8 research outputs found

    Aerobic Capacity as An Indicator in Different Kinds of Sports

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    Physical capacity of athletes is an important element of success in sports achievements. Aerobic capacity has been accepted as its major component. Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) has been regarded by majority of authors as the best indicator of aerobic capacity of an organism, and at the same time, the best indicator of an athleteā€™s physical capacity. The aim of the investigation was to analyze the aerobic capacity as an indicator of physical capacity of athletes, differences in their aerobic capacity with regard to the kind of sport they are practicing, as well as the differences obtained when compared to physically inactive subjects. The investigation included the determination of absolute and relative VO2max in the total of 66 male examinees. The examinees were divided into two groups of active athletes (football players (n=22) and volleyball players (n=18) of different profiles, while the third group of non-athletes served as control group. Maximal oxygen uptake was determined by performing the Astrand 6 minute cycle test. Peak values of VO2 max were recorded in the group of football players (4,25Ā±0,27 l/min), and they were statistically significantly higher (p<0,001) compared to other examined groups. In the group of volleyball players the oxygen uptake was 3,95Ā±0,18 l/min, while statistically significantly lower values were reported in the group of non-athletes compared to the groups of athletes (p<0,01). A similar ratio of VO2 max values was also shown by the analysis of values expressed in relative units. Our results showed that peak values of VO2 max were obtained in football players, and that football as a sport requires higher degree of endurance compared to volleyball. Having considered the morphological and functional changes which are the consequence of the training process, it can be concluded that VO2 max values are statistically significantly higher in the groups of athletes compared to the group of non-athletes


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    On a sample of 100 participants high karate athletes from R. Macedonia at the age of 18-27 +/- 6 months, were applied 13 motoric variables from which, 3 variables are for evaluating the rhythmic structure of the karate athletes, 6 variables are evaluating the frequency of movement and 3 variables are for evaluating the explosive strength of the lower extremitiesā€™, like a predictive system of variables, and one variable for evaluating specific karate coordination like a criteria variable. The relations between the variables in some of the motoric latitudes and the criteria variable have been established with estimating a correlation matrix and regressive analyze. The results from the regressive analyze have shown that the predictive system of variables have a statistic significance affect on the criteria variable of the specific karate coordination on a degree of .00 (p=.00)


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    The main aim of this research was to determine to which degree the system of variables used to evaluate specific motor skills correlated with the system of variables used to evaluate successful performance in football play. The study was conducted on a sample of 170 senior football players. There were 16 predictor variables to assess specific motor skills and eight criterion variables to assess successful performance. A canonical correlation analysis was applied in the statistical procedure to determine the relationships (correlations) between these spaces. Correlations were established between the investigated spaces with four pairs of canonical factors, and it has been shown that situational motor skills have high correlations with performance success in the game of football (Can R.=0.71, on average). It is indicated that the participants whose performance in football play was more successful also had better situational motor skills and that the mechanism for structuring movement is shown to be of great importance for the successful performance of tactical and technical elements in football players.Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi stepen povezanost sistema variajbli za procenu situaciono-motoričkih sposobnosti sa varijabliama za procenu uspeÅ”nosti u fudbalskoj igri. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 170 ispitanika, fudbalera ā€“ seniora. U istraživanju je primenjeno 16 varijabli za procenu specifčnih motoričkih sposobnosti i osam varijabli za procenu uspeÅ”nosti u fudbalskoj igri. Za utvrđivanje povezanosti (relacija) između navedenih prostora primenjena je kanonička korelaciona analiza. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, utvrđeno je da su istraživani prostori međusobno povezani sa četiri para kanoničkih faktora, odnosno da situaciono-motoričke sposobnosti imaju visoku povezanost sa uspeÅ”nosti u fudbalskoj igri (Can R. = 0.71, u proseku). Pokazalo se da ispitanici koji postižu bolje rezultate u uspeÅ”nosti u fudbalskoj igri imaju bolje situaciono-motoričke sposobnosti kao i da je za uspeÅ”no izvođenje taktičko tehničkih elemenata kod fudbalera od velike važnosti mehanizam za strukturiranje kretanja.Ā 

