24 research outputs found

    A Gender Comparison of Economists' Publications

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    An ordered probit model is used to examine the impact of gender and the quality of the PhD g ranting in stitution o n the publication r ecord of m ale an d f emale economists who received t heir doctorate i n 1985. This analysis indicates th at men an d women have different publ ication pa tterns regardless of where t hey r eceived t heir P hD and t hat the quality of t he P hD granting institution has n o m easurable effect o n an individual's publication record.gender, ordered probit model, journal publications

    Confounding Issues in the Deadweight Loss of Gift-Giving

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    When a gift is given, someone other than the final consumer makes the consumption choice. Thus there is a possibility that the gift will not match the preferences of the receiver, i.e., the gift will represent a wise use of the money given the gift-giver's tastes but not necessarily a wise use of money given the recipient's tastes. In other words, gift giving can result in a deadweight loss. This paper addresses and clarifies the discrepancy between Waldfogel's (1993) finding of a deadweight loss from gift giving and Solnick and Hemenway's (1996) finding of a deadweight gain from gift giving. It also builds on some of the concerns raised by Ruffle and Tykocinski (2000).

    Factors That Impact Compensation Of Ncaa Head Basketball Coaches

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    To show junior, senior, and graduate economics students that topics for course projects can arise in their every-day reading, this study examines the compensation of relatively successful coaches: Division I men’s basketball coaches whose teams appeared in the 2011, ’12, or ‘13 NCAA Tournaments.  Salary is hypothesized as a function of coach specific characteristics as well as the college’s conference affiliation.  Head coaching characteristics include: experience measured as years at current school; the winning percentage at current school, previous college head-coach experience, NCAA tournament winning percentage, and NCAA championships won.  Other characteristics considered are the coach’s race and his current school’s BCS or non-BCS conference affiliation. The regression results verify that experience at both current and previous school(s), plus NCAA winning percentage and NCAA championships won, measure job performance and are positively related to compensation

    A Gender Comparison Of Economists’ Publications

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    An ordered probit model is used to examine the impact of gender and the quality of the PhD granting institution on the publication record of m ale and female economists who received t heir doctorate i n 1985.  This analysis indicates th at men an d women have different publ ication pa tterns regardless of where t hey r eceived t heir P hD and t hat the quality of t he P hD granting institution has n o m easurable effect o n an individual’s publication record

    Confounding Issues In The Deadweight Loss Of Giftgiving

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    When a gift is given, someone other than the final consumer makes the consumption choice.  Thus there is a possibility that the gift will not match the preferences of the receiver, i.e., the gift will represent a wise use of the money given the gift-giver’s tastes but not necessarily a wise use of money given the recipient’s tastes.  In other words, gift giving can result in a deadweight loss. This paper addresses and clarifies the discrepancy between Waldfogel's (1993) finding of a deadweight loss from gift giving and Solnick and Hemenway's (1996) finding of a deadweight gain from gift giving.  It also builds on some of the concerns raised by Ruffle and Tykocinski (2000)

    Characterization of Leishmania spp. causing cutaneous leishmaniasis in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil

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    In the State of Amazonas, American tegumentary leishmaniasis is endemic and presents a wide spectrum of clinical variability due to the large diversity of circulating species in the region. Isolates from patients in Manaus and its metropolitan region were characterized using monoclonal antibodies and isoenzymes belonging to four species of the parasite: Leishmania (Viannia) guyanensis, 73% (153/209); Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis, 14% (30/209); Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis, 8% (17/209); and Leishmania (Viannia) naiffii, 4% (9/209). The most prevalent species was L. (V.) guyanensis. The principal finding of this study was the important quantity of infections involving more than one parasite species, representing 14% (29/209) of the total. The findings obtained in this work regarding the parasite are further highlighted by the fact that these isolates were obtained from clinical samples collected from single lesions

    Towards an end-to-end analysis and prediction system for weather, climate, and marine applications in the Red Sea

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2021. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 102(1), (2021): E99-E122, https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0005.1.The Red Sea, home to the second-longest coral reef system in the world, is a vital resource for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Red Sea provides 90% of the Kingdom’s potable water by desalinization, supporting tourism, shipping, aquaculture, and fishing industries, which together contribute about 10%–20% of the country’s GDP. All these activities, and those elsewhere in the Red Sea region, critically depend on oceanic and atmospheric conditions. At a time of mega-development projects along the Red Sea coast, and global warming, authorities are working on optimizing the harnessing of environmental resources, including renewable energy and rainwater harvesting. All these require high-resolution weather and climate information. Toward this end, we have undertaken a multipronged research and development activity in which we are developing an integrated data-driven regional coupled modeling system. The telescopically nested components include 5-km- to 600-m-resolution atmospheric models to address weather and climate challenges, 4-km- to 50-m-resolution ocean models with regional and coastal configurations to simulate and predict the general and mesoscale circulation, 4-km- to 100-m-resolution ecosystem models to simulate the biogeochemistry, and 1-km- to 50-m-resolution wave models. In addition, a complementary probabilistic transport modeling system predicts dispersion of contaminant plumes, oil spill, and marine ecosystem connectivity. Advanced ensemble data assimilation capabilities have also been implemented for accurate forecasting. Resulting achievements include significant advancement in our understanding of the regional circulation and its connection to the global climate, development, and validation of long-term Red Sea regional atmospheric–oceanic–wave reanalyses and forecasting capacities. These products are being extensively used by academia, government, and industry in various weather and marine studies and operations, environmental policies, renewable energy applications, impact assessment, flood forecasting, and more.The development of the Red Sea modeling system is being supported by the Virtual Red Sea Initiative and the Competitive Research Grants (CRG) program from the Office of Sponsored Research at KAUST, Saudi Aramco Company through the Saudi ARAMCO Marine Environmental Center at KAUST, and by funds from KAEC, NEOM, and RSP through Beacon Development Company at KAUST

    "The use of computer aided instruction in the teaching of macroeconomic principles"

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