16 research outputs found

    Cervical ectopic pregnancy: 10 year experience at tertiary care hospital and current literature review

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    Background: Objective of the study was to critically analyze the clinical experience and literature on cervical pregnancy.Methods: This is a retrospective analysis of cervical ectopic pregnancies (CEP) diagnosed in our tertiary care institute from 2005 to 2015 and literature search.Results: In this study period the total numbers of births in our institute were 1, 32, 752, ectopic pregnancies were 307 and three cases of cervical ectopic pregnancies were diagnosed. Incidence of CEP at our institute is 0.9% of all ectopic pregnancies and 0.002% or 1 in 44,250 of livebirths which matches the available literature. The first two cases developed torrential haemorrhage which ended in hysterectomy and the third case was managed conservatively with methotrexate (MTX) and mefiprestone.Conclusions: The early detection of cervical pregnancy in asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic patients increases use of more conservative approaches which aim to preserve the uterus and the patient's reproductive potential. We suggest that systemic administration of low dose MTX is ideal for patients who are stable and if live embryo is detected, to reduce MTX failure rate concomitant feticide must be done, for which mefiprestone seems to be easy safe alternative to local chemotherapy

    A Review on Selection of Investigator in Clinical Trials

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    According to ICH GCP investigator may be considered as a person proficient in education, training, and experience who will take the major restraint for the good conduct of the trial and should satisfy all the requirements described by applicable regulatory authorities and must comply with GCP. Investigators are very much important for the primary conduct of the study, whose primary importance is to conduct research while protecting the rights, safety, and well-being of the participants. Investigators have many important roles in conducting ethical research, taking responsibility for the informed consent process, giving the statement of the investigator, checking of investigational product, reporting adverse events, maintaining accurate records. A selection of the investigator for the conduct of research is a complex process. Investigators should be selected based on their interest and their requirements for education, training, and experience. This can be done by assessing professional competency or through a referral from other investigators or through online databases or by advertising their CV on the internet. In multicenter trials selection is done by querying public and private, using databases, a referral from the clinical research team, performing a publication search. After the recruitment of Investigators, he will continue his activities like signing the investigators' form and perform the informed consent process, and finally enrollment of subjects. The Investigators involved in COVID-19 trials and the study type, recruitment status, purpose of the trial was collected.&nbsp

    Effect of biocontrol agents on production of rooted back pepper cutting by serpentine method

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    Not AvailableAvailability of disease free quality planting material is a major limiting factor in black pepper cultivation. In order to meet the increasing demand and also to create awareness on good agricultural practices for healthy disease free planting material production to farmers, a nursery experiment was started with improved varieties of black pepper by adopting a non-chemical bio- intensive management strategy. Here solarization of potting mixture was the main concern followed my amending the solarized potting mixture with potential bioagents. The experiment was designed in a two factor CRD with four improved varieties and five treatments. Each treatment contains a combination of two bioagents with antifungal and nematicidal properties respectively. The common recommended fungicide Metalaxyl-Mancozeb (0.125%) and nematicide carbsosulfan (0.1%) was used as control. The treatments were incorporated individually into solarized potting mixture and planted with improved varieties used viz., IISR Girimunda, IISR Malabar Excel, IISR Shakti and IISR Thevam, The plants in each treatment were kept for multiplication by serpentine method with proper irrigation and phytosanitation. The results of plant growth and establishment in different treatments, showed that fortification of solarized potting mixture with Trichoderma harzianum + Pochonia chlamydosporia combination or combination of Streptomyces strains (Act 2+9) are significantly superior (35.46% and 21% respectively) for the production of healthy rooted planting material. IISR Malabar Excel and IISR Thevam produced the maximum number of plants from a single node cutting in treatment with T. harzianum + P. chlamydosporia (T1) (59 nos. and 51 nos. respectively) followed by IISR Malabar Excel with Act 2+9 and Act 5+9 (45 nos. each). So an average of 6-7 plants/month/cutting was produced in the potential treatment while it was only 3-4 plants in control. The advantage of the method is that, after solarization and fortification with respective bioagents, there is no need for further application of any fungicides, insecticides or any other nutrient spray as usually done. Thus the method of soil solarization followed by fortification of either with T. harzianum+ P. chlamydosporia or combination of Streptomyces strains viz., Ketasatospora setae (Act 2) and S. tauricus (Act9) is found suitable for the production of healthy quality planting material of high yielding varieties to meet the increasing demand of planting material with a C:B ratio of 1:2.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableBacterial wilt (BW) incited by Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum (Rps), is one among the most economically important and devastating disease prevalent in all the ginger growing countries. Several strategies encompassing cultural, physical and chemical means have been reported to manage bacterial wilt but with limited success. In the present study, a technology integrating physical (soil solarization), chemical (soil amelioration with calcium chloride) and biological (ginger apoplastic bacterium - Bacillus licheniformis) methods has been developed to manage BW efficiently, economically and eco-friendly. The results indicated that, CaCl2 (2 to 4%) is inhibitory to R. pseudosolanacearum under in vitro conditions. In planta evaluation under challenge inoculation showed 71%, 98% and 100% reduction in BW with B. licheniformis, 3% and 4% CaCl2, respectively. Subsequent field evaluation involving soil solarization followed by soil amelioration with CaCl2 or with B. licheniformis resulted in significant reduction in the population of R. pseudosolanacearum from 108 to 103. Further field evaluation in farmer’s plot in BW endemic regions also resulted in 100% disease suppression adopting the technology. The results emanated from the present study indicated that the technology developed which includes soil solarization along with soil amelioration with either CaCl2 3% or B. licheniformis would serve as a viable and effective integrated strategy for the management of BW in ginger.Not Availabl