134 research outputs found

    Determination of precise crystallographic directions for mask alignment in wet bulk micromachining for MEMS

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    In wet bulk micromachining, the etching characteristics are orientation dependent. As a result, prolonged etching of mask openings of any geometric shape on both Si{100} and Si{110} wafers results in a structure defined by the slowest etching planes. In order to fabricate microstructures with high dimensional accuracy, it is vital to align the mask edges along the crystal directions comprising of these slowest etching planes. Thus, precise alignment of mask edges is important in micro/nano fabrication. As a result, the determination of accurate crystal directions is of utmost importance and is in fact the first step to ensure dimensionally accurate microstructures for improved performance. In this review article, we have presented a comprehensive analysis of different techniques to precisely determine the crystallographic directions. We have covered various techniques proposed in the span of more than two decades to determine the crystallographic directions on both Si{100} and Si{110} wafers. Apart from a detailed discussion of each technique along with their design and implementation, we have provided a critical analysis of the associated constraints, benefits and shortcomings. We have also summed up the critical aspects of each technique and presented in a tabular format for easy reference for readers. This review article comprises of an exhaustive discussion and is a handy reference for researchers who are new in the field of wet anisotropic etching or who want to get abreast with the techniques of determination of crystal directions

    SPHK1 regulates proliferation and survival responses in triplenegative breast cancer

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    Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is characterized by unique aggressive behavior and lack of targeted therapies. Among the various molecular subtypes of breast cancer, it was observed that TNBCs express elevated levels of sphingosine kinase 1 (SPHK1) compared to other breast tumor subtypes. High levels of SPHK1 gene expression correlated with poor overall and progression- free survival, as well as poor response to Doxorubicin-based treatment. Inhibition of SPHK1 was found to attenuate ERK1/2 and AKT signaling and reduce growth of TNBC cells in vitro and in a xenograft SCID mouse model. Moreover, SPHK1 inhibition by siRNA knockdown or treatment with SKI-5C sensitizes TNBCs to chemotherapeutic drugs. Our findings suggest that SPHK1 inhibition, which effectively counteracts oncogenic signaling through ERK1/2 and AKT pathways, is a potentially important anti-tumor strategy in TNBC. A combination of SPHK1 inhibitors with chemotherapeutic agents may be effective against this aggressive subtype of breast cancer

    Dataset on gene expression in the elderly after Mindfulness Awareness Practice or Health Education Program

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    It has been reported that relaxation techniques can improve physical health and cognitive function. A number of studies involving different types of relaxation practices showed changes in expression of genes. We investigated the gene expression pattern of a cohort of elderly subjects of Asian descent after weekly (for the first three months) and monthly (for the subsequent six months) intervention. Sixty consenting elderly subjects (aged 60–90 years) with mild cognitive impairment were assigned to either the Mindfulness Awareness Practice (MAP) or Health Education Program (HEP) group in a randomized controlled trial to assess the effectiveness of the programs in preventing further cognitive decline and evaluate the influence on neurological, cellular and biochemical factors. Blood samples were collected before the start of intervention and after nine months for gene expression profiling using Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 arrays. The dataset is publicly available for further analyses

    Large Quantum imaging of nonlocal spatial correlations induced by orbital angular momentum

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    Through scanned coincidence counting, we probe the quantum image produced by parametric down conversion with a pump beam carrying orbital angular momentum. Nonlocal spatial correlations are manifested through splitting of the coincidence spot into two.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Weak coupling large-N transitions at finite baryon density

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    We study thermodynamics of free SU(N) gauge theory with a large number of colours and flavours on a three-sphere, in the presence of a baryon number chemical potential. Reducing the system to a holomorphic large-N matrix integral, paying specific attention to theories with scalar flavours (squarks), we identify novel third-order deconfining phase transitions as a function of the chemical potential. These transitions in the complex large-N saddle point configurations are interpreted as "melting" of baryons into (s)quarks. They are triggered by the exponentially large (~ exp(N)) degeneracy of light baryon-like states, which include ordinary baryons, adjoint-baryons and baryons made from different spherical harmonics of flavour fields on the three-sphere. The phase diagram of theories with scalar flavours terminates at a phase boundary where baryon number diverges, representing the onset of Bose condensation of squarks.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figure

