5 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Sistem Perpipaan Pemadam Kebakaran pada Galangan Kapal dengan Luas Area 114.389 m2

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    Fires can occur anywhere and anytime, including shipyards. Fires in shipyards can cause companies to incur repair costs, recover company assets, and provide insurance for victims. The existing extinguishing system is still simple and does not cover the entire area. Therefore, it is necessary to plan a fire extinguishing system with NFPA and SNI standards that can cover all areas of the company. The initial planning step is to design the pipeline system, then select pumps, calculate pipe support requirements, and calculate estimated material costs. This research resulted in a total head using pipe flow expert software of 210.114 m. The percentage of errors between manual calculations and software is 3.363%. The need for pipe support for an 8-inch pipe requires a minimum of 1 support, while a 6-inch pipe requires a minimum of 71 supports. So, theestimated cost of materials and equipment in this plan is IDR 3,443,630,750

    Analisis Performa Propeller Kaplan 4-55 dengan Pendekatan Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD)

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    Propeller merupakan komponen yang sangat penting dalam sistem propulsi kapal. Performa propeller harus diperhatikan agar dapat tercapai kecepatan yang diinginkan oleh pemilik kapal. Performa yang dimaksud meliputi nilai thrust, torque dan propeller efficiency. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai performa propeller Kaplan 4-55 dengan menggunakan pendekatan Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD). Pengujian dilakukan dengan variasi putaran propeller 100 rpm, 300 rpm dan 500 rpm dan Va (velocity of advance) 1 m/s, 2 m/s, 3 m/s dan 4 m/s. Hasil dari analisis performa propeller Kaplan 4-55 didapatkan nilai thrust maksimum sebesar 255340,807 N pada putaran 500 rpm dengan Va sebesar 1 m/s, nilai torque maksimum 39274,329 Nm pada putaran 500 rpm dengan Va sebesar 1 m/s, sedangkan efficiency maksimum ditunjukkan pada variasi rpm 300 dengan Va 4 m/s yaitu sebesar 54,198%

    Analisis Hasil Ftir Epoxy Dgeba dengan Senyawa Amina

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    Epoxy is a thermoset material that is widely used as an adhesive. Epoxy has the advantages of good tensile strength, bending strength and thermal stability. Epoxy is an adhesive that can bind various materials such as steel, copper, wood, iron, cement, plastics and composites. Epoxy can be cured at room temperature with the addition of a hardener (curing agent). The curing agent affects the strength, hardness, durability and adhesion strength of the epoxy. Along with technological advances In shipping, other alternatives were found in the construction of wooden ships, namely the lamination system. Laminate wood usually uses epoxy resin material. Research on the strength of laminated materials for wooden boat hulls is an interesting scientific discussion to find new alternative materials that can be applied to wooden ship. With this lamination method it is very possible as a substitute for wood because with laimnation, the material besides having better strength is also easily available at a lower price than wood. Considering that this laminate material is rarely used on ships, it is necessary to test the adhesive material. This research was conducted to see the mechanical characteristics and evaluate the use of laminated materials. The tests carried out include FTIR tests, tensile tests and adhesive tests which are carried out in the laboratory to obtain results to analyze the strength and resistance of wooden ship

    Studi Eksperimen Pengaruh Insulasi Vakum pada Fish Hold Insulation System Kapal Penangkap Ikan 7GT

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    Mayoritas nelayan tradisional menggunakan tempat penyimpanan sederhana seperti kotak styrofoam, peti kayu, dan palka sederhana dengan media pendinginan es balok. Penyimpanan tersebut belum memiliki insulasi yang baik sehingga berakibat pada kualitas ikan yang menurun. Belum lagi keluhan terkait cepat rusaknya box ikan yang terbuat dari styrofoam tersebut. Kekurangan kotak ikan berbahan styrofoam adalah sangat mudah rusak dan berlumut. Beberapa penelitian memberikan solusi untuk menginsulasi palka dengan beberapa bahan insulasi seperti polyurethane, sekam padi, aluminium dan sebagainya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menurunkan laju perpindahan panas pada palka ikan kapal 7GT dengan variasi kevakuman dan persentase es terhadap ikan. Konstruksi insulasi dibuat sedemikian hingga dengan variasi fiberglass dan polyurethane dengan ketebalan tertentu diharapkan dapat meningkatkan masa pemakaian fish hold menjadi lebih lama

    Pengelasan GTAW pada Stainless Steel Grade yang Berbeda untuk Aplikasi pada Power Plant

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    This research is conducted to annalyse mechanical properties and microstructure of GTAW for dissimilar stainless steel, 304 and 316L stainless steel. Stainless steel is commonly used on food industries, fertilize, and power plant. Widely stainless steel using due to lifetime and good corrosion resistance. This research is expected to contribute material selection reference and methode and suitable welding parameter for dissimilar welding on power plant's heat exchanger. The materials are 304 and 316L stainless steel which welded by 80, 100, and 120 A of current with 45° V-groove. And ER 309L and 316L filler metals. Then, hardness test and microstructure were conducted on HAZ of 340 stainless steel, weld metal, and HAZ of 316L stainless steel. According of the tests, the highest hardness was obtained on HAZ of 304 stainless steel with 80 A and 316L filler metal, but generally the high hardness was obtained by HAZ of 304 stainless steel with 80 A and 309L filler metal