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    Aim. To assess osteogenic potentialities of a three-di-   components, enzymes and vessels with endothelial lining. mensional osteograft in a mini pig model with artificial   Structural composition of the osteograft is an analogue of vertebral body defect. The osteograft consists of osteo-               embryonic bone tissue, which was the basis for examining the regenerative potentialities of the osteograft in the ex-periment.Methods. The osteograft was implanted in the defect of the lumbar vertebral body of minipig (6 months old). The animals were withdrawn from the experiment in the period from 14 days to 6 months. In the control series, autobone was implanted in a similar defect. The preparations were examined by morphological methods, and bone tissue density was assessed by MSCT.Results. Regeneration and integration of the bone tissue of the vertebral body with the defect replaced by the osteograft was by primary angiogenic osteogene sis within one month due to the structural components of the osteograft. When the defect is replaced by autograft, the regeneration and integration of the bone tissue of the vertebral body occur within six months due to the structural components of the recipient.Conclusion. Formation of the common blood flow of the transplant and recipient vessels is both a factor of integration of the transplant into the homeostatic system of the recipient, and a pathogenic mechanism for optimizing the regeneration of bone tissue defect on the basis of the graft.Цель. На экспериментальной модели артифициального дефекта тела позвонка мини-поросенка исследованы остеогенные потенции трехмерного остеотрансплантата. Остеотрансплантат состоит из клеток остеогенного ряда, матрикса, содержащего костные белки, минеральные компоненты, ферменты и сосуды с эндотелиальной выстилкой. Структурная композиция остетрансплантата является аналогом эмбриональной костной ткани, что явилось основанием для исследования регенераторных потенций остеотрансплантата в эксперименте.Материалы и методы. В дефект тела поясничного позвонка мини-поросенка (6 месяцев) имплантировали остеотрансплантат. Животных выводили из эксперимента в сроки от 14 дней до 6 месяцев. В контрольной серии в подобный дефект имплантировали аутокость. Препараты исследова ескими методами, плотность костной ткани оценивали методом МСКТ.Результаты. Регенерация и интеграция костной ткани тела позвонка при замещении остеотрансплантатом происходит первичным ангиогенным остеогенезом за счет структурных компонентов остеотрансплантата в течение одного месяца. Регенерация и интеграция  сплантатом происходит за счет структурных компонентов реципиента в течение шести месяцев.Выводы. Формирование общего кровотока трансплантата и сосудов реципиента является фактором интеграции трансплантантата в гомеостатическую систему реципиента и патогенетическим механизмом оптимизации регенерации дефекта костной ткани на основе трансплантата

    Tests of FARICH prototype with precise photon position detection

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    In June 2012 a FARICH prototype from Philips Digital Photon Counting (PDPC) based on a photon camera with dimensions of 200×200 mm has been tested at CERN. Remarkable particle separation has been achieved with a 4-layer aerogel sample: the π /K separation at a 6 GeV/ c momentum is 3.5 σ , the μ/π separation is 5.3 σ at 1 GeV/ c . The analysis of the data has shown that the main contribution to the accuracy of the ring radius measurement comes from aerogel. The development of focusing aerogels is proceeding in two main directions: tuning of production technology of multilayer blocks and development of a new production method with continuous density (refractive index) gradient along the block depth. The beam test was carried out in December 2012–January 2013 at the electron beam test facility at the VEPP-4 M e + e − collider. The goal of this test was to measure different single layer and focusing aerogel samples, both multilayer and gradient. Aerogel samples were tested with a PDPC FARICH prototype. A part of DPC SPADs in each pixel was disabled to form an active area of 1×1 mm 2 . The collected data proved that gradient aerogel samples focus Cherenkov light