187 research outputs found

    Penegakan Hukuman Mati terhadap Pembunuhan Berencana

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penegakan hukuman mati terhadap pembunuhan berencana dan mengkaji faktor-faktor penghambat dari penegakan hukuman mati terhadap pelaku pembunuhan berencana. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tipe penelitian hukum normatif/doktrinal (normative legal research) yaitu tipe penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara mengkaji peraturan Perundang-undangan yang diterapkan terhadap suatu permasalahan hukum tertentu. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa penegakan hukuman mati haruslah diberlakukan terhadap pembunuhan berencana karena, penerapan hukuman mati tidaklah bertentangan dengan Hak Asasi Manusia yang banyak dipersoalkan selama ini, sedangkan faktor-faktor yang menjadi penghambat dilaksanakan eksekusi mati tersebut antara lain: dari aspek yuridisnya, Kebijakan Pemerintah, dan Lemahnya koordinasi antara penegak hukum. Adapun saran yang diberikan kepada pembuat undang-undang agar melakukan pembaharuan terhadap KUHP terkhusus lagi mengenai Pasal tentang Pembunuhan Berencana, agar sebaiknya dicantumkan dalam pasal ataupun penjelasan tersebut tentang kualitas dan kuantitas yang didasarkan pada alternatif hukuman yang diberikan. Selanjutnya merekomendasikan mengenai batasan dan waktu dalam hal pengajuan remisi dan grasi terhadap hak terpidana mati yang melakukan kejahatan pembunuhan berencana karena hal tersebut dapat menjadi celah bagi para terpidana

    Pengaruh Sistem Remunerasi Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Dan Motivasi Kerja Pada Perguruan Tinggi

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    The aim of this study was to assess the implementation of remuneration system which is applied in a college through testing the influence of remuneration system towards job satisfaction and job motivation using explanatory research with quantitative approach. The data analysis in this study used path analysis. The result of the study showed that there was a significant influence from remuneration system towards lecturers' job satisfaction in Brawijaya University. The result was shown the same thing in the significant influence of job satisfaction towards job motivation. However, the different result was seen in the influence which was not significant from the remuneration system towards lecturers' job motivation. One of ways to improve the role of remuneration system toward job satisfaction and job motivation was by revising negative perception of the lecturers toward the remuneration system. It can be done by evaluating the system that has been applied, then giving socialization about the elements contained in remuneration system to all lecturers, so that all of them can be balancing another elements to support the improvement of lecturers' job satisfaction and job motivation, such as providing facility like laboratory, workspace, and improving the harmony of work environment and culture

    The Marketing Potential of Graphic Design Products in Disruptive Era

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    The presence of various portal marketplaces since the last few years has driven the massive growth of creative industries in Indonesia. Marketplaces portal has opened up millions of jobs for many people, including the profession as a freelance artists and designers. In the field of graphic design, a marketplace is devoted in providing various supporting needs for an audio visual display that called as a microstock. This article focuses on the development of the microstock business, its potential and challenges in the disruptive era that occurred in Indonesia. Using a case study research design, this article conducts a qualitative method. The results of the study shows that the development of the microstock business in Indonesia is influenced by many factors, including facilities, networks and changes in the pattern of the creation of graphic design works that aimed at commercial interests. Keywords graphic design, creative industry, marketplace, microstoc

    Perbandingan Kekuatan Tekan Resin Komposit Hybrid Menggunakan Sinar Halogen dan LED

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    Resin komposit sinar tampak merupakan bahan restorasi gigi yang sering digunakan saat ini karena sifatnya yang mudah dibentuk dan kuat. Light Curing Unit yang sering digunakan untuk mengaktifkan resin komposit adalah sinar QTH (Quartz Tungste Halogen) yang menghasilkan panas dan LED (Light Emitting Diode) yang menghasilkan intensitas sinar yang tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbandingan kekuatan tekan resin komposit hybrid yang dihasilkan antara keduasumber sinar Halogen (QTH) dan Light EmittingDiode (LED). Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimental laboratoris, dengan jumlah seluruh sampel 10 buah yang dibagi dalam 2 kelompok sampel yang dicetak pada cetakan akrilik. Masing-masing kelompok sampel disinar menggunakan sinar QTH (Litex 682, Dentamerica, USA) dan sinar LED (LED.P, Woodpecker, China) selama 20 detik. Pengukuran kekuatan tekan menggunakan Universal Testing Machine. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah independent sample t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan data hasil pengujian dengan rata-rata tertinggi pada sampel Halogen sebesar 106,42 MPa dan pada sampel LED sebesar 98,11 MPa, dari data hasil uji statistikmenunjukkan nilai p = 0.411 (p>0.05). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah tidak terdapat perbedaan terhadap kekuatan tekan resin komposit hybrid dari 2 kelompok sampel yang disinar menggunakan Halogen dan LED. Kelompok sampel Halogen relatif sedikit lebih kuat dibanding dengan kelompok sampel LED

