179 research outputs found

    Dampak Pengembangan Pariwisata dan Sikap Nelayan di Desa Pangandaran

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    Development of coastal tourism can give directly impact on the social and cultural life of fisherman communities and influence the attitudes of fishermen. This study intend to analyze the impact of tourism development on the social structure and cultural values as well as analyzing the attitudes of fishermen towards the tourism development. The research was conducted in Pangandaran village using survey methods. The results showed that the development of tourism impact on the social structure of fishermen namely the growth of social organization, social stratification, migration and composition of the population, as well as the livelihoods and incomes. Whereas the impact on the cultural value of fishermen include namely the waning tradition of local fishermen, fishermen lifestyle changes, and increased knowledge of fishermen. Fishermen status and income level have a real relationship with the attitude of fishermen, whereas age and education level did not have a real relationship with the attitude of fishermen

    Kraton: Menjaga Perempuan, Menjaga Kebudayaan (Studi Kasus Abdi-dalem Perempuan Kraton Kasunanan Surakarta)

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    The study of women has always attracted the attention of a variety of multi-disciplines. This paper examines women from the discipline of economics which is supported by the study of other sciences, especially gender and culture. This paper describes how the Kraton, as the center of Javanese culture, contributed to keeping women and culture. Thesis writing material adapted from the author himself in 2015, which was then coupled with studies of secondary data as a complement and a reformer. The object of research was the Women Abdi-Dalem Kraton Surakarta, the focus is on the family breeds servants Abdi-Dalem Mbah Dullah , as the only breed longest tradional family servants, namely 5 generations. The object of the research proposed by the Kraton Surakarta appropriate to the purpose of the author, which focus more on parenting and sustainability of the Abdi-Dalem

    Pengalaman Berkreasi Fotografer Model: Pendekatan Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

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    Fotografer model merupakan profesi yang pekerjaannya adalah memotret model. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami dunia pengalaman berkreasi fotografer model ketika memotret seorang model. Subjek dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga orang fotografer model yang memiliki pemahaman mengenai fotografi dan sering memotret model. Penelitian ini mendasarkan diri pada pendekatan fenomenologis, khususnya Interpretative Phenomenologycal Analysis (IPA). Metode ini dipilih karena adanya prosedur yang terinci dalam menganalisis data. Prosedur tersebut menghasilkan kedalaman terhadap pengalaman, peristiwa unik, dan pemikiran yang dimiliki subjek melalui wawancara. Peneliti menemukan bahwa dalam pengalaman berkreasi subjek terdapat tiga pokok, yaitu terdiri dari: insight menjadi fotografer, proses berkreasi dalam memotret model dan konsekuensi positif dari memotret. Peneliti menemukan bahwa pengalaman berkreasi memotret tidak terpisah dari awal masuk menjadi fotografer, sehingga mempengaruhi proses berkreasi memotret yang berbeda-beda saat memotret seorang model, sehingga karya-karya yang dihasilkan memiliki keunikan masing-masing. Dari pengalaman berkreasi itu subjek memperoleh konsekuensi nilai-nilai yang positif untuk menjalani kehidupan

    Peran Penyuluhan dalam Pemberdayaan Petani Kelapa Sawit Pola Swadaya di Kecamatan Langgam Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    The purposes of this research are: To determine the role of extension on independent smallholder farmers of oil palm in subdistrict Langgam. To determine the empowerment level of the farmers in in subdistrict Langgam. To analize the achievement of destination extension seen from better farming, better business, and better living. To analyze effect the role of extension toward empowerment and empowerment influence to the reaching of destination extension in subdistrict Langgam. The research was conducted in Langgam subdistrict of Pelalawan. Samples were determined by purposive sampling methods with consideration that the location has active extension activities and has farmers group. 120independent smallholder farmers of oil palm were taken as respondent. Data were analyzed with descriptive analysis, Likert Scale's Summated Rating (SLR), and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The results showed: (1) The role of extension which consisting of a variable education, dissemination, facilitation, consultation, supervision, monitoring and evaluation as a whole are in the unfavorable category; (2) The level ofempowerment offarmers which consistingofvariablehuman resources, productiveeconomy, andinstitutionsas a whole isin the unfavorable category; (3) the purposeof role of extension which consisting of variable better farming, better bussines, and better overall living categorized good enough; (4) The relationship between the role of extension toward empowerment was shown with the value (4.247) and the relationship of empowerment toward the purpose of extension with the value (3.341). This proves that the role of extension significant effect on empowerment, as well as the purpose of extension

