14 research outputs found

    Kuasa, Kapital, dan Politik Kebangsawanan Puri Agung Karangasem di Bali 2008-2021

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    This research aims to find out the capital and power network as the new power base of Puri Agung Karangasem. Social Capital Theory by Pierre Bourdieu is used as analytical tool to find out capital as a power base utilized by the big puri family. Using qualitative methods through interviews, the conclusion of the research results, namely Puri Agung Karangasem naturally has a base of economic capital, cultural capital, symbolic capital, and social capital as part of the rest of the past glory. Of the four capitals, Puri Agung Karangasem utilizes culture in the form of identity and past history and knowledge made by puri Agung Karangasem figures through books on the figures and history of Puri Karangasem which also gives legitimacy to knowledge about culture, as their symbolic power. The symbolic and cultural forces incorporated in their economic and social capital also eventually gave rise to Puri Agung Karangasem

    Partai Baru dan Orang Baru, Analisis Kiprah Partai Solidaritas Indonesia Bali Perspektif Randall dan Svasand

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    TheIndonesian Solidarity Party, especially in the Province of Bali, succeeded in bringing three of its cardres to DPRD seats inthe 2019 legislative elections so asto make theauthor interested in researching and analyzing how the new political party works from 2015-2020 according to randall and Svasand's perspective level of Regional Leadership Council of Bali Province To understand the problem, the study used descriptive qualitative methods that relied ona combination ofsecondary informationfrom various sourcesandprimary data from observations, as well asin-depth interviews of informants from psi board of Bali province and elected board members from PSI Bali province. After conducting research, researchers obtained the results that the gait of new political parties with new people could not be done briefly, although with new concepts or ways because there are many stages that must be done so that political parties are able to institutionalize

    Sulinggih dalam Pusaran Kuasa: Dukungan Griya Agung Bangkasa Kepada Koster-Ace pada Pemilihan Gubernur Bali 2018

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    This study aims to determine factors that can explain Ida Sinuhun Siwa Putra Parama Daksa Manuaba's support for Koster-Ace in the Bali Governor Election 2018. Furthermore, the research is framed using Rational Choice theory of James S. Coleman and Social Capital theory from Robert D. Putnam. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research with primary and secondary data, because it describes factors that led to provision of support by Ida Sinuhun Siwa Putra Parama Daksa Manuaba in the Bali Governor Election 2018. The results of this study are: first, there is a rational choice from Ida Sinuhun Siwa Putra Parama Daksa Manuaba who has calculated profits and losses to achieve the desired goals in supporting Koster-Ace. Second, social capital in the form of longstanding friendships between Ida Sinuhun Siwa Putra Parama Daksa Manuaba and Tjok Ace is another factor in providing support in the Bali Governor Election 2018.   Keywords: Ida Sinuhun Siwa Putra Parama Daksa Manuaba, Rational Choice, Social Capital, Bali Governor Election 201

    Populisme Arya Wedakarna sebagai DPD RI Dapil Bali

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      This study aims to find out how Arya Wedakarna's populism as DPD RI. This research framed using populism theory by Noam Gigron and Bart Bonikowski . The research uses qualitative descriptive method  with primary and secondary data usage, because it describes and illustrates phenomena that exist, both natural and human engineering, which pay more attention to the characteristics, quality, interrelationship between activities in relation to Arya Wedakarna's populism as DPD RI district of Bali. The results of this study are: first, Arya Wedakarna's populism can be seen through his ideology, discursive style, and the political strategy when becoming a member of the DPD. His populist identity appear through right-populism that applied in some of his anti-plural policies and statements, including religious tendencies and etnic issues . Second, Populism as political strategy then take the most dominant role in creating populist leader's identity as a member of DPD RI   Keywords: Populism, Arya Wedakarna, DPD R

    Elit Tajen dalam Pemilihan Anggota Legislatif Kota Denpasar Tahun 2019

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    This research aims to determine the role of the tajen tradition in the 2019 legislative elections in Denpasar. This study is framed using the theory elites by Suzanne Keller as an analytical tool for the problems in this study. The research method used in this research is qualitative descriptive research with primary and secondary data usage, because it describes and illustrates phenomena that exist, both natural and human engineering. The results of this study are: first, there is a patron-client and modular relationship between Karisantika and tajen fans which makes him have a strategic role as an elite. Second, Karisantika's strategic role in tajen makes political mobilization smoother in winning elections. Third,. Political mobilization is getting smoother because of the legality that is played out, so that the Tajen fans feels protected and fosters a good image for Karisantika

