11 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Azithromycin and risk of COPD exacerbations in patients with and without Helicobacter pylori

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    Patient characteristics according to Helicobacter pylori status and treatment. Table S2. Effect of Helicobacter pylori status at enrollment and treatment on the rates of exacerbation per person-year. Table S3. Comparison of the proportion of subjects that showed significant reduction in HP antibody level at 12 months in 113 COPD patients. Table S4. Effect of treatment on changes in CRP level from baseline to 3 months according to HP status. (DOCX 36 kb

    Additional file 1: of Genome-wide association study of lung function and clinical implication in heavy smokers

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    Table S1. Association Results of the Top SNPs (P < 10− 4) with Post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC. Table S2. Association Results of the Top SNPs (P < 10− 4) with Post-bronchodilator % Predicted FEV1.Table S3. Genotype Frequency of rs28929474 in SERPINA1 Stratified by GOLD Stages. Table S4. Prediction Models for Post-bronchodilator Lung Function Using Top 10 SNPs for Post-bronchodilator % Predicted FEV1.Figure S1. Joint analysis of the top10 SNPs for post-bronchodilator % predicted FEV1 in 1075 SPIROMICS non-Hispanic White smokers with COPD. (DOCX 141 kb

    Additional file 2: of ROP: dumpster diving in RNA-sequencing to find the source of 1 trillion reads across diverse adult human tissues

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    Table S1. The effect of altering order of ROP step on the classification accuracy. Table S2. Concordance of targeted TCRB-Seq and ROP based on three TCGA samples from kidney renal clear cell carcinoma (KIRC). Table S4. RNA-seq datasets overview. Table S5. Genomic profile of unmapped reads reported for each dataset (S1, S2, S3). Table S6. Relative genomic abundance of microbial taxa at different levels of taxonomic classification after removal of reads with human origin (average over all samples of three tissues, performed for in-house RNA-Seqdata). Table S7. Genomic profile of unmapped reads across two SRA RNA-seq samples using ROP v1.0.8. Percentage for each category is calculated as a fraction from the total number of reads. (PDF 100 kb