19 research outputs found

    Plasmon dispersion in metal nanoparticle chains from angle-resolved scattering

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    We present angle and frequency resolved optical extinction measurements to determine the dispersion relation of plasmon modes on Ag and Au nanoparticle chains with pitches down to 75 nm. The large splitting between transverse and longitudinal modes and the band curvature are inconsistent with reported electrostatic near-field models, and confirm that far-field retarded interactions are important, even for λ/5\lambda/5-sized structures. The data imply that lower propagation losses, larger signal bandwidth and larger maximum group velocity then expected can be achieved for wave vectors below the light line. We conclude that for the design of optical nanocircuits coherent far-field couplings across the entire circuit need to be considered, even at subwavelength feature sizes.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, colo

    Dissipative eigenvalue problems for a Sturm-Liouville operator with a singular potential

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    We present a study of optical signatures of salmon lice and the ability to distinguish them from a reference zooplankton species. This forms the basis for developing an instrument for detecting salmon lice in situ

    Accurate distance control between a probe and a surface using a microcantilever

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    We demonstrate a method to accurately control the distance between a custom probe and a sample on a {\mu}m to nm scale. The method relies on the closed-loop feedback on the angular deflection of an in-contact AFM microcantilever. High performance in stability and accuracy is achieved in this method by taking advantage of the small mechanical feedback path between surface and probe. We describe how internal error sources that find their origin in the microcantilever and feedback can be minimized to achieve an accurate and precise control up to 3 nm. In particular, we investigated how hysteresis effects in the feedback caused by friction forces between tip and substrate, can be minimized. By applying a short calibration procedure, distance control from contact to several micrometers probe-sample distance can be obtained with an absolute nanometer-scale accuracy. The method presented is compatible with any probe that can be fixed on a microcantilever chip and can be easily built into existing AFM systems

    Quantitative Determination of Dark Chromophore Population Explains the Apparent Low Quantum Yield of Red Fluorescent Proteins

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    The fluorescence quantum yield of four representative red fluorescent proteins mCherry, mKate2, mRuby2, and the recently introduced mScarlet was investigated. The excited state lifetimes were measured as a function of the distance to a gold mirror in order to control the local density of optical states (LDOS). By analyzing the total emission rates as a function of the LDOS, we obtain separately the emission rate and the nonradiative rate of the bright states. We thus obtain for the first time the bright state quantum yield of the proteins without interference from dark, nonemitting states. The bright state quantum yields are considerably higher than previously reported quantum yields that average over both bright and dark states. We determine that mCherry, mKate2, and mRuby2 have a considerable fraction of dark chromophores up to 45%, which explains both the low measured quantum yields of red emitting proteins reported in the literature and the difficulties in developing high quantum yield variants of such proteins. For the recently developed bright mScarlet, we find a much smaller dark fraction of 14%, accompanied by a very high quantum yield of the bright state of 81%. The presence of a considerable fraction of dark chromophores has implications for numerous applications of fluorescent proteins, ranging from quantitative fluorescence microscopy to FRET studies to monitoring protein expression levels. We recommend that future optimization of red fluorescent proteins should pay more attention to minimizing the fraction of dark proteins.</p

    Atomic-scale confinement of optical fields

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    In the presence of matter there is no fundamental limit preventing confinement of visible light even down to atomic scales. Achieving such confinement and the corresponding intensity enhancement inevitably requires simultaneous control over atomic-scale details of material structures and over the optical modes that such structures support. By means of self-assembly we have obtained side-by-side aligned gold nanorod dimers with robust atomically-defined gaps reaching below 0.5 nm. The existence of atomically-confined light fields in these gaps is demonstrated by observing extreme Coulomb splitting of corresponding symmetric and anti-symmetric dimer eigenmodes of more than 800 meV in white-light scattering experiments. Our results open new perspectives for atomically-resolved spectroscopic imaging, deeply nonlinear optics, ultra-sensing, cavity optomechanics as well as for the realization of novel quantum-optical devices

    Photonic effects on the fluorescence lifetimes of dyes in thin PVA layers

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    In this paper we investigate the expected change in fluorescent decay rate when a fluorophore in aqueous solution is moved to a thin spin-coated layer of poly(vinyl alcohol). We take into account the local field effect due to the change in the refractive index of the medium around the fluorophore and the photonic effect due to the layers. The obtained results are compared with experimental results for the organic dye Atto565 and the fluorescent protein mCherry. We find that the effects for the organic dye can be well described with the model, for the fluorescent protein (FP) the model is less accurate. We discuss the possible explanations for this