17 research outputs found
Perinatal outcomes of pregnant refugees/asylum seekers in Slovenia during the 2015–2016 humanitarian corridor
Introduction. During 2015 and 2016, a large number of refugees, including women, travelling along the so-called Balkan route crossed Slovenia. Studies increasingly show that women who migrate have different perinatal health outcomes compared to citizens. Aim. To review perinatal outcomes in pregnant refugees/asylum seekers giving birth in Slovenia during the 2015–2016 “humanitarian corridor”. Methods. Questionnaires on numbers of pregnant refugees/asylum seekers giving birth in Slovenia during 2015–2016, their perinatal outcomes and their perinatal care were sent to state institutions (Ministry of Health, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and National Institute for Public Health) and all 14 country’s maternity hospitals. Results. Data on perinatal outcomes in refugees/asylum seekers were available only at maternity hospitals, suggesting there is no national governmental system for collecting information on health of pregnant refugees/asylum seekers in Slovenia. Twelve refugees/asylum seekers who delivered in Slovenia during the “humanitarian corridor” in 2015–2016 were identified. Three (25%) of these deliveries were preterm births (<37 weeks of gestation). There were two (16%) emergency cesarean deliveries and no stillbirths or neonatal deaths. Average neonatal birth weight was 3130 g. Discussion. A very high (25%) preterm birth rate and a high emergency cesarean rate (16%) in the population of refugees/asylum seekers delivering in Slovenia during 2015–2016 “humanitarian corridor” was found. This study also identified several inadequacies in perinatal data collection in pregnant refugees/asylum seekers in Slovenia. Conclusions. Given the potentially higher incidence of perinatal complications, such as preterm birth or need for emergency cesarean delivery, seen in the present study, it is important to develop systems of data collection in pregnant refugees/asylum seekers
Stališče ZPMS o preventivnem zdravljenju nosečnic s povečanim tveganjem za preeklampsijo z nizkoodmernim aspirinom
Preeklampsija je pomemben vzrok maternalne in neonatalne umrljivosti in obolevnosti po vsem svetu. Opredeljena je kot pojav povečanega arterijskega tlaka po 20. tednu nosečnosti s pridruženo proteinurijo in/ali disfunkcijo materinih organov ali zastojem plodove rasti. Medtem ko je smrt mater zaradi preeklampsije v razvitih državah manj pogosta, pa je obolevnost velika in pomembno prispeva k pogostosti sprejemov na oddelke za intenzivno nego in terapijo. Preeklampsija je vzrok za približno 15–20 % vseh prezgodnjih porodov, kar povečuje neonatalno umrljivost in dolgoročno obolevnost novorojenčkov. Aspirin v majhnem odmerku ima preventivni učinek na pojav preeklampsije le v primeru, če se začne jemati pred 16. tednom nosečnosti. Da bi odkrili, pri katerih nosečnicah je tveganje za preeklampsijo povečano, potrebujemo učinkovito presejanje, ki bo organizacijsko, cenovno in po učinkovitosti najprimernejše za izvajanje na primarni ravni
Slovensko strokovno stališče za zdravljenje s pripravki železa v nosečnosti
Slabokrvnost je najbolj pogost simptom v nosečnosti. Zaradi razvoja zarodka in hitre rasti ploda se močno povečajo potrebe organizma po železu in vitaminih. Zato je slabokrvnost zaradi pomanjkanja železa daleč najbolj razširjena oblika slabokrvnosti v nosečnosti. Anemija v nosečnosti je opredeljena z ravnijo hemoglobina (Hb), ki je manjša od 110 g/L. V normalni nosečnosti se sestava krvi pomembno spremeni. Povečanje celokupnega volumna krvi in hemostatske spremembe so fiziološke spremembe, ki omogočajo, da porodnica brez posledic prenese normalno izgubo krvi med porodom. Plazemski volumen se v nosečnosti poveča za 50 %, masa eritrocitov pa za 18 – 25 %, odvisno od razpoložljivega železa. Te spremembe povzročijo razredčitev koncentracije hemoglobna, kar poznamo kot fiziološko slabokrvnost v nosečnosti. Fiziološka slabokrvnost doseže vrh v 32. tednu nosečnosti. Zaradi fizioloških sprememb odkrijemo s presejalnimi testi v nosečnosti mnogo slabokrvnosti, ki bi sicer ostale neodkrite. Povečane ali spremenjene prehranske in presnovne zahteve v nosečnosti povzročijo, da je slabokrvnost zaradi pomanjkanja železa (sideropenična anemija) bolj pogosta. Prva nepravilnost v biokemičnih izvidih, ki kaže na pomanjkanje železa v nosečnosti, je zmanjšana koncentracija feritina (na pomanjkanje železa lahko sklepamo že, ko je vrednost feritina manjša od 20–30 g/L). Feritin je stabilen in zadovoljivo zrcali zaloge železa, za razliko od vrednosti serumskega železa. Zato učinkovito dodajanje železovih pripravkov in s tem preprečevanje sideropeničnih anemij lahko pričnemo že zelo zgodaj. Tako na zelo enostaven način učinkovito preprečimo nastanek zapletov v nosečnosti, ob porodu in v poporodnem obdobju. Slabokrvnost v nosečnosti je povezana s višjo pogostnostjo za prezgodnji porod, nizko porodno težo, z nujnostjo uporabe transfuzije ob in po porodu ter s poporodno depresijo
