9 research outputs found

    Intrauterine unilateral single inferior accessory renal artery: a case report

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    In comparison with other organs, variants of blood supply to the kidneys were always at special attention due to end arteries. Anatomic variations in the renal vasculature are common and occurrence is varying in between 25% to 40%. The most common variation is presence of accessory renal arteries. Accessory renal artery generally diagnosed on abdomen angiography studies or cadaveric dissection. Only few studies or case report of intrauterine detection of accessory renal artery are available in printed and online literature. During a dedicated anomaly scan of 23 week foetus, detection of an accessory renal artery on left side entering kidney in inferior pole courses parallel to main renal arteries and arising from abdominal aorta. Knowledge of the possible anatomic variations and anomalies of the renal arteries like accessory renal arteries are necessary for proper surgical management during renal transplantation, abdominal aorta aneurysm repair, different urological procedures and angiographic procedures. As the various type of vascular and non - vascular interventions increase, knowledge of the different type of variations of the renal arteries is necessary for proper surgical management in the different specialties

    Pregnancy outcome in women with heart disease at a tertiary referral teaching center in Northern India

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    Background: Pregnancy causes a significant burden on cardiovascular system due to hemodynamic changes therefore a diseased heart may not be able to adjust with extra load resulting in heart failure and even maternal mortality.Methods: A prospective study was done in 50 women with heart disease over a period of 12 months from 2010 to 2011 at G.S.V.M. Medical College, Kanpur. At the first antenatal visit baseline data is recorded included age, parity, gestational age, NYHA class, co-morbid conditions, prior cardiac events, cardiac lesion (if already diagnosed), prior surgery/interventions, cyanosis and medications. A thorough clinical examination and investigations were done.Results: Maximum numbers of patients (56%) were in the age group 20-24 years. 52 % of patients were primigravida and 48 % of patients were multigravida. Maximum numbers of patients (76.67%) were in the lower socioeconomic group. Chronic rheumatic heart disease (84%) was the most common type of heart disease followed by congenital cardiac disease (14%). Heart disease if diagnosed preconceptionally or during earlier period of gestation both maternal (8.9%) and foetal complications (22.8%) are lesser as compared to patients in whom diagnosis was made late. There is also the significant difference with majority of the foetal complications in group IV (80%) (preterm birth, IUGR and perinatal mortality) as compared to group I (14.2%).Conclusions: Maternal and perinatal outcome in women with heart disease depends mainly on the functional cardiac status during pregnancy, the risk being greater in NYHA III and IV. Our study shows that surgical intervention or medical management in pregnancy improves the functional class and also improves the maternal and fetal outcomes. Interventions can only be successfully done either before pregnancy or during 2nd trimester. When patients were diagnosed before pregnancy we have enough time for counseling and treatment. Counseling further increase the compliance and acceptance for medical and surgical interventions

    The role of antioxidants and free radicals in the healing effects of Bacopa monniera on acetic acid-induced colitis in rats

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    Background: The aim to study and elucidate the healing effects of ethanolic extract of dried whole plant of Bacopa monniera against experimental colitis in rats.Methods: Bacopa monniera whole plant extract was administered orally, once daily for 14 days, to rats after induction of colitis with acetic acid. We studied its effects on: faecal output, food and water intake, and body weight changes and also examined colonic mucosal damage, inflammation and status of antioxidants: superoxide dismutase, reduced glutathione; free radicals: nitric oxide, lipid peroxidation on 15th day of the experiment. Antibacterial activity of the extract was also studied using in vitro procedures. Statistical comparison was performed using either unpaired ‘t’ test or one -way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and for multiple comparisons versus control group was done by Dunnett’s test.Results: Bacopa monniera whole plant extract decreased colonic mucosal damage, inflammation, faecal output and increased body weight in acetic acid induced colitis. It also showed antibacterial activity and enhanced the antioxidant but decreased free radicals. Acute toxicity study indicated no mortality or other ANS or CNS related adverse effects even with ten time effective dose indicating its safety.Conclusions: Bacopa monniera whole plant extract is safe, effective and could be beneficial as a complementary agent in treatment of ulcerative colitis