    Analysis Of Electronic Recruitment Policy: Implementation, Driving Factors And Barriers

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze electronic recruitment from the perspective of implementation, driving factors as well as barriers. Type of research is exploratory research with qualitative approach and using case study method. The research was conducted at Headquarter Office of Jawa Timur Park 1, PT. BEON Intermedia and PERUM JASA TIRTA I. Primary data were retrieved from in-depth interview and secondary data were retrieved from observatioan as well as documentation. The results indicated that: 1) Factors to conduct e-recruitment based on Edward III theory, such as: communication, resource, disposition and bureaucratic structure, in general already fulfilled by the all company. But in several cases, there are minor obstacles, such as lack of clarity in communication aspect, lack of resource and the different attitude shown by the implementers; 2) The driving factor in order to conducting e-recruitment came from several reasons, mostly: approval, support and public trust, implementer have sufficient information, particularly regarding the conditions and subject to public awareness with the policy and adequate assignments and obligations of policy implementation; 3) The barriers in order to conducting e-recruitment came from several reasons, mostly: lack or sources (time, money, and human resources), uncertainty internal and external factors and the contents of the policy is not clear

    Relationship between the injury severity score and GAP score with IL-6 cytokine in fracture patients with multiple trauma

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    Background: ISS, GAP scores and the cytokines IL-6 reflects the severity of an injury. Recently levels of the cytokine IL-6 are the best biomarker that reflects the severity of the trauma. There has been no research on the relationship between ISS and GAP scores with IL-6 cytokine level in fracture patients with multiple traumas. This study is a cross-sectional observational study.Methods: All fracture patients treated at Sanglah Emergency Unit started in January 2016 that met the inclusion criteria became sample. At sample, we calculate ISS and GAP scores and took blood samples for examination of IL-6 cytokine level. Bivariate analysis performed by Chi-square to determine the relationship between ISS and GAP score with IL-6 cytokine level.Results: Samples were 60 patients from January to April 2016. In this study, the correlation between the ISS and IL-6 cytokines was 0.05 (p=0.705), whereas the correlation between GAP scores and IL-6 cytokines was -0.399 (p=0.002).Conclusions: In this study there was positive correlation that weak and not significant between the ISS and IL-6 cytokines and there was a negative correlation that had moderate strength and significant between GAP scores and IL-6 cytokines

    Pengaruh Penambahan Sodium Lauril Sulfat (Sls) Sebagai Surfaktan Terhadap Sifat Fisik Dan Uji Disolusi Tablet Ketoprofen

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    Ketoprofen (acid 2-(3-benzoilfenil) propanoat) was derivated of propionat acid which has analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory with poor solubillity in water. This research allowed to increase the dissolution rate of ketoprofen tablets and effect on the physical characteristic by adding sodium lauril sulfat as surfactant. Sodium lauryl sulfat is a surfactant that can be used to improve wetting and dissolution rate. This study was done with make four formula of ketoprofen tablets by different concentration of sodium lauryl sulfat (0%, 0,5%, 1%, and 1,5%) as a wetting agent. Ketoprofen without sodium lauryl sulfat was used as control. The tablets were made by wet granulation method. Tablet produced were tested for the physical characterisation (uniformity of weight, and hardness, friability, and disintegration time tablet) and dissolution test. The dissolution test were done by using pedal method with dissolution buffer of phosphate buffer pH 7,2 with spinning rate of 100 rpm in the temperature 37±0,5ºC for 60 minutes. The parameter used in this research is Dissolution Efficiency or DE30 (%). Data gained then analyzed statistically by using one way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and LSD (Least Significant Difference). The result showed the data have signifficant differences at the confidence of 95% The result of this study indicate that the addition of sodium lauryl sulfate had not effects on hardness, fragility and weight uniformity of tablets, but it has effect on the disintegration time. By adding more sodium lauryl sulfat, the disintegration time and the dissolution rate were greater. The percentage of ketoprofen dissolved after 30th minute, for formula I, II, III and IV respectively were 14,64% ; 29,66% ; 32,06% ; 35,81%. Key words: sodium lauryl sulfate, tablet, ketoprofen, dissolutio

    Studi Performa Udang Vaname (Litopenaeus Vannamei) yang Dipelihara dengan Sistem Semi Intensif pada Kondisi Air Tambak dengan Kelimpahan Plankton yang Berbeda pada Saat Penebaran

