14 research outputs found

    Model Manajemen E-learning di Perguruan Tinggi

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    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is growing fast included in the case of learning management based on ICT. Learning management based on ICT which is being trend namely e-learning management. E-learning management has implemented to educational institutions. Based on the background, thus emerged general problem ”how e-learning management at university can increase quality college students' learning outcome quality”.The effectiveness and efficiency of E-learning management at university can be measured from some steps as follows: 1) Policy in conducting e-learning system, 2) University Lecturers' understanding on e-learning technology, 3) College student's understanding on e-learning technology, 4) University lecturer's readiness toward learning process by using e-learning system, 5) University college students' readiness toward learning process by using e-learning system, 6) infrastructure readiness of e-learning system such as consist of: hardware (LAN dan WAN), software, brainware, 7) the system of human resources counseling supporting e-learning system, 8) funding of e-learning system, 9) learning process by using e-learning system at university, 10) controlling system toward the learning process by using e-learning system at university, 11) the impact of learning process by e-learning toward the increasing of college students' learning outcome quality

    Model Pengembangan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Dengan Pendekatan Perencanaan Strategis

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    Development model of Vocational high school with strategic plan must concern about vision and mission that become reference in development until execution of school program become instructed. The need of matured planning in change and decision making together systematically that will take place self-supporting caused by awareness at all of school citizen. In other hand, vocational high school not only depend on headmaster because involved in all parties every its activity. Vocational high school Development with strategic plan must use SWOT analysis in strategy election entered global strategy its. Implementation strategy that applied cover: structure design and school control, management of change strategy, use evaluation strategy

    Model Manajemen Sekolah Menengah Atas Abad Xxi

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    A Model of the Senior High School Management in the 21st Century.Globalization brings about wide impacts, including demands for development inthe educational field. The development of secondary education, especially seniorhigh schools, needs to be well planned in order that it can be well implemented.One of the problems arising in the senior high school development is one related tomanagement. This can be solved using a reliable management model, called amodel of the senior high school management in the 21st century. This model isbased on five principles, i.e.: (1) improvement of the quality of senior high schools,(2) implementation of modern management, (3) implementation of balancedscorecard, (4) implementation of good governance, and (5) application anddevelopment of ICT

    Sumbangan Teknik Informatika dalam Mewujudkan Sekolah Efektif

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    The growth of information technology had followed by a school so that can face the global emulation. Information technology gave the contribution which enough mean in realizing effective school like: in the field of study, school publication, School leadership, school administration. Implementation of information technology in a school very assisting like: exploiting internet, LAN (Local Area Network), multimedia, e-learning, mailing list, and others.Effective school is a success school it\u27s meaning an institute of education organizer which have owned the good independence so that can upgrade the education. Effective school characteristic cover three elements, that is: input, process, and output which are the each element elaborated to become some characteristic. Effective school more focused at independence owned so that can challenge and always developed of self in order to reaching its target

    Model Pengembangan Software Perpustakaan On-line Di Sman 1 Kabupaten Bantul Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    Software perpustakaan on-line dikembangkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pengelolaan perpustakaan di SMAN 1 Kabupaten Bantul. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tahun 2012 dan 2013. Tujuan penelitian pada tahun 2012 adalah 1) mengetahui kesiapan hardware dan software dalam mendukung perpustakaan on-line berbasis PHP dan Postgre di SMAN 1 Kabupaten Bantul DIY, 2) mengetahui kesiapan SDM, 3) model pengembangan software yang sesuai kebutuhan perpustakaan, 4) pengadaan komputer server dan jaringannya. Tahun 2013 tujuan penelitiannya adalah 1) pengadaan perangkat komputer, 2) implementasi software, dan 3) pelatihan implementasi softwar

    Model Pembaharuan Dan Peran Kepala Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (Smk)

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    One of way of increase quality of education at vocational middle education ladder in this case SMK is with renewal started at school level. Renewal key in this case is renewal speed in so many aspect in level of school. Head Of SMK must be able to create renewal swiftly according to industry world demand growing at full speed causing its (the school can yield graduate appropriate requirement stakeholder. This thing need to be done to pursue lag of progress in the field of industry which has exceeded education world. Writer intentionally adopts theory of relativity from Albert Einstein, that is: E = MC2 telling that every a period (objects) if it is made a change high speed, hence will yield a real large energy. In the formula speed becomes main key, that is velocity of light (3 x 108 per second) and the speed still be square so that speed required to become (9 x 1016 per second). The Concept in the actually theory can be implementation in education world to create renewal especially at SMK. Renewal at SMK needs a real speed height causing yields an actual model of which can be applied in solving vocational educational problems. Renewal model of SMK has characteristic as follows: speed in creating change and decision making together, accountability, transparency, innovation, creativity, vision and mission school, pays attention to requirement of member of school ( teacher, student, committee, and public around school), pays attention to requirement IT ( information technology), and relevancy with requirement stakeholder ( industrial world). Renewal model for expansion of SMK covers three main processes, that is a) ability of headmaster to create change and decision making with solve problem with speed which height based on by requirement stakeholder, b) The headmaster role in accountability, transparency, creation of innovation, and creativity, c) The renewal process of SMK must be adapted for religion values and Indonesian culture

    Implementasi Sistem Manajemen Mutu (Smm) Iso 9001:2008 Di Smk Ma'arif 1 Wates Kulon Progo

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of QMS ISO 9001: 2008, the constraints and the solutions in the implementation of QMS ISO 9001: 2008. This study used a mixed design to describe the implementation of QMS ISO 9001: 2008. The setting was SMK Ma'arif 1 Wates with the subject principals, deputy head, QMR, teachers, parents, and students. The objects of this study were QMS ISO 9001: 2008. The data was collected through the observation sheet documents, questionnaires and interviews. The ISO QMS implementation level was in a percentage. The results of this study show that in SMK Ma'arif 1 Wates, implementation of QMS ISO 9001: 2008 obtained a value of customer focus 83.95%, leadership 65.53%, employee participation 76.67%, process approach 72%, system approach 75 %, continual improvement75.13%, factual approach 64%, and supplier relationships 74.64%. The constraint that occurs in the implementation of QMS ISO 9001: 2008 is in the management principle of factual approach to decision making, and the solution is the determination of the data, appropriate and effective data collection, and the analysis of the effectiveness of the quality management system

    Model Manajemen Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Abad Ke-21

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    The development of educational sectors, especially of vocational education, left behind by the development of industrial sectors. Most-of the technological tools used in many of vocational high schools are very restricted or out of date. One of the alternatives for solvinmg these problems is a reliable management model called The Management Model for Vocational High School of 21s\u27 Century. This model is based on five main factors, they are: (1) continuous quality of vocational.secondary schools, (2) implementation of modern management, (3). implementation of balance scorecard, (4) implementation of good governance, and (5) application and development of ICT