80 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Madu Jamur terhadap Penurunan Kadar Glukosa Darah Mencit Jantan

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    Masing-masing kelompok mencit jantan Bulb/C diberikan madu jamur dengan dosis 0,39 ml/20 g BB; 0,52 ml/20 g BB dan metformin 5 mg/ 20 g BB. 30 menit berikutnya diberikan glukosa monohidrat 75 mg/20 g BB secara per oral untuk meningkatkan kadar glukosa darah. Dilakukan pengukuran kadar glukosa darah setiap menit ke-0, 30, 60, 90 dan 120 setelah pemberian glukosa monohidrat. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pemberian madu jamur dosis 0,39 ml/20 g BB belum dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah mencit (p > 0,05) sedangkan pemberian madu jamur pada dosis 0,52 ml/20 g BB sudah mampu menurunkan kadar glukosa darah setelah 2 jam pemberian glukosa monohodrat (p < 0,05

    Pengaruh Penerapan Pembelajaran PQ4R Kontekstual Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPS Dan Sikap Peduli Lingkungan Siswa Kelas V SD Gugus I Gianyar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan pembelajaran PQ4R kontekstual terhadap hasil belajar IPS dan sikap peduli lingkungan siswa kelas V SD di Gugus I Gianyar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan rancangan penelitian posttest only control group design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas V di SD Gugus I Gianyar dengan jumlah sampel 103 siswa. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan tes hasil belajar IPS dan kuesioner sikap peduli lingkungan. Data dianalisis dengan MANOVA. Hasil analisis menunjukkan: (1) terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar IPS antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran PQ4R kontekstual dan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran konvensional (t = 11,501, Sig. (2-tailed) sebesar 0,000), (2) terdapat perbedaan sikap peduli lingkungan antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran PQ4R kontekstual dan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran konvensional (t = 10,247, Sig. (2-tailed) sebesar 0,000), dan (3) terdapat perbedaan secara simultan hasil belajar IPS dan sikap peduli lingkungan antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran PQ4R kontekstual dan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran konvensional (F = 99,359, dengan Sig. 0,000).Kata Kunci : hasil belajar IPS, penerapan pembelajaran PQ4R kontekstual, sikap peduli lingkungan. This research aims to investigate the implementation of contextual PQ4R learning toward social study learning outcome and environmental awareness attitude of fifth grade elementary students in District I Gianyar. This research was an experimental research with posttest only control group design. The population in this research was the entire fifth grade elementary students of Elementary Schools in District I Gianyar with the sample of 103 students. The data of this research were collected using social study learning outcome test and environmental awareness attitude questionnaire. Data were analyzed using MANOVA. The result shows: (1) there is a difference of social study learning outcome between students who followed contextual PQ4R learning and students who followed conventional learning method (t = 11.501, Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000), (2) there is a difference in environmental awareness attitude between students who followed contextual PQ4R learning and students who followed conventional learning (t = 10.247, Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000), and (3) there is a simultaneous difference in social study learning outcome and environmental awareness attitude between students who followed contextual PQ4R learning and students who followed conventional learning (F = 99.359, Sig. 0.000)

    Hidrolisis Selulosa Dari Sekam Padi (Oryza Sativa) Menjadi Glukosa Dengan Katalis Arang Tersulfonasi

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    Cellulose hydrolysis from rice husk (Oryza sativa) into glucose with sulfonated charcoal catalyst was conducted. The aim of this research was to determine sulfuric acid concentration and contact time on the sulfonation process of charcoal which would produce the highest glucose rendement from cellulose hydrolysis of rice husk. Sulfuric acid concentrations in this experiment were 8, 10, and 12 N with variation of contact time of 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 hours respectively. Rice husk was delignified with NaOH 10% to produce cellulose which was hydrolyzed by sulfonated charcoal catalyst. Hydrolysis reaction with the ratio cellulose/aquadest 1:25 (w/v) was conducted in autoclave with temperature 130 oC for 3 hours. The result showed that 8 N concentration of sulfuric acid and 12 hours of contact time produced the highest glucose rendement 17,9%

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Pengembalian PPN untuk Turis Asing (Vat Refund)

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    Implementation of VAT Refund is closely related to Indonesian tourism, because according to Law No. 42 of 2009 Article 16E paragraph 1 and Regulation Directorate General of Taxation Number PER-28 / PJ / 2013 article 1, paragraph 1 stated that the target recipients of services VAT Refund This is the private holders of foreign passports and the majority of private holders of foreign passports are foreign tourists who come to Indonesia for a tour. The purpose of this study is 1) To know implementation of VAT Refund in Indonesia, especially in the area of ​​KPP Sidoarjo North, 2) To determine what factors are emerging during the implementation of the rules of VAT Refund is 3) To know the realization of VAT Refund spending. The type of research in this research is descriptive approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. The results showed that the increase in the number of transactions VAT Refund in Indonesia from April 1st 2010 until November 2013 is still low, it can be seen from the number of applications and the number of applications approved

    Implementasi Twitter Sentiment Analysis Untuk Review Film Menggunakan Algoritma Support Vector Machine

