3 research outputs found

    Impact of chronic allergic rhinitis on bite force and electromyographic activity of masseter and temporalis muscles of adult women

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the stomatognathic system of adult women with chronic allergic rhinitis by means of molar bite force and electromyographic activity of the masseter and temporalis muscles. A total of 26 subjects were screened and divided into two distinct groups: chronic allergic rhinitis group (n = 13) and healthy control group (n = 13). Subjects were assessed by maximal molar bite force (right and left) and normalized electromyographic activity of mandibular tasks (rest, right and left laterality, protrusion and maximal voluntary contraction). Data were submitted to Student?s t test (p< .05). There was significant difference in right (p = .03) and left (p = .04) maximal molar bite force with force reduction in the chronic allergic rhinitis group. There was significant difference in normalized electromyographic activity in maximal voluntary contraction in the right (p =.01) and left (p = .01) temporalis muscles, with increased electromyographic activity in the masticatory muscles for the chronic allergic rhinitis group. The results suggest that chronic allergic rhinitis in adult women promoted negative changes in the electromyographic activity of temporalis muscles in maximal voluntary contraction and maximal molar bite force

    Respiratory variables and occlusal strength of soccer players: approach after training and detraining during lockdown by COVID-19

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    Futebol é uma prática esportiva de treinamento caracterizada por exercícios diversificados, que promovem modificações na força física e função pulmonar dos atletas de alta performance. Uma partida de futebol é caracterizada por movimentos acíclicos e com ações de alta velocidade e aceleração, sendo considerado um esporte imprevisível e instável. A aptidão física e a capacidade de exercício podem estar correlacionadas com a função pulmonar aprimorada em atletas profissionais de futebol. O objetivo deste estudo observacional do tipo transversal foi avaliar a força muscular respiratória, força de mordida, e distribuição de força oclusal de 12 jogadores profissionais de futebol, do gênero masculino, idade entre 19 e 34 anos após o treino e destreinamento decorrente do lockdown que aconteceu durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Os atletas foram submetidos a avaliação de força muscular respiratória, por meio das pressões inspiratória e expiratória máximas; força de mordida molar máxima (direita e esquerda), distribuição de força oclusal dos primeiros molares permanentes e da interface maxila/mandíbula. As comparações das variáveis após treino e destreino foram analisadas pelo teste t de amostras pareadas (p&le;0,05) e a correlação entre as variáveis respiratórias foram mensuradas pelo teste de Pearson (p&le;0,05). Não ocorreram diferenças significantes nas forças de mordida e distribuição das forças oclusais após treinamento e destreinamento. Os resultados de correlação demonstraram positividade moderada entre pressão inspiratória e expiratória máximas para o período de treinamento. Os resultados sugerem que os jogadores de futebol ao fortalecerem a musculatura inspiratória, fortalecem também a musculatura expiratória e que o destreinamento no período de dois meses não impactou a funcionalidade física do atleta, em especial a função da musculatura respiratória e forças oclusais.Football is a sports training practice characterized by diversified exercises that promote changes in physical strength and lung function in high-performance athletes. A soccer match is characterized by acyclic movements and actions of high speed and acceleration, being considered an unpredictable and unstable sport. Physical fitness and exercise capacity may be correlated with improved lung function in professional soccer athletes. The objective of this observational cross-sectional study was to evaluate respiratory muscle strength, bite force, and occlusal force distribution of 12 professional male soccer players, aged between 19 and 34 years after training and detraining resulting from the lockdown that happened during the COVID-19 pandemic. Athletes were submitted to respiratory muscle strength assessment through maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures; maximum molar bite force (right and left), occlusal force distribution of the first permanent molars and the maxilla/mandible interface. Comparisons of variables after training and detraining were analyzed using the paired-sample t test (p&le;0.05) and the correlation between respiratory variables was measured by the Pearson test (p&le;0.05). There were no significant differences in bite forces and occlusal force distribution after training and detraining. The correlation results showed moderate positivity between maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures for the training period. The results suggest that when soccer players strengthen the inspiratory muscles, they also strengthen the expiratory muscles and that detraining in a two-month period did not impact the athlete\'s physical functionality, especially the function of the respiratory muscles and occlusal forces

    Respiratory performance and occlusal strength of soccer players: an approach after training and detraining during the lockdown due to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

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    Background. The aim of the study was evaluate the strength of the respiratory muscles, bite force, and occlusal force distribution of professional soccer players after training and detraining resulting from the lockdown that occurred during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Material and methods. Twelve male soccer players (age, 19-34 years) were subjected to respiratory muscle strength analysis by examining the maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures, maximum molar bite force (right and left sides), and occlusal force distribution of the first permanent molars. Comparisons of variables after training and detraining were analyzed using the paired-sample t-test (p < 0.05), and the correlation between respiratory variables was measured using the Pearson test (p < 0.05). Results. There were no significant differences in the bite force and occlusal force distributions after training and detraining. The correlation results showed moderate positivity between the maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures during the training period. Conclusions. The results suggest that when soccer players strengthen the inspiratory muscles, they also strengthen the expiratory muscles and that detraining does not impact the athlete's organic function, especially the respiratory muscle function and the forces of the occlusal contact of the first permanent molars