2 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kesiapan Literasi Digital Dalam Menunjang MBKM Kampus Mengajar di Wilayah Desa Tajur Halang SD, SMP Sinar Kasih dan Masyarakat Sekitar

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    Digital learning is a necessity in the industrial era 4.0. Students must be equipped with various skills based on information technology. Digital learning infrastructure and the ability of Human Resources (HR) for SD and SMP Sinar Kasih need attention in creating schools based on digital learning. In addition, the people of Kampung Cina where the Sinar Kasih Elementary and Middle School are located have the same needs, where the students who attend school there are free of charge for the school fees, because their vision is to serve the underprivileged communities around the Tajurhalang neighborhood and village. Problem solving is carried out through training to increase the capacity of SD and SMP Sinar Kasih human resources to carry out digital learning. The material presented is divided into two, namely creative pedagogy and digital literacy. Second, through the fulfillment of digital learning equipment, including the provision of computers, LCD projectors, training modules, increasing internet capacity, and providing video tutorials for teachers and students. This will also support the effectiveness of the implementation of the Independent Learning Campus Merdeka BKP Teaching Assistance which has been carried out by 25 Ukrida students in Sinar Kasih Elementary and Middle School.   Keywords: Digital Literacy, Teacher, Digital Infrastructure, MBKM   Abstrak   Pembelajaran digital merupakan kebutuhan di era industri 4.0. Siswa harus diperlengkapi dengan berbagai kemampuan yang berbasis teknologi informasi. Infrastruktur pembelajaran digital dan kemampuan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) SD dan SMP Sinar Kasih perlu mendapat perhatian dalam menciptakan sekolah yang berbasis digital learning. Selain itu, masyarakat Kampung Cina lokasi SD dan SMP sinar kasih berada memiliki kebutuhan yang sama, dimana para siswa yang bersekolah di sana mereka tidak dipungut iuran sekolah dengan kata lain adalah gratis, karena visi mereka adalah melayani masyarakat kurang mampu di sekitar lingkungan dan desa Tajurhalang. Pemecahan masalah dilakukan melalui pelatihan peningkatan kapasitas SDM SD dan SMP Sinar Kasih untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran digital. Materi yang disampaikan dibagi dua yakni pedagogi kreatif dan literasi digital. Kedua melalui pemenuhan perlengkapan pembelajaran digital diantaranya, penyediaan komputer, LCD Projector, modul pelatihan, peningkatan kapasitas internet, dan penyediaan video tutorial bagi guru dan siswa. Hal ini juga akan menjadi penunjang efektivitas pelaksanaan Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka BKP Asistensi Mengajar yang telah dilakukan oleh 25 mahasiswa Ukrida di SD dan SMP Sinar kasih.    Kata kunci: Literasi Digital, Guru, Infrastruktur Digital, MBK

    Artificial Intelligence in a Christian Perspective of Humanity and Personhood

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    This article examines the notion of humanity and personhood in Artificial Intelligence (AI) from the Christian perspective. In general view, humanity is the human race collectively, while personhood is the state or fact of being a person, while for the Christian, personhood is an exhibition of the unity of the spiritual and corporeal in human existence that represents an essential characteristic of a human being. The concept is rooted in the Book of Genesis chapters one and two where God created man in His Image (Imago Dei) and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. AI on the other hand is a machine, but not a mere machine, since it has a purpose like a human being and also can evolve autonomously and unimaginably when it plugs into a network. Realizing this fact leaves a question of whether AI could hypothetically have personhood in the future, or if it already has since the beginning of its creation, even if it is only a minimal version of personhood. This exploration shows criteria of minimal personhood qualities equal to humanity according to the Christian perspective, through the literature study of the church fathers' writings about the body, soul, free-will, and the possibility of the personhood of AI. From the Christian perspective, the current available AIs do not meet the minimal criteria of personhood. If hypothetically there will be an AI that can meet a few of the criteria, the Christian perspective sees that AI cannot supersede the image of God in which human beings are created