758 research outputs found


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               تقدم هذه الورقة نوعين من درجات الحافة (الدرجة الخطية والدرجة قريب الخطية) ودرجات الحافة الكلية (الدرجة الكلية الخطية ودرجة قريب الخطية الكلية) للحافة في شبه البيان ضبابي، حيث يُعرّف الخط الضبابي بأنه (V, σ, μ, η ) مُعرَّفة على شبه البيان G * حيث σ : V → [0, 1], μ : VxV → [0, 1] و η : X → [0, 1]  تفي بالشروط التي تناسب جميع الرؤوس  u، v في مجموعة الرأس، μ(u, v) ≤ σ(u) ᴧ σ(v) و η(e) = μ(u1, u2) ᴧ μ(u2, u3) ᴧ … ᴧ μ(un-1, un) ≤ σ(u1) ᴧ σ(un) اذا كانت e = (u1, u2, …, un), n ≥ 2 هي حافة في نصف الرسم البياني G *، حيث يتم تعريف النصف البياني كزوج من المجموعات (V, X) حيث تكون مجموعة الرأس V مجموعة غير فارغة ومجموعة الحافة X عبارة عن مجموعة من n - tuples لمختلف n ≥ 2، من العناصر المميزة لـ V مع الخصائص التي، أي عنصرين في حافة المجموعة X لها رأس مشترك واحد تقريبًا ولأي حافتين (ɑ1, ɑ2,…, ɑn )  و (b1, b2,…, bm) في مجموعة الحافة  X متساوية إذا، وفقط إذا، n = m  وأيًا منهما أحد الشروط ɑj = bjأو ɑj = bn-j + 1 تتحقق ل  r لـ j  حيث تقع قيمة j بين 1 و n.  بالإضافة إلى انتظام الحواف (الخط المنتظم والخط القريب المنتظم) وإجمالي انتظام الحواف (الخط الكلي المنتظم والإجمالي القريب من الخط المنتظم) لدرجات الحافة المقابلة ودرجات الحافة الكلية التي تمت دراستها، تم فحص خصائصها وتم الحصول على نتائج قليلة تربط انتظام الرأس وانتظام الحافة لشبه البيان الضبابي.            This paper introduce two types of edge degrees (line degree and near line degree) and total edge degrees (total line degree and total near line degree) of an edge in a fuzzy semigraph, where a fuzzy semigraph is defined as (V, σ, μ, η) defined on a semigraph G* in which σ : V → [0, 1], μ : VxV → [0, 1] and η : X → [0, 1] satisfy the conditions that for all the vertices u, v in the vertex set,  μ(u, v) ≤ σ(u) ᴧ σ(v) and  η(e) = μ(u1, u2) ᴧ μ(u2, u3) ᴧ … ᴧ μ(un-1, un) ≤ σ(u1) ᴧ σ(un), if e = (u1, u2, …, un), n ≥ 2 is an edge in the semigraph G*, in which a semigraph is defined as a pair of sets (V, X) in which the vertex set V is a non - empty set and edge set X is a set of n – tuples for various n ≥ 2, of distinct elements of V with the properties that, any two elements in the edge set X has at most one vertex in common and for any two edges (ɑ1, ɑ2,…, ɑn ) and (b1, b2,…, bm)  in the edge set X are equal if, and only if, n = m and either one of the conditions ɑj = bj  or ɑj = bn-j+1 occur for j where the value of j lies between 1 and n. In addition to that edge regularities (line regular and near line regular) and total edge regularities (total line regular and total near line regular) of the corresponding edge degrees and total edge degrees are studied, their properties are examined and a few results connecting vertex regularity and edge regularity of a fuzzy semigraph are obtained. 2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C72, 05C07

    A New Metamaterial Printed Microstrip Yagi -Array Antenna for ISM band Applications

