16 research outputs found

    On the Light Massive Flavor Dependence of the Large Order Asymptotic Behavior and the Ambiguity of the Pole Mass

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    We provide a systematic renormalization group formalism for the mass effects in the relation of the pole mass mQpolem_Q^{\rm pole} and short-distance masses such as the MS‾\overline{\rm MS} mass m‾Q\overline{m}_Q of a heavy quark QQ, coming from virtual loop insertions of massive quarks lighter than QQ. The formalism reflects the constraints from heavy quark symmetry and entails a combined matching and evolution procedure that allows to disentangle and successively integrate out the corrections coming from the lighter massive quarks and the momentum regions between them and to precisely control the large order asymptotic behavior. With the formalism we systematically sum logarithms of ratios of the lighter quark masses and mQm_Q, relate the QCD corrections for different external heavy quarks to each other, predict the O(αs4){\cal O}(\alpha_s^4) virtual quark mass corrections in the pole-MS‾\overline{\rm MS} mass relation, calculate the pole mass differences for the top, bottom and charm quarks with a precision of around 2020 MeV and analyze the decoupling of the lighter massive quark flavors at large orders. The summation of logarithms is most relevant for the top quark pole mass mtpolem_t^{\rm pole}, where the hierarchy to the bottom and charm quarks is large. We determine the ambiguity of the pole mass for top, bottom and charm quarks in different scenarios with massive or massless bottom and charm quarks in a way consistent with heavy quark symmetry, and we find that it is 250250 MeV. The ambiguity is larger than current projections for the precision of top quark mass measurements in the high-luminosity phase of the LHC.Comment: 45 pages + appendix, 6 figures, v2: journal versio

    The MSR Mass and the O(ΛQCD){\cal O}(\Lambda_{\rm QCD}) Renormalon Sum Rule

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    We provide a detailed description and analysis of a low-scale short-distance mass scheme, called the MSR mass, that is useful for high-precision top quark mass determinations, but can be applied for any heavy quark QQ. In contrast to earlier low-scale short-distance mass schemes, the MSR scheme has a direct connection to the well known MS‾\overline{\rm MS} mass commonly used for high-energy applications, and is determined by heavy quark on-shell self-energy Feynman diagrams. Indeed, the MSR mass scheme can be viewed as the simplest extension of the MS‾\overline{\rm MS} mass concept to renormalization scales ≪mQ\ll m_Q. The MSR mass depends on a scale RR that can be chosen freely, and its renormalization group evolution has a linear dependence on RR, which is known as R-evolution. Using R-evolution for the MSR mass we provide details of the derivation of an analytic expression for the normalization of the O(ΛQCD){\cal O}(\Lambda_{\rm QCD}) renormalon asymptotic behavior of the pole mass in perturbation theory. This is referred to as the O(ΛQCD){\cal O}(\Lambda_{\rm QCD}) renormalon sum rule, and can be applied to any perturbative series. The relations of the MSR mass scheme to other low-scale short-distance masses are analyzed as well.Comment: 42 pages + appendices, 6 figures, v2: Refs and Appendix B added, Fig.3 changed from nl=4 to nl=5, v3: journal versio

    Monte Carlo Top Quark Mass Calibration

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    The most precise top quark mass measurements use kinematic reconstruction methods, determining the top mass parameter of a Monte Carlo event generator, mtMCm_t^{\rm MC}. Due to the complicated interplay of hadronization and parton shower dynamics in Monte Carlo event generators relevant for kinematic reconstruction, relating mtMCm_t^{\rm MC} to field theory masses is a non-trivial task. In this talk we report on a calibration procedure to determine this relation using hadron level QCD predictions for 2-Jettiness in e+e−e^+e^- annihilation, an observable which has kinematic top mass sensitivity and a close relation to the invariant mass of the particles coming from the top decay. The theoretical ingredients of the QCD prediction are reviewed. Fitting e+e−e^+e^- 2-Jettiness calculations at NLL/NNLL order to PYTHIA 8.205, we find that mtMCm_t^{\rm MC} agrees with the MSR mass mt,1 GeVMSRm_{t,1\,{\rm GeV}}^{\rm MSR} within uncertainties. At NNLL we find mtMC=mt,1 GeVMSR+(0.18±0.22) GeVm_t^{\rm MC} = m_{t,1\,{\rm GeV}}^{\rm MSR} + (0.18 \pm 0.22)\,{\rm GeV}. mtMCm_t^{\rm MC} can differ from the pole mass mtpolem_t^{\rm pole} by up to 600 MeV600\,{\rm MeV}, and using the pole mass generally leads to larger uncertainties. At NNLL we find mtMC=mtpole+(0.57±0.28) GeVm_t^{\rm MC} = m_t^{\rm pole} + (0.57 \pm 0.28)\,{\rm GeV} as the fit result. In contrast, converting mt,1 GeVMSRm_{t,1\,{\rm GeV}}^{\rm MSR} obtained at NNLL to the pole mass gives a result for mtpolem_t^{\rm pole} that is substantially larger and incompatible with the fit result. We also explain some theoretical aspects relevant for employing the C-parameter as an alternative calibration observable.Comment: Talk presented at the 13th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (RADCOR 2017), St. Gilgen, Austria, 24-29 September 2017. 7 pages, 1 figur

