16 research outputs found

    The influence of propolis and bee pollen on the composition of the microbiological flora of a broilerā€™s crop

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    Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj dodatka propolisa i/ili pčelinjeg peluda krmnim smjesama brojlera na sastav mikrobioloÅ”ke flore voljke. Istraživanje je provedeno na ukupno 200 jednodnevnih pilića hibrida Ross 308 ravnomjerno raspoređenih spolova, koji su bili podijeljeni u pet skupina. Tijekom cijeloga pokusa kontrolna je skupina pilića hranjena krmnom smjesom, dok su pokusne skupine pilića hranjene istom krmnom smjesom uz dodatak propolisa i pčelinjeg peluda, svakim dodatkom zasebno ili u kombinaciji u određenome omjeru. Tov pilića trajao je 42 dana, podnim načinom držanja na stelji od drvene strugotine. Pilići su od 1. do 21. dana istraživanja bili hranjeni standardnom krmnom smjesom starter, a od 22. do 42. dana istraživanja krmnom smjesom finiÅ”er. Hranidba kao i napajanje pilića tijekom istraživanja bili su po volji. Na kraju istraživanja, 42. dan te nakon 10-satnog gladovanja slučajnim je odabirom žrtvovano po 10 pilića iz svake skupine. U sterilne bočice uzeti su uzorci sadržaja voljki u kojima se u ovlaÅ”tenom mikrobioloÅ”kom laboratoriju utvrđivao ukupni broj bakterija, broj bakterija iz roda Enterobacteriaceae te broj bakterija iz roda Lactobacillus. MikrobioloÅ”ka analiza sadržaja voljke pokazala je kako među skupinama pilića nisu postojale statistički značajne razlike u ukupnom broju bakterija i broju bakterija iz roda Lactobacillus dok su postojale statistički značajne razlike u broju bakterija iz roda Enterobacteriaceae (P=0,042) u sadržaju voljke pilića kontrolne i pokusnih skupina. Provedeno istraživanje potvrdilo je kako dodatak propolisa i/ili pčelinjeg peluda krmnoj smjesi za tov pilića značajno pozitivno utječe na pojavu korisnih i patogenih mikroorganizama u sadržaju voljke brojlera, Å”to se očitovalo statistički značajno manjom vrijednosti broja bakterija iz roda Enterobacteriaceae u sadržaju voljke pilića pokusnih skupina 42. dana tova u odnosu na piliće kontrolne skupine.The aim of this study was to determine the influence of the addition of propolis and/or bee pollen to broiler feed mixtures on the composition of the microbiological flora of a broilerā€™s crop. The study was conducted on a total of 200 one-dayold chickens of the Ross 308 hybrid, evenly distributed between the sexes, which were divided into five groups. During the entire experiment, the control group of chickens was fed with a feed mixture, while the experimental groups of chickens were fed with the same feed mixture with the addition of propolis and bee pollen, each additive separately or in combination in a certain ratio. Fattening was conducted on the wooden sawdust, and lasted for 42 days. From days 1-21 of the study chickens were fed a feed mixture of starter, and from days 22-42 of the study they were fed a finisher feed mixture. During the study, feed and water were given to chickensā€™ ad libitum. At the end of the study, on the 42nd day and after a 10-hour starvation, 10 chickens were randomly selected from each group and sacrificed. Samples of the broilerā€™s crop contents were taken in sterile vials, in which the total number of bacteria, the number of bacteria from the genus Enterobacteriaceae and the number of bacteria from the genus Lactobacillus were determined in an authorized microbiological laboratory. Microbiological analysis of the broilerā€™s crop contents showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the groups of chickens in the total number of bacteria and the number of bacteria from the genus Lactobacillus, while there were statistically significant differences in the number of bacteria from the genus Enterobacteriaceae (P=0.042) in the broilerā€™s crop content of the chickens of the control and experimental groups. The present study confirmed that the addition of propolis and/or bee pollen to the feed mixtures has a significantly positive effect on the occurrence of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms in the contents of broilerā€™s crop, which was manifested by a statistically significantly lower number of bacteria from the genus Enterobacteriaceae in the broilerā€™s crop content of chickens of the experimental groups on the 42nd day of fattening compared to chickens of the control group