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    A traditional yagi antenna is used for broadband applications. A New Metamaterial Printed Microstrip Yagi -Array Antenna has been introduced here. This antenna is found to operate at 2.4GHz. The microstrip yagi-array antenna is loaded with artificial split ring resonators (SRRs) which is used for achieving the metamaterial effect in the structure. The overall circuit size of the designed antenna is 11.5*11.5*0.25mm3 with reduced cross polarization and the substrate used is FR4 epoxy with dielectric constant 4.4 which is readily available. The designed antenna achieved about 4dB of gain and it also achieved a high directional characteristic of 5-9dB in the operating band. The designed antenna had a minimum return loss of about -8dB. The achievement of narrowband width for ISM band application enhances the efficiency of the antenna at the specified band and reduces the interference level

    Impact of Digitization on Women’s Empowerment: A Study of Rural and Urban Regions in India

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    Women\u27s empowerment plays a crucial role in the overall development of any society besides positively impacting the daily lives of women. The winds of radical change in the fields of employment and information technology have brought with them a wide range of opportunities for women in India and across the globe. The primary objective of this study is to find the usage of digitization in rural regions and urban regions by women. The study aims to perceive how basic internet centres and training should be provided for rural women to help them utilize the internet facilities. The “Internet Saathi” projects are identified as projects that impart training to rural women, but in reality, only 1 out of 10 rural women use the internet. Digitization, which is the primary focus of digital literacy, is the most essential skill required for the empowerment of women. The development of mobile technology has brought the world to one’s fingertips and has allowed women to update themselves about everyday national and global news. Education not only enables rural women in digitization but also helps them to empower themselves economically. Towards this end, it would be advantageous for rural women to learn to use the internet via smartphones, carry out financial transactions online, and become aware of global trends

    Comparative Study of Public-key cryptosystems in Cloud Storage

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    Cloud storage is a service model in which data is maintained, managed and backed up remotely and made available to users over a network (typically the Internet). Cloud storage can provide the benefits of greater accessibility and reliability. In cloud storage different members can share that data through different virtual machines but present on single physical machine. But the thing is user don’t have physical control over the outsourced data. As a result there is a need of effective method to share data securely among different users. This can be achieved using cryptography, which helps in encrypting the data to be stored in cloud storage to protect against unauthorized access. Here we introduce a public-key cryptosystem which produce ciphertexts of constant size such a way that an systematic assignment of decryption virtue for any number of ciphertexts are possible. The modernity is that one can combine a set of secret keys and make them as mini single key with holding the same ability of all the keys that are formed in each group. This compact aggregate key can be efficiently sent to others or to be stored in a smart card with little secure storage. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150314

    Survey Analysis on Secured user Authentication through Biometric Recognition

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    Secured user authentication is the process of verifying the user authenticity. Biometric authentication is the human identification system employed to match the biometric characteristics of user for verifying the authenticity. Biometric identifiers are exclusive, making it harder to hack accounts using them. Common types of biometrics comprise the fingerprint scanning verifies authentication based on a user's fingerprints Face recognition and voice recognition are employed in real-time application for improving the security level in different application scenarios. Face recognition is a method of identifying or verifying the individual identity using their face expression. Voice recognition is the ability of machine to receive and interpret the dictation to understand. Many researchers carried out their research on different face and voice recognition methods. But, recognition accuracy was not improved with minimum time consumption by existing biometric recognition method. In this research, different recognition methods are reviewed using biometric recognition method for user authentication. The recognition methods are efficiently on human faces dataset with respect to performance metrics like recognition accuracy, error rate, and recognition time

    Evaluation of P53, Hox D10 and E Cadherin Status in Breast Cancer and Correlation with Histological Grade.

