper/1002/thumbnail.jp

    54/08/02 Judge Merrick Hears Warrant Challenge

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    Plea for freedom hearing is reported upon by the Cleveland Press: Attorney for Dr. Sam Sheppard contends original warrant on which Sam Sheppard was arrested is defective. Prosecutors refer to the city charter of Bay Village, but are cut off by Judge Merrick. Writ of habeas corpus ultimately refused by the Court at this hearing.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/newspaper_coverage/1148/thumbnail.jp

    54/11/22 Hoversten Pleases Defense

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    Associate Defense Counsel, Fred W. Garmone, cross-examines Dr. Lester Hoversten for only 10 minutes before excusing him from the witness stand. Hoversten also claims that he was asleep in Kent, Ohio during the night of the murder. Hoversten related an incident at the house in Kent, where he said a Dalmation dog came upstairs to his room, crawled under his bed, and made peculiar noises that night, so he ended up locking the dog downstairs.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/newspaper_coverage/1410/thumbnail.jp

    54/11/06 Progress to Date in Sheppard Trial

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    The short piece gives details on the case up to this date, and what was to follow and how long they thought it would last.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/newspaper_coverage/1453/thumbnail.jp

    54/08/07 Doctor Fears Prejudice In Bay

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    Defense attorney, William J. Corrigan, files an affadavit of prejudice , demanding that Bay Village council president, Gershom M.M. Barber, be barred from presiding at the preliminary hearing. Corrigan cites Sheppard\u27s contention that he could not receive a fair hearing in Bay Village. The purpose of the preliminary hearing is to determine whether there is probable cause to hold Dr. Sheppard to the Grand Jury for possible indictment.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/newspaper_coverage/1384/thumbnail.jp

    54/12/21 And Time Stands Still as Jurors Talk 5 Days

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    This article questions why the jury is deliberating for 5 days and speculation how their families are faring without them. Personal information about the jurors, including addresses, is included.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/newspaper_coverage/1031/thumbnail.jp

    54/07/08 Doctor Quizzed on Murder, I Have Told All, Doctor Declares

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    Includes the text from Sam\u27s statement in which he issued a $10,000 reward for the arrest and conviction of his wife\u27s killer. He states that he was severely injured on the night of Marilyn\u27s murder and is suffering from shock and pain. He also refutes the idea that he is unwilling to talk to police.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/newspaper_coverage/1023/thumbnail.jp

    54/07/08 Husband Posts Reward: $10,000 Set for Killer\u27s Conviction

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    According to this article, just before submitting to the police questioning, Sam dramatically issued a formal statement declaring I have lived an honorable life. He also offered a $10,000 reward for the arrest and conviction of the murderer of my wife. Covering some of the same territory as Start Quiz of Doctor in Murder of Bay Wife, this article from the Final Edition of the Cleveland Press says that Dr. Sheppard\u27s interrogators - Deputy Sheriffs Carl Rossbach and Dave Yettre and Bay Village Patrolman Fred Drenkhan - won admittance to the sick room only after a series of violent verbal clashes between Coroner Gerber and Sam\u27s attorney William Corrigan.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/newspaper_coverage/1022/thumbnail.jp

    54/08/07 Doctor Fears Prejudice In Bay

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    Defense attorney, William J. Corrigan, files an affadavit of prejudice , demanding that Bay Village council president, Gershom M.M. Barber, be barred from presiding at the preliminary hearing. Corrigan cites Sheppard\u27s contention that he could not receive a fair hearing in Bay Village. The purpose of the preliminary hearing is to determine whether there is probable cause to hold Dr. Sheppard to the Grand Jury for possible indictment.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/newspaper_coverage/1384/thumbnail.jp

    54/11/06 Women Jurors Give Colorful Backdrop to Drab, Grim Scene at Murder Trial

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    Describes the women serving on the jury.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/newspaper_coverage/1306/thumbnail.jp