33 research outputs found

    UCE: A uracil excision (USER™)-based toolbox for transformation of cereals

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cloning of gene casettes and other DNA sequences into the conventional vectors for biolistic or <it>Agrobacterium</it>-mediated transformation is hampered by a limited amount of unique restriction sites and by the difficulties often encountered when ligating small single strand DNA overhangs. These problems are obviated by "The Uracil Specific Excision Reagent (USER™)" technology (New England Biolabs) which thus offers a new and very time-efficient method for engineering of big and complex plasmids.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>By application of the USER™ system, we engineered a collection of binary vectors, termed UCE (USER cereal), ready for use in cloning of complex constructs into the T-DNA. A series of the vectors were tested and shown to perform successfully in <it>Agrobacterium</it>-mediated transformation of barley (<it>Hordeum vulgare </it>L.) as well as in biolistic transformation of endosperm cells conferring transient expression.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The USER™ technology is very well suited for generating a toolbox of vectors for transformation and it opens an opportunity to engineer complex vectors, where several genetic elements of different origin are combined in a single cloning reaction.</p

    Characterization of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) NAC transcription factors suggests conserved functions compared to both monocots and dicots

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The NAC transcription factor family is involved in the regulation of traits in both monocots and dicots of high agronomic importance. Understanding the precise functions of the NAC genes can be of utmost importance for the improvement of cereal crop plants through plant breeding. For the cereal crop plant barley (<it>Hordeum vulgare </it>L.) only a few <it>NAC </it>genes have so far been investigated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Through searches in publicly available barley sequence databases we have obtained a list of 48 barley <it>NAC </it>genes (<it>HvNACs</it>) with 43 of them representing full-length coding sequences. Phylogenetic comparisons to Brachypodium, rice, and Arabidopsis NAC proteins indicate that the barley NAC family includes members from all of the eight NAC subfamilies, although by comparison to these species a number of <it>HvNACs </it>still remains to be identified. Using qRT-PCR we investigated the expression profiles of 46 <it>HvNACs </it>across eight barley tissues (young flag leaf, senescing flag leaf, young ear, old ear, milk grain, late dough grain, roots, and developing stem) and two hormone treatments (abscisic acid and methyl jasmonate).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Comparisons of expression profiles of selected barley <it>NAC </it>genes with the published functions of closely related <it>NAC </it>genes from other plant species, including both monocots and dicots, suggest conserved functions in the areas of secondary cell wall biosynthesis, leaf senescence, root development, seed development, and hormone regulated stress responses.</p

    Improving nitrogen use efficiency in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) through the cisgenic approach

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    Barley is one of the major crops cultivated worldwide and constitutes an important basis for animal feed. However, the production is facing a number of challenges that will be accentuated in the years to come, in particular restrictions on the use of nitrogen (N) fertilizer. In order to improve the N use efficiency in barley, we are developing a new generation of genetically modified plants based on the concept of cisgenesis. In this approach, plants are transformed only with their own genetic material. The genes encoding the cytosolic isoform of the glutamine synthetase (GS1) and the tonoplast intrinsic protein TIP2, potentially involve in N management and plant growth, have been selected to be transformed into the barley cultivar Golden Promise. The genomic clones comprising 1-2kb of the promoter, the gene itself and 0.5-1kb of the 3’untranslated region have been isolated and cloned into the pGreenII binary vector. The genes have been inserted into barley by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation using the hygromycin phosphotransferase gene for selection of transformed lines on hygromycin. In this system, the resistance gene is placed on the helper plasmid pSoup allowing for separate introductions of the gene of interest and the resistance gene for selection, respectively.The transgenic lines (T0), currently growing in greenhouse will be self pollinated and the molecular, physiological and agronomic characterization of subsequent generations will be undertaken

    Concerted suppression of all starch branching enzyme genes in barley produces amylose-only starch granules

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    Abstract Background Starch is stored in higher plants as granules composed of semi-crystalline amylopectin and amorphous amylose. Starch granules provide energy for the plant during dark periods and for germination of seeds and tubers. Dietary starch is also a highly glycemic carbohydrate being degraded to glucose and rapidly absorbed in the small intestine. But a portion of dietary starch, termed “resistant starch” (RS) escapes digestion and reaches the large intestine, where it is fermented by colonic bacteria producing short chain fatty acids (SCFA) which are linked to several health benefits. The RS is preferentially derived from amylose, which can be increased by suppressing amylopectin synthesis by silencing of starch branching enzymes (SBEs). However all the previous works attempting the production of high RS crops resulted in only partly increased amylose-content and/or significant yield loss. Results In this study we invented a new method for silencing of multiple genes. Using a chimeric RNAi hairpin we simultaneously suppressed all genes coding for starch branching enzymes (SBE I, SBE IIa, SBE IIb) in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), resulting in production of amylose-only starch granules in the endosperm. This trait was segregating 3:1. Amylose-only starch granules were irregularly shaped and showed peculiar thermal properties and crystallinity. Transgenic lines retained high-yield possibly due to a pleiotropic upregualtion of other starch biosynthetic genes compensating the SBEs loss. For gelatinized starch, a very high content of RS (65 %) was observed, which is 2.2-fold higher than control (29%). The amylose-only grains germinated with same frequency as control grains. However, initial growth was delayed in young plants. Conclusions This is the first time that pure amylose has been generated with high yield in a living organism. This was achieved by a new method of simultaneous suppression of the entire complement of genes encoding starch branching enzymes. We demonstrate that amylopectin is not essential for starch granule crystallinity and integrity. However the slower initial growth of shoots from amylose-only grains may be due to an important physiological role played by amylopectin ordered crystallinity for rapid starch remobilization explaining the broad conservation in the plant kingdom of the amylopectin structure.</p