    Evaluation of physicians and junior residents’ knowledge and awareness of radiation dose and its risks: a cross-sectional survey in tertiary health centre of central India

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    Background: The frequency of radiological investigations increases to many fold now-a-days, so it is necessary to know the knowledge of all physicians about radiation dose, safety measures and regulations which governs the use and practice of radiation examination and their therapeutic use. The objectives comprise to investigate amongst all Physicians: (1) level of knowledge and awareness of radiation dose of radiological investigations and radiobiology of radiation exposure, and (2) to assess physicians’ knowledge about the risks associated with the use of radiological examinations and their safety measures.Methods: A questionnaire targeting about knowledge, safety measures, and radiation biology about some commonly performed radiological procedures was addressed: (1) Relative radiation doses, (2) Associated risks of radiation exposure, (3) What safety measures should be considered before examination. (4) What risk and hazards all physicians considered when requesting radiological examinations.Results: A questionnaire answered by physicians demonstrates loops in knowledge. In all, 15% (14/92) incorrectly believed that magnetic resonance imaging involved radiation exposure and 3% (3/92) incorrectly believed that ultrasound involved radiation exposure; 38% (35/92) stated that they always explain the benefits and risk of radiation to their patients when obtaining informed consent for examinations involving radiation.Conclusions: This study concluded a deficit of knowledge about radiation dose exposure, and hazards among Physicians, which may cause them to request more radiological investigations than appropriate and high-dose investigations instead of lower dose alternatives. Providing better radiation protection training may help improve their basic knowledge on the subject and reduce unnecessary patient exposure to radiation

    Psychological impact among cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy in Bundelkhand region, Central India

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    Background: A cancer diagnosis can have a significant impact on mental health and wellbeing. Cancer is the second most common cause of death after heart diseases and it accounted for 9.6 million deaths worldwide in 2018. Various individual psychosocial and contextual factors potentially contribute to the development of anxiety and depression among people with cancer. In comparison with general people, the prevalence of anxiety and depression is frequently found to be higher among cancer patient, but estimates vary due to various factors, such as the type of cancer, treatment setting, and prognosis of disease. The present study was conducted to find out the estimate of depression in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and determine the various factors associated with depression.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted amongst cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy at Department of Oncology, Government Bundelkhand Medical College and Hospital, Sagar from January to April 2019. 150 participants were interviewed using predesigned questionnaire based on the Beck’s depression inventory.Results: Out of 150 cancer patients, 83 (55.3%) were found to be depressed. Depression was comparatively higher in patients’ ≥50 years; in males. Among the study patients, 83 (55.33%) had depression of which 21 (25.3%) had borderline clinical depression, 54 (65.06%) had moderate depression and 08 (9.6%) had severe depression.Conclusions: The study revealed depression in majority of patients receiving chemotherapy. Treatment of cancer patients need to be complemented by psychological support. Research is urgently needed into the possible impacts of long term effects of cancer treatment on mental health

    Urinary Bladder Calculus as a Rare Cause of Obstructed Labour: A Series of Three Rare Cases

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    Obstructed labour by large urinary bladder stones is one of the rare complications. Very small number of cases have been described in available literature. The diagnosis is generally based on the history of patient, their clinical evaluation and ultrasonography scans during pregnancy. Majority of antenatal cases in rural areas come first time in Primary Healthcare Centre (PHC) with labour pain and usually without any previous ultrasound scans. These cases are referred to higher centres due to prolonged obstructed labour. Although rare, but one should consider a large urinary bladder calculus as a cause of obstructed labour as early diagnosis and timely management of urinary bladder stones can prevent various complications like mechanical dystocia and Vesico-vaginal Fistula (VVF). Here, authors reported three cases of a large urinary bladder calculus causing obstructed labour. Caesarean section was done for obstructed labour and cystolithotomy was performed simultaneously in all three cases