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    Budidaya udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) yang dilakukan dengan sistem semi intensif ditekankan pada pengolahan kualitas air untuk menumbuhkan plankton di tambak budidaya dan menjaga parameter kualitas air lainnya agar tetap berada pada nilai optimum untuk kegiatan budidaya. Ketersediaan plankton di tambak memegang peranan penting dalam menyuplai oksigen terlarut (Disolved Oxygen) bagi udang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui performa udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) yang dipelihara dengan sistem semi intensif dengan kelimpahan plankton yang berbeda pada saat penebaran yang meliputi pertumbuhan, tingkat kelangsungan hidup, biomassa, dan konversi pakan. Tipe penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus pada tambak udang vaname semi intensif dengan padat tebar 66 ekor/m2. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan cara mengumpulkan data-data primer dan sekunder di lapangan kemudian di analisis menggunakan metode Descriptive test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tambak udang dengan kelimpahan plankton yang tinggi pada saat penebaran memiliki tingkat kelangsungan hidup yang lebih baik, yaitu sebesar 92,5 % dengan nilai konversi pakan 1,3, dan biomass udang mencapai 1050 kg. Sedangkan perkembangan udang pada tambak yang dipelihara dengan kelimpahan plankton rendah memiliki tingkat kelangsungan hidup yang lebih rendah, yaitu sebesar 40,13% dengan nilai konversi pakan 1,9, dan biomassa udang mencapai 550 kg

    Pengaruh Kompensasi, Lingkungan Kerja, Dan Beban Kerja Terhadap Loyalitas Karyawan Melalui Kepuasan Kerja ( Studi Kasus Pada Karyawan PT. Kawasan Berikat Nusantara Persero Jakarta)

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    Businnes competition now demanding companies to have competitive employee in many aspects. The availability of company to compensate their employee, to establish pleasant working environment, and ability to allocating workload fairly are factors which is make employee stay longer working in the company and give a satisfaction feeling in every job they done. The objective of this research is to measure the influence of compensation, working environment, and workload to employee loyality through work satisfaction. Data accumulation using interview techniquie by questionnaire instrument. The data analyze using qualitative and quantitative using coefficient determination test, simple and double linear regretion, cross table, significant test, path analysis, and trimming.The result of this research showing corelation of compenasation to working satisfactory strongly with correlation number 0,715. Coefficient determination (R2) of working environment to working satisfactory 46,9%. The result of path analyzing workload to working satisfactory have 0,268 and have to be proceed by trimming (exluding process of eksogen variable which have insignifacant number). Simultaneously compensation, working environment, workload, and working satisfaction have significant influences to employee loyality with F count > F table (13,972 > 2,487) with significant number 0,000 < 0,005

    Fermentasi Kulit Kakao (Theobroma Cacao ) Sebagai Bahan Baku Pakan Lele Sangkuriang (Clarias Gariepinus)

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    Pemanfaatan kulit kakao (Theobroma cacao) selama ini digunakan untuk pakan ternak dan pupuk organik. Kulit buah kakao belum banyak dikaji pemanfaatannya sebagai bahan pakan ikan. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui nilai nutrisi kulit kakao yang difermentasi dengan Rhizopus oligosporus dalam bentuk tepung dan pengaruh pemanfaatan kulit kakao terhadap pertumbuhan lele sangkuriang (Clarias gariepinus). Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan 4 perlakuan yaitu pakan dengan kandungan protein normal sebagai kontrol, pakan dengan tepung kulit kakao 20%, pakan dengan tepung kulit kakao 25% dan pakan dengan tepung kulit kakao 30%. Ikan uji lele sangkuriang dipelihara dalam kolam terpal berukuran 200 x 100 x 50 cm dengan 100 ekor ikan uji setiap kolam. Metode pemberian pakan dengan cara ad libitum sebanyak tiga kali sehari selama 60 hari pemeliharaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pakan uji yang terbaik yaitu pakan kontrol. Pakan uji dengan tepung kulit kakao 30% memberikan hasil yang lebih baik dibandingkan pakan dengan tepung kulit kakao 20% dan pakan dengan tepung kulit kakao 25%. Pakan kontrol memberikan hasil pertumbuhan mutlak sebesar 75,67 gram dan pertumbuhan harian sebesar 1,26 gram/hari. Konversi pakan pada perlakuan kontrol 1,32 berbeda nyata terhadap perlakuan lainnya (P<0,05). Modifikasi metode fermentasi perlu dilakukan untuk mengurangi faktor anti nutrisi dalam kulit buah kakao dengan pemanfaatan lebih banyak jenis mikroba
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