6 research outputs found

    Surveillance and Protection-Based Approach for Link Failures over Fiber-to the-Home (FTTH) with Combination of ACS and SANTAD

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    This paper introduces an in-service transmission surveillance and protection-based approach for fiber failures/faults over fiber-to-the-home passive optical network (FTTH-PON) with an excellent combination of Access Control System (ACS) and Smart Access Network Testing, Analyzing and Database (SANTAD). Our hardware design works on a standard local area network (LAN) using a specially designed hardware interfaced with a microcontroller integrated Ethernet to monitor the status of optical signals flow and provide the restoration against fiber failures/faults in FTTH-PON. We also introduce the centralized management and access control program by means of SANTAD. ACS is used to control the troubleshooting mechanism carried out by SANTAD. This design will be implemented at central office (CO) for distant monitoring and remote controlling each optical fiber line's status as well as for detecting any failures/faults that occurs in the network system downwardly from CO towards multiple optical network units (ONUs). The scope of this discussion only highlighted on the monitoring and controlling instead of the restoration scheme


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    Perkembangan pembangunan pembangkit listrik terus dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kelistrikan masyarakat. Namun, pembangkit yang telah ada masih sangat mahal sehingga diperlukan sebuah pembangkit listrik sederhana yang memiliki biaya dan lahan yang minim. Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Picohydro (PLTPh) merupakan salah satu alternatif pembangkit listrik yang lebih murah dan tidak membutuhkan lahan yang luas. Secara teknis, picohydro memiliki tiga komponen utama yaitu air (sumber energi), turbin dan generator. Potensi alam yang dapat dijadikan suatu pembangkit picohydro adalah air hujan. Perencanaan picohydro ini menggunakan curah hujan di Kota Padang sebagai sumber energi primer yang dihitung berdasarkan luas permukaan atap rumah, dimana curah hujan rata-rata 24.154 mm/menit. Air hujan akan ditampung pada tangki berukuran 5100 liter dengan luas pipa pesat 1.2 inci dengan kecepatan air 6.26 m/s, sehingga debit air yang dimanfaatkan 6.9 liter/s. Turbin yang digunakan adalah turbin reaksi propeller open flume TC 60 dan generator sinkron satu fasa kapasitas dapat melebihi 100 Watt,  200 – 220 volt, 90 Hz  dengan head 3 meter. Daya keluaran yang dihasilkan adalah 173.43 watt, dimana untuk turbin propeller memiliki efisiensi 0.85 dan efisiensi generator 0.9. Rencana anggaran biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk pembangunan PLTPh ini adalah sebasar Rp. 12,713,855

    Develop a FTTH network management system using visual basic

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    This paper proposed an efficient network management software tool named Smart Access Network _ Testing,Analyzing and Database (SANTAD) for remote control, inservice transmission surveillance, centralized monitoring, and fault detection for fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) using Visual Basic programming. A virtual network is setup to operate the software tool from central office (CO) or remote point.This program is able to prevent and detect the occurrence of fault in network system through event identification against optical signal level, attenuation, and losses.SANTAD enable each status of transmission link to be displayed a single screen with capability to configure the attenuation and detect the failure simultaneously

    Identifying fiber fault in fiber to the home using access control system

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    This paper proposed a design of identifying fiber fault in fiberto-the-home passive optical network (FTTH-PON).Our design works on a standard local area network (LAN) using a specially designed hardware interfaced with a microcontroller integrated Ethernet to monitor the status of optical signals flow and provide the restoration against fiber fault in FTTH.This design will be implemented with optical line terminal (OLT) at central office (CO) to monitor and control each optical fiber line’s status as well as detect any failure that occurs in the network system downwardly from CO towards multiple optical network units (ONUs)