25 research outputs found

    Analisis Fundamental Dan Resiko Sistematik Terhadap Harga Saham Perbankan Yang Terdaftar Pada Indeks Lq 45

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    This research aimed to determine the effect of fundamental's aspect and systematic risk to the stock price of bank on the list of LQ 45. Fundamental analysis is a picture of the bank company's performance based on fundamental aspects. Systematic risk (BETA) is a risk that affects the market price of the existing shares on the stock exchange. Fundamental analysis is the form of financial ratios and Beta are identified variables could affect the stock price. The variables used in this research are financial ratios, Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Earning Per Share (EPS) Price Earning Ratio (PER), and Beta. Beta is a risk systematic sensitivity indicator of the stock market. This research used panel data which is a combination of the data time-series and cross-section with multiple linear regression models. The data was then estimated by Fixed Effect Model (FEM) and processed with the program Eviews 7. The results showed that the independent variables, Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Earning Per Share (EPS), Price Earning Ratio (PER) and BETA significant affected on bank stock prices LQ 45 while the Return On Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE) not significant affected on bank stock prices LQ 45. The independent variables used in this research are affected the stock price of bank in LQ 45 as the dependent variable with R-square 0.988096 and probability 0.000000

    Analisis Pengaruh Indeks Harga Saham di Bursa Global terhadap Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan di Bei

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    This research aims to analyze the effect of the global stock price index against IDX Composite Index as well as to determine the proportion of the global stock price index influence either simultaneously or partially. The global stock price index that is used consists of five indices, namely the Dow Jones Industrial Average (USA), FTSE 100 (UK), Nikkei 225 (Japan), Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite (China), and the Hang Seng Index (Hong Kong). The data used are secondary data, which include the fluctuation of Composite Stock Price Index at BEI and the global stock price index for 48 months ( January 2008-December 2011). The analysis model used in this research is Path Analysis. Based on this research during the period January 2008-December 2011 the global stock price index has a significant simultaneous effect on IDX Composite Stock Price Index. Partially out of five global stock price index that is used there are three that have a significant influence, namely Dow Jones Industrial Average (49.7143%), Nikkei 225 (0.9308%) and Hang Seng (38.2936%)

    Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Pengembangan Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus Sei Mangkei sebagai Klaster Industri

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    The purpose of this research is to know the perception of societies to the development of Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Sei Mangkei as a cluster of industry. The analysis conducted in this study is a social-economy method by using 3 dimensions, which consists of the role of KEK Sei Mangkei in the development of social and economic based on investigation on the activity of PT Perkebunan Nusantara III up to now, analysis about the information dan transparency of the development of KEK Sei Mangkei, and analysis about the perception of societies about the development of KEK Sei Mangkei. The analysis is about the perception of societies comprises potency of Sei Mangkei as growth pole, relationship between KEK Sei Mangkei and social life of the societies, relationship between KEK Sei Mangkei and economic life of the societies and general perception. The analysis method uses the descriptive method, by issuing questionaires to 100 respondents surrounding the area.The result of this research shows that the PTPN III plays role in the social and economy development of local societies of Bosar Maligas District. It is realized in absorbtion of local labour and provision of facilities and infrastructures for societies. According to the greater part of respondents, the development of KEK Sei Mangkei which is now going on, is conducted transparently and involves local soceties to participate. In the perception of societies, Sei Mangkei is a potential to be a new economic growth pole by making the area becomes special economic region. They believe that the existence of SEZ Sei Mangkei will increase life standard of local societies of Bosar Maligas District. Almost all respondents agree that the development of KEK Sei Mangkei will give advantage to progress of societies, especially in increasing of societies' social-economic standard. To sum up, most of the societies agree with the development of KEK Sei Mangkei with their main expectation that KEK Sei Mangkei will use local labour as employment so the problem of unemployment can be solved

    Efektivitas Sistem Nilai Tukar Mengambang Bebas Dalam Inflation Targeting Framework Di Indonesia

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    Since the economic crisis hit most of the East Asian country in 1997/1998, Indonesian government has changed its exchange rate system from managed floating system to free floating system. This has led the exchange rate of Indonesian rupiah to became more fluctuatif against other currency. Central bank needs to secure rupiah against other currency by doing intervention for the exchange rate, as we know Indonesian foreign exchange market gets unstable condition because of the crisis. This method known as fear of floating. As the application of Inflation Targeting Framework (ITF), this study using VAR model and reveals how the interest rate affect the inflation and whether inflation targeting or fear of floating method is applied within Indonesian monetary system after free floating system

    Analisis Pengaruh Likuiditas Terhadap Mispricing Pada Saham Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2010-2013

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    This research aims to test and analyze the effect of stock liquidity on stock mispricing which listed at Indonesia Stock Exchange. The applied sampling method is purposive sampling. The sample in this research is banking firms registered during January 2010 up to December 2013.The analysis method applied to analyze the influence stock liquidity on stock mispricing is descriptive analysis. Stock liquidity uses three measure: amihud illiquidity, amihud risk and share turnover. This research uses multiple regression and panel data with 22 banking companies listed which based on criteria of research at Indonesia Stock Exchange as a sample. The result of this research shows during Januari 2010 – December 2013 that size and book to market ratio have negative effects and not significantly influence on banking's stock mispricing in Indonesia. Stock liquidity measured by amihud illiquidity shows that liquidity has positive and significantly influence banking's stock mispricing in Indonesia. Stock liquidity measured by amihud risk shows that liquidity has negative and not significantly influence banking's stock mispricing in Indonesia. Stock liquidity measured by amihud share turnover shows that liquidity has positive and significantly influence banking's stock mispricing in Indonesia

    Analisis Pengaruh Pengumuman Bond Rating terhadap Harga Saham dan Volume Perdagangan (Studi Kasus Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2008 – 2011)

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of bond rating on stock price and stock trading volume on companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2008 to 2011.The study used secondary data with samples size of 136 companiesconducted by purposive sampling. The data used are daily closing stock price and daily trading volume. Hypothesis testing is using paired samples T – test.The tools which is used with SPSS 19.0 version.The results indicates that there are no significant effectof bond rating on stock price and volume trading before, during and after the announcement

    Efektivitas Penggunaan Arima dan Var dalam Memproyeksi Permintaan Kredit di Indonesia

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    This research was carried out by using ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrate Moving Avarage ) with VAR method (Vector Autoregressive) to see which one more effective in forecasting. From the results of the study may indicate that the ARIMA method is more effective than VARmethod in predicting demand for credit in Indonesia . ARIMA ( 1,1,0 ) is the best model for forecasting the level of the average forecasting error is quite low with a value of 8.70 (RMSE) compared with VAR models . Additionally VAR models using multiple stages to performforecasting models such as VAR , Impulse Response , Variance Decomposition to be done to project the demand for credit . From the research that has been done quantitatively that the ARIMA method is more effective and efficient in making predictions , the stage or the method used is quite simple with accurate results with relatively low error rates with 8.70 (RMSE) . While the VAR method for forecasting the need to use multiple stages in predicting demand for credit , but no measure of the level of error in the method of the VAR model is best for forecasting the ARIMA model