    utjecaj propolisa i pčelinjeg peluda na kvalitetu pilećeg mesa

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    Across the world, as well as in Croatia, there is a continuous increase in the consumption of chicken meat, and attempts are being made in modern poultry production to improve its quality as much as possible by using various natural additives. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of dietary supplementation with propolis and bee pollen on the quality of chicken meat. In order to determine this effect, the carcass body weight of slaughtered chickens and carcass yield were determined, as well as the average pH1 and pH2 of chicken breast muscle, drip loss values, and skin color and chicken breast muscle color expressed as values of L* (lightness), a* (redness), and b* (yellowness). The study was conducted on 200 Ross 308 chickens, divided into five groups. Throughout the study, the control group of chickens was fed with a basal diet, while the experimental groups of chickens were fed with the basal diet supplemented with propolis and bee pollen, each supplement given separately or in combination in specific proportions. At the end of the experiment (42nd day), 10 chickens from each group were slaughtered for the analyses mentioned above. The carcass yield values were significantly higher (P = 0.038) and the drip loss values were significantly lower (P = 0.003) in the experimental groups in comparison to the control group. In addition, there was a statistically significant difference in b* skin color (P = 0.017) and b* chicken breast muscle color (P<0.001) between the groups of chickens. The study showed that dietary supplementation with propolis and bee pollen has a significant positive effect on the quality of chicken meat.U čitavom svijetu, pa tako i u Hrvatskoj, bilježi se kontinuirani porast konzumacije pilećeg mesa, čija se kvaliteta u suvremenoj peradarskoj proizvodnji nastoji Å”to viÅ”e unaprijediti prije svega primjenom različitih prirodnih dodataka. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj propolisa i pčelinjeg peluda kao aditiva u hranidbi tovnih pilića na kvalitetu pilećeg mesa. U svrhu utvrđivanja spomenutog utjecaja određivana je masa klaonički obrađenih trupova pilića i randman kao i prosječne vrijednosti pH1 i pH2 prsnog miÅ”ića pilića, boja kože i mesa pilića (izražena kroz tri vrijednosti: L* za stupanj svjetloće, a* za stupanj crvenila i b* za stupanj žutila) te prosječne vrijednosti otpuÅ”tanja mesnog soka. U istraživanju je tovljeno ukupno 200 pilića Ross 308 podijeljenih u pet skupina. Tijekom cijelog tova, kontrolna skupina pilića hranjena je čistom krmnom smjesom, dok su pokusne skupine pilića hranjene krmnom smjesom uz dodatak propolisa i pčelinjeg peluda (svakog aditiva zasebno ili u njihovoj kombinaciji u određenom omjeru). Po zavrÅ”etku tova (nakon 42 dana) i nakon 10-satnog gladovanja, žrtvovano je po 10 pilića iz svake skupine za potrebe prethodno spomenutih analiza. Utvrđene su statistički znakovito veće vrijednosti randmana (P = 0,038) pilića pokusnih skupina u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu kao i statistički znakovito manje vrijednosti otpuÅ”tanja mesnog soka (P = 0,003) mesa pilića pokusnih skupina u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Uz to, postojala je statistički značajna razlika u vrijednosti b* boje kože (P = 0,017) te statistički značajna razlika u vrijednosti b* boje mesa (P < 0,001) među skupinama pilića. Ovo je istraživanje pokazalo kako propolis i pčelinji pelud imaju značajan pozitivan utjecaj na kvalitetu pilećeg mesa