Slovenian recommendations for parvovirus B19 infection in pregnancy
Parvovirus B19 (B19V) causes a mild disease called erythema infectiosum, also known as the fifh disease that affects mostly children and young adults. The virus can be transferred to the fetus during pregnancy in 31 to 51 % of the cases and can cause severe anaemia, non-immune hydrops fetalis or fetal death due to inhibition of erythropoiesis. It also affects the heart muscle, central nervous system, bones, and most likely can cause a subsequent arrest in children’s neurological development. It is estimated that 25–45 % of pregnant women are seronegative with a high risk of infection during pregnancy. A B19V infection in pregnant women is determined by detecting specific IgM and IgG antibodies, and in case of doubt, by using PCR method to detect viral DNA. Fetal infection with B19V is confirmed by detecting viral DNA in the amniotic fluid. In the case of either a suspected or confirmed fetal infection we monitor the fetus by ultrasound screening in a tertiary centre. We treat the fetus with an intrauterine transfusion at the first signs of anaemia or hydrops. To prevent fresh infections with B19V during pregnancy we should raise awareness amongst women and healthcare workers about the risks it poses for the fetus. The recommendations for management of women who are exposed to, are at risk of developing, or have developed B19V infection in pregnancy are published in this article
Individual and contextual factors of nulliparas’ levels of depression, anxiety and fear of childbirth in the last trimester of pregnancy: intimate partner attachment a key factor?
Depression, anxiety and fear of childbirth have numerous consequences for women and their developing offspring. Insecure attachment in close adult relationships is considered to be a risk factor for depressive symptoms. This study aims to gain further insight into the risk factors for depressive and anxiety symptoms in nulliparous women during the third trimester of pregnancy regarding the main contextual relations, with an emphasis on partner attachment
Peripheral arterial tonometry and angiogenic biomarkers in preeclampsia
Objective: To evaluate changes in vascular function and serum biomarkers in women with and without preeclampsia (PE) to create a model for the easier and more precise diagnosis of PE in the future. Methods: Endothelial function and arterial stiffness were evaluated using peripheral arterial tonometry and concentrations of placental growth factor (PlGF), soluble fms like tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt-1) and soluble endoglin (sEng) were determined by immunoassay. Results: Arterial stiffness deteriorates and endothelial function is better in women with PE compared with a healthy pregnancy. Women who developed PE had a decreased PlGF and PlGF/(sFlt-1+ sEng) ratio and an increased sEng, and sFlt-1/PlGF ratio. Conclusion: Peripheral arterial analysis did provide additional information beyond serum biomarkers in the diagnosis of PE
The role of health services in encouraging disclosure of violence against women
The aim of the survey was to assess the differences in disclosure by the type of violence to better plan the role of health services in identifying and disclosing violence
Fetal death from SARS-CoV-2 mediated acute placental failure
Introduction: We demonstrate the nonlinear severity of symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the mother leading to fetal death after acute placental failure.
Methods: Careful clinical evaluation, real-time RT-PCR molecular microbiologic testing, isolation of a viable virus, and autopsy with histologic results were used to investigate the possible vertical transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection from mother to fetus.
Results: Histologic changes in the placenta correlate with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Total nucleic acid isolated from vaginal swabs, fresh placental tissue, and deparaffinized tissue showed a high viral load of SARS-CoV-2. Complete genome sequencing confirmed the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant.
Discussion: Several methods have been used to confirm SARS-CoV-2-mediated acute placental failure, all of which were conclusive. It should be noted that careful periodic fetal well-being checks are required in women infected with SARS-CoV-2, regardless of the severity of symptoms. Most of the cases described with fetal death occurred in the third trimester
Biophysical Markers of Suspected Preeclampsia, Fetal Growth Restriction and The Two Combined—How Accurate They Are?