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    Sentiment analysis digunakan untuk melihat opini terhadap sebuah masalah menuju ke opini positif atau negatif. Media sosial Twitter merupakan salah satu media yang digunakan untuk memberikan opini melalui tweet. Pengguna Twitter akan memberikan opini tentang suatu hal, salah satunya film yang sedang tayang di bioskop. Opini pengguna bermanfaat bagi pengguna lain dan rumah produksi film berkaitan evaluasi film. Klasifikasi opini diperlukan untuk memudahkan pengguna dalam melihat opini positif, negatif, atau netral. Algoritma yang digunakan dalam klasifikasi adalah Support Vector Machine. Dataset berjumlah 1.027 tweet yang didapatkan dari tweet untuk film populer tahun 2016. Hasil klasifikasi opini terbagi menjadi 3, yaitu opini positif, negatif, dan netral. Evaluasi menentukan tingkat akurasi dari algoritma Support Vector Machine. Hasil akurasi klasifikasi algoritma Support Vector Machine menggunakan 60, 70, 80, dan 90 persen data training rata- ratanya adalah 76,06 persen, 76,83 persen, 81,07 persen, dan 83,3 persen. Nilai precision positif memiliki rata- rata sebesar 79,97 persen, 78,71 persen, 84,02 persen, dan 85,54 persen. Nilai precision negatif memiliki rata- rata sebesar 81,73 persen, 87,41 persen, 87,37 persen, dan 93,61 persen. Nilai precision netral memiliki rata- rata sebesar 67,13 persen, 69,47 persen, 74,08 persen, dan 74,14 persen

    Pengaruh Promosi, Kualitas Pelayanan Dan Harga Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Sepeda Motor Yamaha Jupiter All Variant Pada Yamaha Mataram Sakti Cabang Soegiyopranoto Semarang

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of the promotion, service quality and price on purchase decisions of Yamaha Jupiter All variant at Mataram Sakti , Soegiyopranoto Branch Semarang. This study used explanatory research. Primary data obtained from respondents using data collection instruments such as questionnaires and secondary data gained from the site in the form of a percentage of sales of Yamaha motorcycles with other motorcycle brands. The population of this research is consumers who purchase Yamaha Jupiter All Variant in Yamaha Mataram Sakti Soegiyopranoto branch, Semarang at the years of 2009-2011 with a sample of 92 respondents from 1179 population were using purposive sampling technique. Analysis of the data used in this study is the validity and reliability, Cross Tabulation Analysis (Crosstab), Coefficient of Correlation, Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Coefficient of Determination, t-test and F Test. Y = 0.018 + 0.002 X1 + 0.263 X2 + 0.172 X3. The analysis showed variable of promotion, service quality, price, has a positive and significant impact on the purchase decision variables. Hypothesis that tested using t-test showed that the three independent variables studied proved to significantly affect the dependent variable purchase decision. Through the T test can be seen that the variable promotion, service quality and price significantly effect together in a purchase decision. degree of closeness of the relationship between the variables promotion, service quality, and price of the purchase decision variable is promotion 0,408 , service quality 0,731 , Price 0,508 .Through the F test can be seen that the variable promotion, service quality and price significantly effect together in a purchase decision. degree of closeness of the relationship between the variables promotion, service quality, and price of the purchase decision variable is equal to 0.745, so it can be concluded that the strength of association (correlation) between variables linear promotion, service quality, and price of the purchase decision variables is strong. The company should give some promotion variations and increase the performance of the service officer in the quickness ability of giving service and decrease the number of fault that did by the company

    Saat Parasit Membasmi Parasit: Uji Efektivitas Ekstrak Benalu Sebagai Terapi Malaria Baru

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    Nowadays, the antimalarial drug used showed resistances. Scientists look for new drugs by research especially using herbal plans. The mistletoe(Dendrophthoe pentandra) is previously known having antimalarial activity. This study was conducted to determine in vitro antiplasmodial activity, mechanism of heme polymerase inhibition, and cytotoxicity of water and ethanol extracts of Dendrophthoe pentandra against Vero cells.The results showed that water and ethanol extract of Dendrophthoe pentandra has in vitro antiplasmodial activity, inhibition of polymerase heme, and cytotoxic effect on Vero cells with IC50 values.It can be concluded that Dendrophthoe pentandra has potency as an antiplasmodial.Keywords :Dendrophthoe pentandra, antiplasmodium, heme polymerase, cytotoxic, Vero cel

    Deteksi Anomali Total Electron Content Sebelum Gempa Bumi Palu Menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Levenberg-marquardt

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    Indonesia termasuk kedalam negara dengan aktifitas gempa bumi yang tinggi. Analisis gempa bumi yang pernah terjadi sangat membantu dalam memahami karakteristik gempa bumi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan Gempa bumi Palu (0.18oS 119.85oE) 2018 sebagai pengamatan dan menggunakan JST LM (Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Levenberg-Marquardt) sebagai metode pembelajaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis gempa bumi Palu dan menguji kesesuaian metode JST LM untuk mendeteksi anomali sebelum gempa bumi yang diamati. Hasil memperlihatkan bahwa metode ini cukup baik dalam mendeteksi anomali yang berasosiasi dengan gempa bumi Palu. Anomali yang terdeteksi didapat pada H-3 dan H-0 sebelum gempa bumi terjadi, serta H+1 setelah gempa bumi. Dalam penelitian ini juga dianalisis pola distibusi anomali sepanjang garis lintang. Pola anomali menunjukkan terlokalisasi disekitar epicenter gempa bumi. Selain itu juga didapatkan pola anomali bergerak ke arah selatan searah dengan pergerakan Sesar Palukoro

    Uji Aktivitas Antiplasmodium Ekstrak Benalu Secara in Vivo Pada Mencit Galur Swiss

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    Malaria is one of the most prevalent tropical disease in the world. Until now, the use of antimalarials in malaria patients generated a lot of resistance so many scientists began the development of research using herbal plant ingredients, for example mistletoe (Dendrophthoe pentandra) This study was conducted to determine the effect of antiplasmodium in vivo. Antiplasmodium test conducted on P. berghei which were injected into mice suppression method. The results show that the Dendrophthoe pentandra extract has antiplasmodium activity with ED50 of 146,2 mg/kgBW. It can be concluded that Dendrophthoe pentandra has the potential as an antimalarial agent in vivo
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