    Pola Komunikasi Politik A.A Gede Agung Suyoga Kepada Anak Muda Kota Denpasar dalam Pemilihan Legislatif Tahun 2019

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    This research aims to find out how A.A Gede Agung Suyoga's political communication patterns in the 2019 legislative elections. As the theoretical basis, this research uses the Theory of Generations by Karl Mannheim and Political Communicator Theory from Lasswel as a frame of the problem in this study. The research method used in this research is qualitative descriptive research with primary and secondary data usage. Agung Suyoga's politics towards young people in the city of Denpasar. The result of this study are: first, the younger generation in groups Y and Z take the most dominant role in the procces of selecting Agung Suyoga as a member of the council. Second, Agung Suyoga's political communication pattern can be seen through the activities, issues, and approaches he applies to the campaign procces.   Keywords:Political Communication, Agung Suyoga, Yout

    Produksi Wacana Masyarakat Kota Semarang terhadap Lagu Genjer-genjer dan Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the production produced by the people of Semarang City in viewing the songs of Genjer-genjer and PKI.. This study uses the theory of discourse by Michel Foucault, this theory is important to reveal the existence and relationship between knowledge and power in society so as to give birth to a discourse that is believed by the community as a truth. The author uses a qualitative research method with a Foucaultdian Discourse Analysis approach. This shows that strong cultural reproduction has shaped the memory of the people of Semarang that the song Genjer-genjer was originally a musical art, now it has become a negative song because it has always been identified with the PKI. This shows that the incident still leaves a network of fear in the community, public discourse on this topic is still polarized in a negative way. Keywords: Genjer-genjer song, PKI, Discourse Production, New Order, Semarang society, Foucault

    Strategi Mobilisasi Politik Tjokorda Gede Agung melalui Pura Dadia pada Pemilu 2019 di Desa Nyanglan

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    This research0aims to find out how the practice of mass political mobilization of Pura  Dadia conducted by political actor Tjokorda Gede Agung in legislative elections in 2019. Furthermore, the research was framed using0the0theory0of0Political0Mobilization by Stefano Bartolini. The research0method0used0is a descriptive0 qualitative0 method0 using0 primary0 data0 and secondary 0data, 0because0it0describes0and0describes0the0form0of relationships related to the practice of mass political mobilization of Pura Dadia. . The results of the study are: first, Tjokorda Gede Agung as a political actor formed and established relationships with figures from the Family Group Pura Dadia to be able to enter the scope of Pura Dadia to gain sympathy and support in the election. Second, political actors Tjokorda Gede Agung had previously had social capital to enter the family realm of Pura Dadia through the mother, Tjokorda Istri

    Menuju Multitude: Gerakan Mahasiswa “Bali Tidak Diam” Diantara Pengorganisasian dan Diversitas

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                  The research seeks to find Multitude indicators in the student movement "Bali Tidak Diam". This research uses the Multitude theory of Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. The results of this study are first, in the singularity indicator the writer gets the results, namely the existence of various elements of society and students from various groups who participate in the "Bali Tidak Diam" movement. Second, in the indicators of democracy, the writer gets results, namely the existence of space for expression, equality, the opportunity given to each group from various elements to provide opinions or input in the movement. Third, in the organizational indicators the writer gets the result, namely the independent efforts made by students and the community to enlarge the "Bali Tidak Diam" movement. This research has answered about the creation of a movement that leads to multitude in the "Bali Tidak Diam" movement. Keywords: student movement, multitude, singularity, democrac

    Gerakan Resistensi Terhadap Perda No. 2 Tahun 2016 Tentang Pariwisata Halal Oleh Kelompok Abu Shofa Di Desa Sembalun Lawang Lombok Timur 2018-2021

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    This study examines the rejection and resistance movements carried out by religious-based groups against the application of halal tourism in Sembalun Lawang Village, East Lombok in the period 2018 to 2021. The theory used in this study is the resistance theory of James C. Scott and the theory of Islamic populism Vedi R. Hadiz. The results of this study indicate that the form of hidden transcripts carried out by pro-tourism groups and contra-tourism groups both depart from sentiment towards other groups, which then creates gossip and becomes an internal discourse in each group. Then Saturnalia, which became a connecting factor for the emergence of conflict, was the 2018 earthquake. Then the public transcript of the two groups was in the form of open conflict, destruction and closing of tourism destinations.   Keywords: Hidden Transcript, Islamic Populism, Public Transcript, Saturnali