21 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pemberian Air Susu Ibu (Asi) Ekslusif pada Bayi

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    Exclusive breast-feeding (ASI exclusive) should be given to babies aged until four or six months. But until now the performance was only aboud 50% mothers practiced exclusive the breast-feeding. The main purpose of this research was to team influencing factors to the "ASI exclusive". Identified factors were mothers' age, children age, mother's education level, mother's working or not, number of family members, number of children in family, average of mother income every month, average of family expences every month, attendant at the first, attendant at the last delivery and the diferencies village-urban life. The data source as Modul of National Economic Survey 2001. The total babies sample 0-4 age-month were 1533 and 0-11 age-month were 5313, respectively. The data obtained were analyzed by bivariate test to determine differences and relationship of ASI exclusive as dependent variable with each independent variable identified in this research. Multiple logistic regression analysis was done to determine influencing factors to ASI exclusive. Results of descriptive analysis showed ASI exclusive according to infant's age, 42.2% were until 4 month-age, 41.2% were until 5 month-age and 36.7% were until 6 month-age babies. The differences and relationship of ASI exclusive proportions depend on mothers working or not, attendant at the last delivery, mother living in urban/rural and the average of family expences every month. Result of multivariate logistic regression analysis, showed two significant variables mothers living in urban/rural and mothers working or not. Whether the influences were weak may because not sufficient data analyzed in the multiple logistic regression only two significant variable identifed. The recommendation from this research results is to promote health education on exclusive breast-feeding among pregnant mothers

    Perilaku Seks Pekerja Seksual Komersial (Psk) dalam Hubungannya dengan Resiko Penularan Penyakit Menular Seksual (Pms) di Surabaya

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    Surabaya as the Indonesian second big city was faced by '§exual Industrial problems". One of the problems was transmission of the sexual transmitted diseases (STDs). The problem was needed special attention due to the complexity and many aspects of sexual industry that should be coped. Limitation of information regarding the exact number of the commercial sexual workers (CSWs) and highly mobility were some of the obstacles in managing the problem.Some intervention program had been launched such as "safe sex" by using condom and mass campaign on STDs treatment. Eventhough still around 50% of CSWs had been suffered from STDs. The high prevalence of STDs among CSWs and unsafe sex while CSWs provide services to the customers will be a high risk in transmission of STDs to the clients.The objective of the study was to explore sexual behavior of CSWs during their professional activities and the risk of transmission of STDs. The study was an explorative study, which a systematic random sample was applied inselecting sample. From nearly 1.900 CSWs in Dolly and Jarak, Surabaya were selected a sample of 230 subjects. The interviewed using questionnaire was applied in data collection. The interviewers were the members of non-governmental organization which was interested in solving "the sexual industrial problems".The result showed that CSWs in Dolly and Jarak, Surabaya were migrant. Most of them were relatively young (under 30 years of age) and relatively low educational level. The first experienced of CSWs in sexual intercourse mostly with their husbands when they were under 20 years old. The risk of transmission of STDs from CSWs to their clients was high due to high prevalence of STDs among CSWs and only limited number of clients used condom during their sexual activities

    Kejadian Keguguran, Kehamilan Tidak Direncanakan dan Pengguguran di Indonesia

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    Background: Unwanted pregnancy is often related to the practice of abortion. The existing data are sporadic and illustrate the condition of the big city Kompas (16/2/2009) said that abortion cases are 2.5 million for a year. Another study estimates that about 2 million cases of abortion. By using the Riskesdas data, this study aimed to describe how the incidence of miscarriage, unwanted pregnancy, and abortion efforts in lndonesia. Methods: Units of analysis in this study is the sampIe of individuaIs Riskesdas 2010, ever married women, 10-59 years old, which is located in all provinces of lndonesia. The data used are the results of a questionnaire survey by using instruments RKD10.IND and RKD10RT. This data is correlated with demographic status and socio economic status. From the data processing, we know the motive of abortion. Findings: The incidence of miscarriage rate is 4% nationally Of all occurrences of miscarriages, there is 6.54% of them aborted. Abortion is mostly done by women aged over 35 year old, graduated from high school, not working and living in urban areas. Curettage is the dominantly way for abortion. Herbs, pills and injections are the alternative ways. Associated with the incidence of unplanned pregnancies, cases were found ranged between 1.6% and 5.8%. On all unplanned pregnancies cases, 6,71 % are aborted. The abortions are mostly done by wome aged over 35 years old with elementary school graduated, unemployed, lower economic status (2nd kuantil) and live in urban areas. Abortion techniques are herbs and pills

    Perilaku Berisiko Peternak Unggas dan Kejadian Flu Burung di Desa Mojotamping Kecamatan Bangsal Kabupaten Mojokerto Provinsi Jawa Timur

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    Background: Avian influenza infection can occur when there is contact with birds dead/sick, poultry manure (dung) and a polluted environment. The purpose of this study was to determine the risk of farmers (owners) of poultry infected with avian influenza virus (H5N1) by the method of behavior approach and observation participatory in society Methods: The research method applied is participatory observation and in-depth interviews. The purpose of in-depth interview is to determine factors under/ying AI related behavior, such as social factors and cultural factors. Results: There are many risk behaviors such as not reporting any incidence of sudden deaths of poultry, handling dead birds incorrectly, eating a sick chicken, eating raw egg yolk, never used protection (gloves, masks, boots) when interacting with their poultry There has found the case of a resident who died with a positive indication of H5N1 virus infection at the sites. Conclusion: Breeders, sellers, and buyers who do not use personal protective equipment (PPE) and are reluctant to report any suddenly dead birds can accelerate the spread of bird flu virus

    Hubungan Seks Pranikah pada Pekerja Remaja dan Faktor-faktor Penentunya (Studi Kasus di PT Telagamas Mitra Alasindo Pasuruan Jawa Timur)

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    A research on the relations of Pre-Marital Intercouse of Adolescent Workers and the Influencing Factors was conducted using secondary data from the Development of Health Services Model Research on HIV/AIDS Infected Prevention for Adolescent Worlcers (Step II) in 1999/2000. The research case study was conducted at PT. Telagamas Mitra Alasmdo Pasuruan East Java. By using multivariate logistic regression analysis (PIN= 0.15 and POUT = 0.20) out of 9 identified variables that substantiality logic influenced the incidence of pre-marital intercouse among adolescent worlcers, finally only one variable to be identified, namely interaction variable that belonged to the logistic regresion equation model. This interaction variable was ever making love and at the same time using drugs that significantly influenced the incidence of pre-marital intercouse (p = 0.0032)