Objectives—To conduct a secondary analysis of prediction accuracy of biophysical markers for suspected Preeclampsia (PE), Fetal Growth Restriction (FGR) and the two combined near delivery in a Slovenian cohort. Methods—This was a secondary analysis of a database of a total 125 Slovenian pregnant women attending a high-risk pregnancy clinic due to suspected PE (n = 31), FGR (n = 16) and PE + FGR (n = 42) from 28–39 weeks gestation and their corresponding term (n = 21) and preterm (PTD, n = 15) controls. Data for Mean Arterial blood Pressure (MAP) and Uterine artery pulsatility index (UtA PI) estimated by Doppler sonography were extracted from the database of patients who were tested at admission to the high-risk clinic with the suspected complications. The reactive hyperemia index (RHI), and the Augmentation Index (AIX%) were extracted from the patient database using measured values obtained with the assistance of the Endo PAT, a device set to measure the signal of the peripheral arterial tone (PAT) from the blood vessels endothelium. Linear regression coefficients, Box and Whisker plots, Area under the Curve (AUC) of receiver Operation Characteristic (ROC) curves, and multiple regression were used to assess the marker accuracy using detection rate (DR) and false-positive rate (FPR) and previously reported cut-offs for estimating the positive and negative predictive value (NPV and PPV). The SPSS non-parametric statistics (Kruskal Wallis and Mann–Whitney) and Spearman’s regression coefficient were used to assess marker accuracy; p 0.6 for UtA Doppler PI over GA for PE and FGR, whereas for RHI over BMI, the regression coefficient was r > 0.5 (p p < 0.001), especially in cases of FGR. Conclusion—The classical biophysical markers MAP and UtA Doppler PI provided diagnostic accuracy for PE and FGR < 34 wks gestation. A multiple biophysical marker analysis was required to reach diagnostic accuracy for all cases of these complications. The UtA Doppler PI and maternal serum sFlt-1/PlGF or PlGF were equally accurate for early cases to enable the choice of the markers for the clinical use according to the more accessible method
Pro- and Anti-Angiogenic Markers as Clinical Tools for Suspected Preeclampsia with and without FGR near Delivery—A Secondary Analysis
Objective—the objective of this study was to assess the accuracy of placental growth factor (PlGF), soluble Fms-like Tyrosine Kinase 1 (sFlt-1), and endoglin (sEng) in the diagnosis of suspected preeclampsia (PE) with and without fetal growth restriction (FGR) near delivery. Methods—this is a secondary analysis of a dataset of 125 pregnant women presenting at the high risk pregnancy clinic with suspected PE, FGR or PE + FGR in the University Medical Center of Slovenia. The dataset included 31 PE cases, 16 FGR cases, 42 PE + FGR cases, 15 cases who developed with unrelated complications before 37 weeks (wks) (PTD), and 21 unaffected controls who delivered a healthy baby at term. We also analyzed a sub-group of women who delivered early (<34 wks) including 10 PE, 12 FGR, 28 PE + FGR, and six PTD. Clinical management adhered to hospital guidelines. Marker levels were extracted from the dataset and were used to develop Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves and to calculate the area under the curve (AUC), the detection rates (DRs), and the false positive rates (FPRs). Previously published marker cutoffs for yes/no admission to hospital wards were extracted from the literature. Negative and positive predictive values (NPVs and PPVs) were evaluated for their value in determining whether hospital admission was required. Non-parametric tests were applied for statistical analysis; p < 0.05 was considered significant. Results—near delivery, all the pro-and anti-angiogenic markers provided diagnostic (ROC = 1.00) accuracy for the early (<34 wks) group of FGR. Diagnostic or near diagnostic (ROC = 0.95) accuracy was achieved by all marker for early PE + FGR but lower accuracy was achieved for early PE. For all cases, all markers, especially PlGF reached diagnostic or near diagnostic accuracy for FGR and PE + FGR. At this accuracy level, they can contribute to the clinical management of FGR, and PE + FGR. All the markers were less accurate for all PE cases. The use of published cutoffs was adequate for clinical management of FGR, whether early or for all cases, using an NPV > 90%. For PE + FGR, the PPV value approached 100%, especially for early cases, and can thus be implemented in clinical management. Neither NPV nor PPV were high enough for managing all cases of PE. There was no added value in measuring the PlGF/(sFlt-1 + sEng) ratio. Conclusion—This is the first study on a Slovenian population. It shows that near-delivery angiogenic biomarkers tests may be useful for confirming the diseases in cases where there is a diagnostic doubt. However, the clinical use of the biomarkers needs to be weighed against resources available and degree of certainty of the diagnosis made with and without them for managing suspected FGR and PE + FGR requiring delivery <34 wks, where they are very accurate, and furthermore in the management of all cases of FGR and FGR+PE. The markers were less accurate for the clinical diagnosis of PE