21,049 research outputs found

    Some Tetranychoid Mites of Michigan

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    Excerpt: Tetranychoid mites are plant feeders, and many of them are of considerable economic importance. Prior to the present study, only seven species of these mites were known from Michigan; Oligonychus ilicis (McGregor) (McGregor, 1931); Tertranychus mcdanieli McGregor (McGregor, 1931; Pritchard and Baker, 1955); Euryteranychus buxi (Garman) (Ries, 1935; McGregor 1950); Tettranychus atlanticus McGregor (Tuttle and Baker, 1964); Bryobia praetiosa Koch, Panoychus ulmi (Koch), and Tetranychus telarius (L.) (Ghate and Howitt, 1965)

    Landau theory of restart transitions

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    We develop a Landau like theory to characterize the phase transitions in resetting systems. Restart can either accelerate or hinder the completion of a first passage process. The transition between these two phases is characterized by the behavioral change in the order parameter of the system namely the optimal restart rate. Like in the original theory of Landau, the optimal restart rate can undergo a first or second order transition depending on the details of the system. Nonetheless, there exists no unified framework which can capture the onset of such novel phenomena. We unravel this in a comprehensive manner and show how the transition can be understood by analyzing the first passage time moments. Power of our approach is demonstrated in two canonical paradigm setup namely the Michaelis Menten chemical reaction and diffusion under restart

    Driven inelastic Maxwell gases

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    We consider the inelastic Maxwell model, which consists of a collection of particles that are characterized by only their velocities, and evolving through binary collisions and external driving. At any instant, a particle is equally likely to collide with any of the remaining particles. The system evolves in continuous time with mutual collisions and driving taken to be point processes with rates τc1\tau_c^-{1} and τw1\tau_w^{-1} respectively. The mutual collisions conserve momentum and are inelastic, with a coefficient of restitution rr. The velocity change of a particle with velocity vv, due to driving, is taken to be Δv=(1+rw)v+η\Delta v=-(1+r_w) v+\eta, mimicking the collision with a vibrating wall, where rwr_w the coefficient of restitution of the particle with the "wall" and η\eta is Gaussian white noise. The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck driving mechanism given by dvdt=Γv+η\frac{dv}{dt}=-\Gamma v+\eta is found to be a special case of the driving modeled as a point process. Using both the continuum and discrete versions we show that while the equations for the one-particle and the two-particle velocity distribution functions do not close, the joint evolution equations of the variance and the two-particle velocity correlation functions close. With the exact formula for the variance we find that, for rw1r_w\ne-1, the system goes to a steady state. On the other hand, for rw=1r_w=-1, the system does not have a steady state. Similarly, the system goes to a steady state for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck driving with Γ0\Gamma\not=0, whereas for the purely diffusive driving (Γ=0\Gamma=0), the system does not have a steady state.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    A class of index coding problems with rate 1/3

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    An index coding problem with nn messages has symmetric rate RR if all nn messages can be conveyed at rate RR. In a recent work, a class of index coding problems for which symmetric rate 13\frac{1}{3} is achievable was characterised using special properties of the side-information available at the receivers. In this paper, we show a larger class of index coding problems (which includes the previous class of problems) for which symmetric rate 13\frac{1}{3} is achievable. In the process, we also obtain a stricter necessary condition for rate 13\frac{1}{3} feasibility than what is known in literature.Comment: Shorter version submitted to ISIT 201

    Incomplete Information in a Long Run Risks Model of Asset Pricing

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    We study the effects of incorporating incomplete information in the recently developed long run risks model of asset pricing. Studying the effects of incomplete information in such a setting is tractable, especially in the homoskedastic case with no fluctuating economic uncertainty. The incomplete information model is solved using approximate analytical methods as in the complete information framework analyzed in the literature. Model implications on moments of endogenous variables of interest including rates of return are compared in the long run risks model with and without incomplete information.asset pricing; long run risks; incomplete information; Kalman filter; equity returns; riskfree returns

    The Impact of Fat Tails on Equilibrium Rates of Return and Term Premia

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    We investigate the impact of ignoring fat tails observed in the empirical distributions of macroeconomic time series on the equilibrium implications of the consumption-based asset-pricing model with habit formation. Fat tails in the empirical distributions of consumption growth rates are modeled as a dampened power law process that nevertheless guarantees finiteness of moments of all orders. This renders model-implied mean equilibrium rates of return and equity and term premia finite. Comparison with a benchmark Gaussian process reveals that accounting for fat tails lowers the model-implied mean risk-free rate by 20 percent, raises the mean equity premium by 80 percent and the term premium by 20 percent, bringing the model implications closer to their empirically observed counterparts.pricing model, habit formation, term premium, equity premium, fat tails, dampened power law

    Negative to Positive Magnetoresistance transition in Functionalization of Carbon nanotube and Polyaniline Composite

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    Electrical resistivity and magnetoresistance(MR) in polyaniline(PANI) with carbon nanotube(CNT) and functionalized carbon nanotube(fCNT) composites have been studied for different weight percentage down to the temperature 4.2K and up to magnetic field 5T. Resistivity increases significantly in composite at low temperature due to functionalization of CNT compare to only CNT. Interestingly transition from negative to positive magnetoresistance has been observed for 10wt% of composite as the effect of disorder is more in fCNT/PANI. This result depicts that the MR has strong dependency on disorder in the composite system. The transition of MR has been explained in the basis of polaron-bipolaron model. The long range Coulomb interaction between two polarons screened by disorder in the composite of fCNT/PANI, increases the effective on-site Coulomb repulsion energy to form bipolaron which leads to change the sign of MR from negative to positive.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures; typos adde