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    Introduction: No proper attention has been given to the exposure of ionizing radiation and its hazards to patients accompanying persons/caregiver during imaging procedures. A significant level of exposure of patients accompanying persons/caretaker to ionizing radiation during medical imaging procedures has been observed, but no proper attention has been paid to this important matter. Aim: Evaluation of awareness and knowledge of ionizing radiation-related hazards and protective measures among patients’ accompanying persons or caretakers in the Bundelkhand region of central India in a tertiary level teaching hospital in Bundelkhand Medical College, Sagar (M.P.). Methods: This study was conducted as a questionnaire-based survey conducted in one tertiary-level teaching hospital in Bundelkhand Medical College, Sagar, M.P., from June 2021 to February 2022. A semi-structured questionnaire of 21 items was administered to 840 patient’s accompanying persons/caretaker selected as per inclusion/excusion criteria. Information on demographic variables of the respondents intheir knowledge about ionizing radiation effects/hazard, radiation protection measures and source of their knowledge on ionizing radiation were taken and collected data used in the study by applying descriptive statistical analysis. Results: Majority of the participants in our study were male 548 (63.3%). Most of the participants, 635 (75.6%), did not have knowledge of ionizing radiation. Only 320 (38%) knew that ionizing radiation is hazardous. The majority of the participants, 399 (76.7%), were informed about radiation by the radiographers, while 121 (23.2%) read about it. A larger number of the participants, 620 (73.8%), had no idea about the meaning of radiation protection. The majority of the participants, 678 (80.2%), assisted their relatives during the examination. Most of the participants, 676 (80.1%), have seen the radiation warning sign before. Conclusion: This study showed that there is a low level of knowledge and awareness of radiation hazards and protective measures among patients’ accompanying persons or caretakers. It is obvious that public education via new papers, TV, holdings, etc. will contribute immensely to the spreading of awareness of the harmful effects of ionizing radiation and the measurement of for radiation protection measures

    Evaluation of physicians and junior residents’ knowledge and awareness of radiation dose and its risks: a cross-sectional survey in tertiary health centre of central India

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    Background: The frequency of radiological investigations increases to many fold now-a-days, so it is necessary to know the knowledge of all physicians about radiation dose, safety measures and regulations which governs the use and practice of radiation examination and their therapeutic use. The objectives comprise to investigate amongst all Physicians: (1) level of knowledge and awareness of radiation dose of radiological investigations and radiobiology of radiation exposure, and (2) to assess physicians’ knowledge about the risks associated with the use of radiological examinations and their safety measures.Methods: A questionnaire targeting about knowledge, safety measures, and radiation biology about some commonly performed radiological procedures was addressed: (1) Relative radiation doses, (2) Associated risks of radiation exposure, (3) What safety measures should be considered before examination. (4) What risk and hazards all physicians considered when requesting radiological examinations.Results: A questionnaire answered by physicians demonstrates loops in knowledge. In all, 15% (14/92) incorrectly believed that magnetic resonance imaging involved radiation exposure and 3% (3/92) incorrectly believed that ultrasound involved radiation exposure; 38% (35/92) stated that they always explain the benefits and risk of radiation to their patients when obtaining informed consent for examinations involving radiation.Conclusions: This study concluded a deficit of knowledge about radiation dose exposure, and hazards among Physicians, which may cause them to request more radiological investigations than appropriate and high-dose investigations instead of lower dose alternatives. Providing better radiation protection training may help improve their basic knowledge on the subject and reduce unnecessary patient exposure to radiation

    Assessment of Causes of Maternal Death in One Year at A Tertiary Centre of Central India : Trends in Maternal Mortality

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    Abstract: Background: According to the definition of maternal mortality, it is the "death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days following termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the site and duration of pregnancy, from any cause connected to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management but not by accidental or incidental cause". Studying maternal mortality and factors contributing to maternal deaths at Bundelkhand Medical College for a period of one year from January 2021 to December 2021 to identify causes that can be avoided and use the knowledge thereby produced to lower maternal mortality. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study of all maternal deaths from January to December 2021. The causes of death and the time between admission and death for each maternal death were thoroughly examined. Results: The Maternal mortality ratio in present study was found to be 357.7 per 100000 live births for the year 2021. 18 maternal deaths out of 5037 live births during our study period. Conclusion Maternal Health is an indicator of good health care services. Better services and awareness can be provided to decrease the cases of maternal deaths.   &nbsp