    Aerobic Capacity as An Indicator in Different Kinds of Sports

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    Physical capacity of athletes is an important element of success in sports achievements. Aerobic capacity has been accepted as its major component. Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) has been regarded by majority of authors as the best indicator of aerobic capacity of an organism, and at the same time, the best indicator of an athleteā€™s physical capacity. The aim of the investigation was to analyze the aerobic capacity as an indicator of physical capacity of athletes, differences in their aerobic capacity with regard to the kind of sport they are practicing, as well as the differences obtained when compared to physically inactive subjects. The investigation included the determination of absolute and relative VO2max in the total of 66 male examinees. The examinees were divided into two groups of active athletes (football players (n=22) and volleyball players (n=18) of different profiles, while the third group of non-athletes served as control group. Maximal oxygen uptake was determined by performing the Astrand 6 minute cycle test. Peak values of VO2 max were recorded in the group of football players (4,25Ā±0,27 l/min), and they were statistically significantly higher (p<0,001) compared to other examined groups. In the group of volleyball players the oxygen uptake was 3,95Ā±0,18 l/min, while statistically significantly lower values were reported in the group of non-athletes compared to the groups of athletes (p<0,01). A similar ratio of VO2 max values was also shown by the analysis of values expressed in relative units. Our results showed that peak values of VO2 max were obtained in football players, and that football as a sport requires higher degree of endurance compared to volleyball. Having considered the morphological and functional changes which are the consequence of the training process, it can be concluded that VO2 max values are statistically significantly higher in the groups of athletes compared to the group of non-athletes

    Melatonin modulates acute cardiac muscle damage induced by carbon tetrachloride ā€“ involvement of oxidative damage, glutathione, and arginine/NO metabolism

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    The present study was designed to evaluate the cardioprotective effects of melatonin (a single dose of 50 mg/kg), a naturally occurring polypharmacological molecule, in Wistar rats acutely exposed to carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). This was done for the first time by tracking different biochemical parameters that reflect rat heart antioxidative/oxidative capacities, nitric oxide/arginine metabolism, and glutathione cycle. Additionally, the extrinsic apoptosis pathway-related parameters were studied. Acute exposure to CCl4 led to an increase in the studied tissue oxidant parameters (hydrogen peroxide, malondialdehyde, carbonylated protein content), as well as the activity alteration of antioxidant (catalase, superoxide dismutase and peroxidase) and glutathione metabolizing (glutathione peroxidase, S-transferase and reductase) enzymes. Furthermore, CCl4 caused a disturbance in the tissue myeloperoxidase, nitric oxide, citrulline, arginase, and inducible nitric oxide synthase content/activities and two apoptosis-related parameters, caspase-3 and FAS ligand. Melatonin as a posttreatment prevented the changes induced by CCl4 to a differing extent and, in some cases, it was so potent that it completely abolished any tissue disturbances. This study is a promising starting point for further research directed to the development of melatonin treatment in cardiac tissue-associated diseases.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Relationship between Body Composition and Specific Motor Abilities According to Position in Elite Female Soccer Players

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    Contemporary top-division soccer is characterized by high-intensity activity throughout the entire match, which also requires high levels of a wide range of the playersā€™ functional and motor abilities. Furthermore, motor and functional requirements vary in relation to the playersā€™ position on the pitch. In view of the above, the objective of this study was to determine any differences in body composition and specific motor abilities in relation to position. Twenty elite female soccer players (age: 20.90 Ā± 3.70 years; height: 166.95 Ā± 5.83 cm; weight: 58.97 Ā± 7.50 kg; training experience: 9.50 Ā± 4.11 years) were recruited for the purpose of this study. Based on their position within the team, the players were divided into three groups: defenders (N-7), midfielders (N-6), and forwards (N-7). The instruments used included the InBody770 (for body composition assessment), Optojump and Polar for the assessment of specific motor abilities. The results obtained indicate a strong link between the parameters body composition and specific motor abilities; however, the level of significance varies, as do the variables concerning specific motor abilities and body composition in relation to the playersā€™ position on the pitch. In accordance with these results, coaches and others working in the soccer industry should be apprised of the necessity of a tailored approach when it comes to planning the development of specific motor abilities, as well of with the importance of balanced body composition as prerequisites for achieving top results

    Effects of Combined Plyometric and Shooting Training on the Biomechanical Characteristics during the Made Jump Shot in Young Male Basketball Players

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    (1) Background: Shooting performance is one of the most important determinants of basketball success and is strongly influenced by vertical jump performance. A lot of research attention has been paid to training programs that may improve the vertical jump. However, the literature regarding the improvement of accuracy during the jump shot is limited. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of the combination of two training programs on explosive power of the lower extremities during the made jump shot. (2) Methods: A total of 61 male basketball players were assigned into training group (T, n = 31, age 15.32 &plusmn; 0.65) which was conducting a specific, i.e., experimental training program, and control group (C, n = 30, age 16.3 &plusmn; 0.71 years) involved in a regular training program. The experimental training program included specific plyometric training with shooting training which lasted for 10 weeks. The obtained data were processed by nonparametric statistics to determine the differences in the vertical jump outcomes, as well as to determine the level of impact of the experimental training program. Wilcoxon and Kruskal&ndash;Wallis tests were used. (3) Results: A significant improvement (p &le; 0.05) was noticed in the T group, in every vertical jump variable (flight time, height of the jump, power, and speed of the jump during a jump shot for two and three points), while there was no improvement within the C group. (4) Conclusions: The combination of plyometric and shooting training has a positive impact on the explosive power of the lower extremities during the jump shot