12 research outputs found

    Kraton: Menjaga Perempuan, Menjaga Kebudayaan (Studi Kasus Abdi-dalem Perempuan Kraton Kasunanan Surakarta)

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    The study of women has always attracted the attention of a variety of multi-disciplines. This paper examines women from the discipline of economics which is supported by the study of other sciences, especially gender and culture. This paper describes how the Kraton, as the center of Javanese culture, contributed to keeping women and culture. Thesis writing material adapted from the author himself in 2015, which was then coupled with studies of secondary data as a complement and a reformer. The object of research was the Women Abdi-Dalem Kraton Surakarta, the focus is on the family breeds servants Abdi-Dalem Mbah Dullah , as the only breed longest tradional family servants, namely 5 generations. The object of the research proposed by the Kraton Surakarta appropriate to the purpose of the author, which focus more on parenting and sustainability of the Abdi-Dalem

    Kajian Operasional Tempat Pelelangan Ikan (Tpi) dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Nelayan (Studi Kasus Desa Watukarung Kecamatan Pringkuku Kabupaten Pacitan)

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    This study is motivated by great marine potential, but the condition of the fishing community is generally poor. This is a potential obstacle for fishing communities to encourage the dynamics of development in their region. Sub-district Pringkuku in 2008 has a total of 529 fishermen with 62.94 percent in the poor category. The purpose of this study is (1) to know the operational of Fish Auction Site (TPI) of Watukarung Village and (2) to know how the operation of Fish Auction Site (TPI) in improving the prosperity of local fishermen community. This study uses descriptive and qualitative methods. Methods of data collection by interviewing and documenting information from 11 informants who have roles in different economic interactions. The results of this study are (1) the operational of the fishermen depends on the interaction of the fishermen and the fisherman who are tied up with a unique profit-sharing system that is understood and obeyed by all parties, (2) The fish auction place (TPI) All stakeholders in TPI also influence the formation of the price of catch with auction system

    Kajian Nilai-Nilai Pancasila di Sektor Perbankan: Peningkatan Peran Perbankan dalam Pemerataan sebagai Wujud dari Keadilan Sosial di Perekonomian Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the role of Pancasila values in the banking sector in order to achieve social justice in the form of equity, both of which are applied in the UU pokok perbankan and UU pokok Bank Indonesia, as well as in the level of banking operations. The approach used in this study is a descriptive study using literature review as a kind of research. From the results of literature review found that the UU pokok perbankan and UU pokok Bank Indonesia, which is used by the Indonesian banking industry does not yet reflect the values contained in Pancasila, so that the operational phase toward social justice in the banking sector there is no jurisdiction foundation and the leveling process that became national banking purpose is released to the market mechanism

    Sikap Orang Tua terhadap Anak yang Tidak Melanjutkan Pendidikan Kejenjang yang Lebih Tinggi di Desa Bedeng Sikuran Kecamatan Inuman Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi

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    Abstrack: The problem in this research is: What is the attitude of parents of children who do not continue their education to a higher level. This study aims: To determine the attitude of parents of children who do not continue their education to a higher level. This research is deskrpitif with a quantitative approach, this method aims to provide a systematic overview of the state of the ongoing research on the object of the attitude of parents of children who do not melanjuttkan education to a higher level. Where the research is in the village of the District Inuman Bedeng Sikuran. The population in this study were parents in the village of the District Sikuran Bedeng Inuman, which amounted to 110 people, while a sample of 52 parents. The results showed that: Attitudes Parents of children who do not continue education to a higher level classified as Good. It is proved from the results of recapitulation of data, namely: 1.Komponen Cognitive respondents agreed amounted to 44.15%. 2. Affective component respondents saying Agree at 48.67% 3. Component Conative respondents agreed amounted to 45.05%

    Kajian Pola Pengembangan UMKM di Kampung Batik Laweyan melalui Modal Sosial dalam Menghadapi Perdagangan Bebas Kawasan ASEAN

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    In the development of the national economy in Indonesia, which were prioritized Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). SMEs become the backbone of a democratic economic system to reduce the problems of poverty and development were able to expand the economic base and can make a significant contribution to improving the local economy and the resilience of the national economyLaweyan Batik SMEs in order to survive in the current free trade is needed pattern appropriate strategy to maintain the existence of Batik Laweyan SMEs in trade flows freely.In a study using qualitative methods of data collection method interviews, participant observation and documentation. Then the data analysis techniques in this study using data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusionResults from the study suggests that the pattern of development of SMEs Batik Laweyan by innovating, updating product and then applying social capital to expand business network networkThe conclusion of the study outlined that social capital relationship with Innovation and cooperation in creating SME development is closely it is evident that most employers have defined it in their business. Always innovating in production and implement social capital in developing the business and working with business partners so that businesses can thrive batik productio

    Deskripsi Uji Berkala Kendaraan Bermotor Mobil Bus Antar Kota, Dampak Ekonomi dan Potensi Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas dalam Dimensi Pelaku USAha Otobus (Studi Kasus Trayek Irisan Solo – Semarang)

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    The background of this study is society needs in modern age which needs of transportation to support their activity. Transportation in Indonesia, especially mass transport that exist today seen not good. Government as supervision holder in public policy be charged to give clear regulation, implement and improvement services of mass transportation which is integrated and become positive impact.Operational pattern of transport venture that their business be regulated by government through law expected capable to implement that in the field. However, in fact, many transport venture that doing principle of effective and efficient with ignore a standard which be appointed by the government through ministry of transportation. Route Solo – Semarang with variety of activity inside it, for many sector as tourism, farming, industry and creative economy need mass transportation. This study uses methodology of qualitative research with phenomenology perspective in field about public policy in transportation sector. That public policy refer to policy about implement of technical standardization for vehicle and periodic test for intercity bus for incision route Solo – Semarang. Periodic test for vehicle policy to transport venture intend to find out implementation of periodic test for vehicle, to transport venture in incision route Solo-Semarang, along economy impact to people and to transport venture.Government Policy of Periodic Vehicle Rule has been make negatif effect for public transportation if it can\u27t be allowed