    Top Quark Mass Calibration for Monte Carlo Event Generators

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    United States. Department of Energy (DE-SC0011090

    On the Light Massive Flavor Dependence of the Top Quark Mass

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    We provide a systematic renormalization group formalism for the mass effects in the relation of the pole mass and short-distance masses such as the MS mass of a heavy quark Q, coming from virtual loop insertions of massive quarks lighter than Q with the main focus on the top quark. The formalism reflects the constraints from heavy quark symmetry and entails a combined matching and evolution procedure that allows to disentangle and successively integrate out the corrections coming from the lighter massive quarks and the momentum regions between them and also to precisely control the large order asymptotic behavior. With the formalism we systematically sum logarithms of ratios of the lighter quark masses and heavy quark mass, predict the O α s 4 virtual quark mass corrections in the pole- MS ̅ mass relation and calculate the pole mass differences for the top, bottom and charm quarks with a precision of around 20 MeV

    Calibration of the top quark mass for Monte-Carlo event generators

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    © Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). The most precise top quark mass measurements use kinematic reconstruction methods, determining the top mass parameter of a Monte Carlo event generator, mtMC. Due to the complicated interplay of hadronization and parton shower dynamics in Monte Carlo event generators, relating mtMC to field theory masses is a non-trivial task. In this talk we present a calibration procedure to determine this relation using hadron level QCD predictions for 2-Jettiness in e+e- annihilation, an observable which has kinematic top mass sensitivity and has a close relation to the invariant mass of the particles coming from the top decay. The theoretical ingredients of the QCD prediction are explained. Fitting e+e- 2-Jettiness calculations at NLL/NNLL order to PYTHIA 8.205, we find that mtMC agrees with the MSR mass at the scale 1 GeV within uncertainties, mtMC ≃ mtMSR1GeV, but differs from the pole mass by 900/600 MeV

    Top quark mass calibration for Monte-Carlo event generators

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    The most precise top quark mass measurements use kinematic reconstruction methods, determining the top mass parameter of a Monte Carlo event generator, mMCt. Due to the complicated interplay of hadronization and parton shower dynamics in Monte Carlo event generators, relating mMCt to field theory masses is a non-trivial task. In this talk we present a calibration procedure to determine this relation using hadron level QCD predictions for 2-Jettiness in e+e- annihilation, an observable which has kinematic top mass sensitivity and has a close relation to the invariant mass of the particles coming from the top decay. The theoretical ingredients of the QCD prediction are explained. Fitting e+e- 2-Jettiness calculations at NLL/NNLL order to PYTHIA 8.205, we find that mMCt agrees with the MSR mass at the scale 1 GeV within uncertainties, mMCt mMSRt;1GeV, but differs from the pole mass by 900/600MeV

    Summing logarithms and factorization for massive quark initiated jets and the Pythia top quark mass

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    © Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons. The most precise top quark mass measurements use kinematic reconstruction methods, determining the top mass parameter of a Monte Carlo event generator, mtMC. Due to the complicated interplay of hadronization and parton shower dynamics in Monte Carlo event generators, relating mtMC to field theory masses is a non-trivial task. In this talk we present a calibration procedure to determine this relation using hadron level QCD predictions for 2-Jettiness in e+e- annihilation, an observable which has kinematic top mass sensitivity and has a close relation to the invariant mass of the particles coming from the top decay. The theoretical ingredients of the QCD prediction are explained. Fitting e+e-2-Jettiness calculations at NLL/NNLL order to PYTHIA 8.205, we find that mtMC agrees with the MSR mass at the scale 1 GeV within uncertainties, mtMC≃ mtMCmt, IGeVMSR, but differs from the pole mass by 900/600MeV

    Top Quark Mass Calibration for Monte Carlo Event Generators

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    The most precise top quark mass measurements use kinematic reconstruction methods, determining the top mass parameter of a Monte Carlo event generator, mtMCm_t^{\rm MC}. Due to hadronization and parton shower dynamics, relating mtMCm_t^{\rm MC} to a field theory mass is difficult. We present a calibration procedure to determine this relation using hadron level QCD predictions for observables with kinematic mass sensitivity. Fitting e+e−e^+e^- 2-Jettiness calculations at NLL/NNLL order to Pythia 8.205, mtMCm_t^{\rm MC} differs from the pole mass by 900900/600600 MeV, and agrees with the MSR mass within uncertainties, mtMC≃mt,1 GeVMSRm_t^{\rm MC}\simeq m_{t,1\,{\rm GeV}}^{\rm MSR}