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Luas Pengungkapan Sukarela dalam Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan Manufaktur di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The aims of this study is to analyze the influence of firm characteristics on voluntary disclosure in annual report in Indonesia. Factors tested in this study are ownership dispersion, firm age, leverage, return on equity. Collecting data is using porposive sampling methode to the manufacturing companies that listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange during 2012. This study uses content analysis to measure the extent of voluntary disclosure. There are 103 voluntary disclosure items to detect the extent of voluntary disclosure. This study used agency theory, stakeholder theory, and signal theory to explain lingkage between variables. This research uses multiple regression that use to examine the influence of firm characteristics on voluntary disclosure in annual report. The result of this research showed those independent variables that have significant influence on extent of voluntary disclosure is leverage and return on equity. However, firm age and ownership dispersion do not show significant influence on the extent of voluntary disclosures.Keywords: Annual Report, Firm Characteristics, Voluntary Disclosure, Voluntary Disclosure Items

    Design of Mobile Expert System for Diabetes Risk Diagnosis and Information

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    Along with the development of information technology, mobile applications are widely applied to various fields. The use of mobile applications is considered effective to help user in understanding the problem. One example of the application of mobile applications needed today is an application that can help to determine a wide range of health. The designs discussed in this paper are the structure of the navigation and layout design of mobile applications created. There is a navigation structure and eight layout designs such as splash screen page, main menu page, diabetes risk test page, result page, diabetes prevention info page, food information page, list of hospitals page, and help page. The purpose of this paper is to design of mobile application for diabetes risk diagnosis and information based on android

    Kekalahan Pdi-p dalam Pemilukada Kabupaten Klungkung Tahun 2013

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    Political parties is a means or a place for the community to achieve power in government. One political party in Indonesia is still showing its existence until now is the PDI-P. Bali province is one of the strong base PDI-P. The power of PDI-P not only be seen in the central government in Bali but also in all regency in Bali. Klungkung regency is one of districts in Bali that showed the dominance of PDI-P. It can be seen with the victory of PDI-P in local elections and legislative elections. But in 2013, PDI-P was defeat in Klungkung elections. The purpose of this study was to determine and describe the defeat causes of PDI-P in Klungkung regency election in 2013. The theory used is the Theory of Symbolic Interaction with the approach changes the meaning of a symbol of a political party. This research method is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study found that, PDI-P defeat in the election of 2013 was influenced by internal and external causes. The determining candidates late from DPP PDI-P, less solid political machine PDI-P that does not fully support the decision of the DPP PDI-P, and there are cadres are disappointed because it failed to become a candidate recommended by the DPP followed by supporters who ultimately did not choose PDI-P became the main cause of the internal side. In external side the ownership of cooperative from other candidates, incompatibility of candidates that determined PDIP with community\u27s desire, and and the emergence of issues discrimination another candidate that gave rise to fanaticism of regionalism is a major cause of the external side. In this study concluded that Klungkung society is now more pragmatism in selecting candidates such as see figure and vision and mission that brought in compare the political party in the election. Klungkung society will impose his choice to candidates who give benefit from the social economy only

    Teaching Simple Past Tense by Using Grammar Translation Method (a Field Research at Elementary Level Lpia Rawasari)

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    The objectives of this research is to know the effectiveness of teaching Simple Present Tense using Grammar Translation Method and the problem that the writer finds out in the teaching-learning process. The data were collected through libraries, internet, observation and test. The research was concluded at elementary level LPIA Rawasari. The result of this research indicated that : (1) the writer applied grammar translation method in teaching simple past tense by using cue card. The writer also always uses both English as target languange and Indonesian as source languange or mother tongue (2) the problems tha are found in teaching-learning process are the students are difficult to pay attention to the material that the writer explained and some students have less vocabulary

    Kajian Pola Pengembangan UMKM di Kampung Batik Laweyan melalui Modal Sosial dalam Menghadapi Perdagangan Bebas Kawasan ASEAN

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    In the development of the national economy in Indonesia, which were prioritized Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). SMEs become the backbone of a democratic economic system to reduce the problems of poverty and development were able to expand the economic base and can make a significant contribution to improving the local economy and the resilience of the national economyLaweyan Batik SMEs in order to survive in the current free trade is needed pattern appropriate strategy to maintain the existence of Batik Laweyan SMEs in trade flows freely.In a study using qualitative methods of data collection method interviews, participant observation and documentation. Then the data analysis techniques in this study using data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusionResults from the study suggests that the pattern of development of SMEs Batik Laweyan by innovating, updating product and then applying social capital to expand business network networkThe conclusion of the study outlined that social capital relationship with Innovation and cooperation in creating SME development is closely it is evident that most employers have defined it in their business. Always innovating in production and implement social capital in developing the business and working with business partners so that businesses can thrive batik productio
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