26 research outputs found

    Theory of ultrafast quasiparticle dynamics in high-temperature superconductors: Pump fluence dependence

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    We present a theory for the time-resolved optical spectroscopy of high-temperature superconductors at high excitation densities with strongly anisotropic electron-phonon coupling. A signature of the strong coupling between the out-of-plane, out-of-phase O buckling mode (B1gB_{1g}) and electronic states near the antinode is observed as a higher-energy peak in the time-resolved optical conductivity and Raman spectra, while no evidence of the strong coupling between the in-plane Cu-O breathing mode and nodal electronic states is observed. More interestingly, it is observed that under appropriate conditions of pump fluence, this signature exhibits a re-entrant behavior with time delay, following the fate of the superconducting condensate.Comment: 5 pages, 3 embedded eps figures, to appear in PR

    Induced ferroelectric phases in SrTiO3 by a nanocomposite approach

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    Inducing new phases in thick films via vertical lattice strain is one of the critical advantages of vertically aligned nanocomposites (VANs). In SrTiO3 (STO), the ground state is ferroelastic, and the ferroelectricity in STO is suppressed by the orthorhombic transition. Here, we explore whether vertical lattice strain in three-dimensional VANs can be used to induce new ferroelectric phases in SrTiO3:MgO (STO:MgO) VAN thin films. The STO:MgO system incorporates ordered, vertically aligned MgO nanopillars into a STO film matrix. Strong lattice coupling between STO and MgO imposes a large lattice strain in the STO film. We have investigated ferroelectricity in the STO phase, existing up to room temperature, using piezoresponse force microscopy, phase field simulation and second harmonic generation. We also serendipitously discovered the formation of metastable TiO nanocores in MgO nanopillars embedded in the STO film matrix. Our results emphasize the design of new phases via vertical epitaxial strain in VAN thin films

    Light-Driven Nanoscale Vectorial Currents

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    Controlled charge flows are fundamental to many areas of science and technology, serving as carriers of energy and information, as probes of material properties and dynamics, and as a means of revealing or even inducing broken symmetries. Emerging methods for light-based current control offer promising routes beyond the speed and adaptability limitations of conventional voltage-driven systems. However, optical manipulation of currents at nanometer spatial scales remains a basic challenge and a key step toward scalable optoelectronic systems and local probes. Here, we introduce vectorial optoelectronic metasurfaces as a new class of metamaterial in which ultrafast charge flows are driven by light pulses, with actively-tunable directionality and arbitrary patterning down to sub-diffractive nanometer scales. In the prototypical metasurfaces studied herein, asymmetric plasmonic nanoantennas locally induce directional, linear current responses within underlying graphene. Nanoscale unit cell symmetries are read out via polarization- and wavelength-sensitive currents and emitted terahertz (THz) radiation. Global vectorial current distributions are revealed by spatial mapping of the THz field polarization, also demonstrating the direct generation of elusive broadband THz vector beams. We show that a detailed interplay between electrodynamic, thermodynamic, and hydrodynamic degrees of freedom gives rise to these currents through rapidly-evolving nanoscale forces and charge flows under extreme spatial and temporal localization. These results set the stage for versatile patterning and optical control over nanoscale currents in materials diagnostics, nano-magnetism, microelectronics, and ultrafast information science

    Correlation between quantum charge fluctuations and magnetic ordering in multiferroic LuFe

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    We examine the interplay between quantum charge fluctuations and magnetic ordering in multiferroic LuFe2O4 and show that this can couple spin and charge degrees of freedom in a LuFe2O4 bilayer below the Neel temperature TN. Our analysis supports the idea that the double exchange mechanism normally used in metallic systems can be applied to charge-ordered insulators. This causes ferrimagnetic spin order to reduce the transfer integrals between Fe2+ and Fe3+ in LuFe2O4, decreasing charge fluctuations and increasing the polarization in this system below TN. This work thus provides a more detailed understanding of the mechanism for spin-charge coupling in LuFe2O4

    Optical techniques for solid-state materials characterization

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    This book has comprehensively covered the essential optical approaches needed for solid-state materials characterization. Written by experts in the field, this will be a great reference for students, engineers, and scientists.-Professor Yoke Khin Yap, Michigan Technical University

    Dynamic light-matter coupling across multiple spatial dimensions in a quantum dots-in-a-well heterostructure

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    Semiconductor heterostructures incorporating multiple degrees of spatial confinement have recently attracted substantial interest for photonic applications. One example is the quantum dots-in-a-well (DWELL) heterostructure, consisting of zero-dimensional quantum dots embedded in a two-dimensional quantum well and surrounded by three-dimensional bulk material. This structure offers several advantages over conventional photonic devices while providing a model system for the study of light-matter interactions across multiple spatial dimensions. Here, we use ultrafast differential transmission spectroscopy2 to temporally and spectrally resolve density-dependent carrier dynamics in a DWELL heterostructure. We observe excitation-dependent shifts of the quantum dot energy levels at low densities, while at high densities we observe an anomalous induced absorption at the quantum dot excited state that is correlated to quantum well population dynamics. These studies of density-dependent light-matter interactions across multiple coupled spatial dimensions provide clues to the underlying physics governing quantum dot properties, with important implications for DWELL-based photonic devices

    Ultrafast terahertz emission from emerging symmetry-broken materials

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    Abstract Nonlinear optical spectroscopies are powerful tools for investigating both static material properties and light-induced dynamics. Terahertz (THz) emission spectroscopy has emerged in the past several decades as a versatile method for directly tracking the ultrafast evolution of physical properties, quasiparticle distributions, and order parameters within bulk materials and nanoscale interfaces. Ultrafast optically-induced THz radiation is often analyzed mechanistically in terms of relative contributions from nonlinear polarization, magnetization, and various transient free charge currents. While this offers material-specific insights, more fundamental symmetry considerations enable the generalization of measured nonlinear tensors to much broader classes of systems. We thus frame the present discussion in terms of underlying broken symmetries, which enable THz emission by defining a system directionality in space and/or time, as well as more detailed point group symmetries that determine the nonlinear response tensors. Within this framework, we survey a selection of recent studies that utilize THz emission spectroscopy to uncover basic properties and complex behaviors of emerging materials, including strongly correlated, magnetic, multiferroic, and topological systems. We then turn to low-dimensional systems to explore the role of designer nanoscale structuring and corresponding symmetries that enable or enhance THz emission. This serves as a promising route for probing nanoscale physics and ultrafast light-matter interactions, as well as facilitating advances in integrated THz systems. Furthermore, the interplay between intrinsic and extrinsic material symmetries, in addition to hybrid structuring, may stimulate the discovery of exotic properties and phenomena beyond existing material paradigms