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    Breast Carcinoma Is The Most Common Cause Of Cancer Related Mortality In Urban Indian Women Overtaking Cervical Cancer. The Incidence Is 30 – 33 Per 1,00,000 Women In Urban India And It Is The Second Commonest Cause In Rural Women.1There Is A Gradual Rise In The Incidence Of Breast Carcinoma Worldwide. It Accounts For About 23% Of All Cancers In Women.2 Early Detection And Treatment Can Certainly Reduce The Mortality Rates. Breast Cancers Exhibit Widely Varying Behaviour With Regard To The Likelihood Of Recurrence, Metastasis And Response To Therapy.Study Of Tumour Molecular Characteristics Has Enhanced Our Understanding Of Both The Risk Of Breast Cancer Recurrence And The Response To Therapy. Hundreds Of Putative Markers Have Been Identified By Immunohistochemistry Or Bioassays And Thus Serve As An Important Prognostic And Predictive Factor. S O Me Of The Genes Implicated In Breast Cancer Progression And Evaluated In This Study Include The P53, E Cadherin And The Hoxd10 Gene. One Of The Most Commonly Mutated Genes In Human Cancer Is P53.3Alteration Of This Tumour Suppressor Gene Is A Critical Step In The Development Of Cancers.4 The Gene Is Present On Chromosome 17p, And Produces A Nuclear Phosphoprotein. The Protein Functions As A Transcription Factor And Regulates Entry Into S Phase Of The Cell Cycle.5,6 The P53 Protein Also Influences The Occurrence Of Apoptosis In Tumour Cells.7 Research Has Shown P53 Gene Mutation In Breast Cancers Is Associated With Worse Prognosis.8IHC Detects Mutant P53 Protein In The Cells As A Result Of Conformational Changes In The Polypeptide Which Results In Increased Stability.9 E Cadherin (EC) Is A Calcium Regulated Adhesion Molecule Present In Most Normal Epithelial Cells And Is A Classic Tumour Suppressor Gene.10 The EC Gene, CDH1 Is Located On Chromosome 16q22.1.2.11It Helps In Formation Of Glands, Epithelial Polarization And Stratification.12Loss Of EC Results In Dedifferentiation And Invasion In Carcinomas.13 While Majority Of The Infiltrating Lobular Carcinomas Show A Complete Loss Of EC Expression, Ductal Carcinomas Show Heterogeneous Loss Of EC Expression, Due To Epigenetic Transcriptional Downregulation.14 Studies Show CDH1 Under Expression To Be Associated With Histological Type, Higher Tumour Grade, Stage And Nodal Status.15 The Hox Gene Network Is Essential For Spatio Temporal Cell Localisation And For Cell To Cell Signal Decoding So As To Attain Phenotype Cell Identity.16 The Thoracic Hox Genes Are Involved In Breast Organogenesis,17 Whereas The Cervical And Lumbo-Sacral Hox Genes Are Involved In Progression Of Breast Cancer.18 The Genes Indicated In Breast Cancer Progression Include Hoxd10, B13, A11 In Lumbo Sacral Part And Hoxb2, D3, D4 In Cervical Part.19 In This Study Of 60 Cases Of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma NOS, An Attempt Is Made To Evaluate The P53 Status By IHC, The Hoxd10 And E Cadherin Status By PCR And To Correlate Them With Histological Grade And Other Prognostic Factors


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    Objective: Salvadora persica L. is a dense foliaceous evergreen shrub or small tree with diversified medicinal properties. The objective of this work was to do a comparative study on phytochemical composition between different plant parts of S. persica collected from the southern region of India. Methods: The phytochemical analysis of ethyl acetate fraction of ethanolic extracts from leaves, tender stems and tree bark of S. persica was done by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). Also, the anti-bacterial and anti-fungal activity of extracts was analyzed in vitro by Disc-diffusion method. Results: GC-MS/MS analysis of S. persica showed 29 phytocompounds. Among them, except for eugenol, caryophyllene, benzyl isothiocyanate, oleic acid, and fatty acid, the remaining 24 phytocompounds were newly reported in the present study. For the first time, a maximum amount of benzyl isothiocyanate (73.5%) was identified from tree bark extract of S. persica and this extract showed higher in vitro antimicrobial activity against gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria and fungi than leaves and tender stems. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that benzyl isothiocyanate could be the major antimicrobial component in S. persica