1 research outputs found

    Cane molasses and NaOH teated bagacillo diets for lambs

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    The eftect of alkali-treated bag acillo in diets varying in proportion of bagacillo and mollasses was studied in lambs. The bagacillo was treated with a concentration solution of NaOH in a horizontald rum-type mixer to give a final concentrationo f 6% NaOH in the processed material with a 20% moisture content. ADG and feed efficiency were higher on the treated than on the untreated bagacillo diets. For all cell wall constituents, especiallyh emicellulosed, igestibilityw as greaterf or the NaOH-treatedw hen comparedw ith the untreatedb agacillo diets. Lambs fed the treated diets also had an increased N retention.T he superiorp erformanceo f lambs fed the treated bagacillo diets could be accounted for by an increase in intake and digestibility.Die effek van alkoli.behandeldeb agacilloi n rantsoenew at verskil in die verhouding van bagacillo melasse is by lammers ondersoek. Die bagacillo is behandel met 'n gekonsentreerde oplossing van NaOH in 'n horisontale drom-tipe menger om 'n finale konsentrasiev an 6% NaOH in die behandeldem ateriaal met Zooh voginhoud te gee. ADG en doeltreffendheid van voeding was ho€r op die behandelde as op die onbehandelde bagacillor antsoene.D ie verteerbaarheivda n al die selwandbestanddelev, eral hemisellulosew as ho€r vir die NaOHbehandelde rantsoene in vergelyking met die onbehandelde bagacillo rantsoene. Lammers wat die behandelde rantsoene gevoer is, het ook 'n verhoogde N retensie getoon. Die feit dat lammersw at behandeldeb agacillorantsoeneg evoeri s, beter presteer het, kan toegeskryf word aan die verhoogde inname en verteerbaarheid.Keywords: Sugar cane bagasse, NaOH treatment, feed conversion, digestibility nitrogen retentio