    Holographic Roberge-Weiss Transitions

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    We investigate N=4 SYM coupled to fundamental flavours at nonzero imaginary quark chemical potential in the strong coupling and large N limit, using gauge/gravity duality applied to the D3-D7 system, treating flavours in the probe approximation. The interplay between Z(N) symmetry and the imaginary chemical potential yields a series of first-order Roberge-Weiss transitions. An additional thermal transition separates phases where quarks are bound/unbound into mesons. This results in a set of Roberge-Weiss endpoints: we establish that these are triple points, determine the Roberge-Weiss temperature, give the curvature of the phase boundaries and confirm that the theory is analytic in mu^2 when mu^2~0.Comment: 37 pages, 13 figures; minor comments added, to appear in JHE

    Anomalous Pseudoscalar-Photon Vertex In and Out of Equilibrium

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    The anomalous pseudoscalar-photon vertex is studied in real time in and out of equilibrium in a constituent quark model. The goal is to understand the in-medium modifications of this vertex, exploring the possibility of enhanced isospin breaking by electromagnetic effects as well as the formation of neutral pion condensates in a rapid chiral phase transition in peripheral, ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. In equilibrium the effective vertex is afflicted by infrared and collinear singularities that require hard thermal loop (HTL) and width corrections of the quark propagator. The resummed effective equilibrium vertex vanishes near the chiral transition in the chiral limit. In a strongly out of equilibrium chiral phase transition we find that the chiral condensate drastically modifies the quark propagators and the effective vertex. The ensuing dynamics for the neutral pion results in a potential enhancement of isospin breaking and the formation of π0\pi^0 condensates. While the anomaly equation and the axial Ward identity are not modified by the medium in or out of equilibrium, the effective real-time pseudoscalar-photon vertex is sensitive to low energy physics.Comment: Revised version to appear in Phys. Rev. D. 42 pages, 4 figures, uses Revte

    Holographic flows and thermodynamics of Polyakov loop impurities

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    We study holographic probes dual to heavy quark impurities interpo- lating between fundamental and symmetric/antisymmetric tensor representations in strongly coupled N = 4 supersymmetric gauge theory. These correspond to non- conformal D3- and D5-brane probe embeddings in AdS_5 × S^5 exhibiting flows on their world-volumes. By examining the asymptotic regimes of the embeddings and the one-point function of static fields sourced by the boundary impurity, we con- clude that the D5-brane embedding describes the screening of fundamental quarks in the UV into an antisymmetric source in the IR, whilst the non-conformal, D3- brane solution interpolates between the symmetric representation in the UV and fundamental sources in the IR. The D5-brane embeddings exhibit nontrivial ther- modynamics with multiple branches of solutions, whilst the thermal analogue of the interpolating D3-brane solution does not appear to exist

    Emergent Lifshitz scaling from N=4 N=4 \mathcal{N}=4 SYM with supersymmetric heavy-quark density

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    We consider supersymmetric configurations in Type IIB supergravity obtained by the beackreaction of fundamental strings ending on a stack of D3-branes and smeared uniformly in the three spatial directions along the D3-branes. These automatically include a distribution of D5-brane baryon vertices necessary to soak up string charge. The backgrounds are static, preserving eight supersymmetries, an SO(5) global symmetry and symmetry under spatial translations and rotations. We obtain the most general BPS configurations consistent with the symmetries. We show that the solutions to the Type IIB field equations are completely specified by a single function (the dilaton) satisfying a Poisson-like equation in two dimensions. We further find that the equation admits a class of solutions displaying Lifshitz-like scaling with dynamical critical exponent z=7. The equations also admit an asymptotically AdS_5 x S^5 solution deformed by the presence of backreacted string sources that yield a uniform density of heavy quarks in N=4 SYM