2 research outputs found

    Influence of the Immunomodulator AVIGEN to Broiler Chicken Humoral Immune Factors

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    The nonspecific immune response plays an important role in organism%252339%253Bs defense against a variety of pathogens. Two major factors in this process are blood serum lysozyme and alternative pathway of complement activation (APCA). Over the past few decades, the application of various substances, targeting improved levels of natural immunity have become part of the mainstream trends in livestock rearing programs. The current study examined the influence of the polybacterial immunomodulator AVIGEN on the performance of the aforementioned immune factors among broiler chicken hybrids. The experimental group demonstrated better overall performance for both parameters of interest. APCA activity for the treated group (549.10plusmn%253B19.69 CH50) was significantly higher compared to the result obtained for the controls (377.40plusmn%253B9.58 CH50), (Plt%253B0.001). Results for the other parameter were even more indicative. The measured concentration of the serum lysozyme for the treated group was twice as high compared to the control birds - 6.17plusmn%253B0.49 mg%252FL vs. 2.99plusmn%253B0.27 mg%252FL, respectively. Therefore, the introduction of the AVIGEN immunomodulator to animals%252339%253B diet has strong potential to improve natural humoral immunity in poultry farming

    Practical Application and Influence of “Avigen duck” Immunomodulator to White Pekin Ducks Humoral Immune Factors

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    Factors of non-specific immunity are responsible for protecting birds from a number of viruses and bacteria. Bactericidal proteins are played here lysozyme and complement, interferon, as well as beta-lysine. Adding appropriate active compounds to the bird's diet to activate the innate immune response are subject to studies by many authors. The practical application and influence of the "Avigen Duck". immunomodulator in the cultivation of White Pekin ducks aims to clarify the dynamics of the indicators. It was found that the ducks treated with the immunomodulator had higher non-specific protection expressed in the values of the observed indicators. Complement activity for the experienced group (529.45 ± 17,85 CH50) is significantly higher than that of untrained birds (308.56 ± 10.19 CH50), on the 30th day of their lives (P <0.001). Lysozyme values for the experienced group (6.34 ± 0.86 mg L-1) is more than twice as high as its concentration in control birds - 2.52 ± 0.59 mg L-1. At 30 days of age, the mean concentration of IFN γ in the control group of ducks was 108.86±6.12 pg ml-1, and in the experimental group treated with immunomodulator - 518.06±12.80 pg ml-1, accompanied by an increase in the values of IL-2 and IL-6 and beta-lysine activity. These data show that, despite the short life of the ducks, the concentrations of the investigated factors of non-specific immunity increase significantly and statistically reliably, even after a single treatment with immunomodulator "Avigen Duck". The practical application of the immunomodulator in the duck diet has a strong effect on their non-specific immunity