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    Kukuruzna zlatica (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) je gotovo najvažniji i potencijalno najopasniji Å”tetnik kukuruza u svijetu. U Hrvatskoj je otkrivena 1995. godine, a od tada je prisutna na gotovo svim povrÅ”inama pod kukuruzom u Hrvatskoj. Najekonomičnija preventivna mjera suzbijanja je poÅ”tivanje plodoreda i sjetva hibrida tolerantnih na kukuruznu zlaticu. Pokus je postavljen na području DuboÅ”evice, gdje su u 2002. i 2003. godini utvrđene ekonomske Å”tete i do 80%. Cilj je istraživanja utvrditi Å”tete na korijenu od kukuruzne zlatice te gubitak u prinosu zrna komercijalnih hibrida u ponovljenom uzgoju kukuruza. Dinamika populacije kukuruzne zlatice pratila se pomoću feromonskih mamaca Csalā™€mā™‚NĀ® te je u razdoblju od dva mjeseca uhvaćeno ukupno 366 imaga kukuruzne zlatice. OÅ”tećenje korijena ocjenjeno je prema Iowa Node Injury Scale (0-3), a prinos izračunat s 14% vlage u zrnu. Također se odredio postotak polijeganja stabljika kukuruza, kao posljedica ishrane ličinki toga Å”tetnika. Prema rezultatima pokusa, oÅ”tećenje na korijenu hibrida Bc 5982 bilo je 1,15, dok je za hibrid Pr 35p 12 oÅ”tećenje iznosilo 0,73. Unatoč oÅ”tećenjima na korijenju, prinos hibrida Bc 5982 bio je 11,7 t/ha, a hibrid Pr 35p 12 je urodio s 12,3 t/ha. U istraživanju nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u oÅ”tećenju korijena i prinosu zrna između ispitivanih hibrida. Rezultati ovih istraživanja upućuju kako ponavljanje sjetve kukuruza 2 do 3 god. na istom polju ne bi uzrokovalo ekonomski značajne gubitke u prinosu te kulture.Western Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) is considered to be one of the most important and potentially most severe pest of maize worldwide. The pest was detected in Croatia for the first time in 1995. Since then it has been spread over all areas with maize production in Croatia. The economically most efficient and preventive control measure is crop rotation and growing maize hybrids that show tolerance to WCR. The trials were settled in the area near Dubosevica where in 2002 and 2003 the economic damages caused by WCR were up to 80%. The aim of this investigation is to determine damages on maize root caused by WCR and loss in grain yield on commercial maize hybrids in continuous farming. Pheromone traps, type Csalā™€mā™‚NĀ®, were used in order to monitor WCR population dynamics. In the period of two months, 366 WCR adult beetles in total were captured. Root damage was evaluated according to Iowa Node Injury Scale and grain yield was measured and corrected to 14% moisture. Furthermore, the plant lodging, as a consequence of larval feeding, was assessed. The results have shown that root damage for hybrid Bc 5982 was 1.15, and 0.73 damage was on Pr 35p 12 roots. The grain yield obtained from hybrid Bc 5982 was 11.7 t/ha, and Pr 35p 12 had 12.3 t/ha. Statistical analyses showed that there were no significant differences in root damage and losses in grain yield between the two investigated hybrids. Results of this investigation indicate that growing maize for 2 to 3 years in continuous farming, in the same field, would not cause economically significant loss in maize gain yield


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    The aim of this study was to determine the influence of dietary supplementation with propolis on the technological properties of skinless chicken breasts evaluated through breast muscle pH value measured 45 minutes (pH1) and 24 hours post mortem (pH2), water-holding capacity of breast muscle, consistency of breast muscle and its color (L*, a*, b*) and to determine its macronutrient content (protein and fat content). The study was conducted on 180 Ross 308 chickens equally distributed by sex and divided into three groups: the control group of chickens (C) fed with a basal diet and two experimental groups of chickens (E) fed with the same diet supplemented with propolis (E1 2g/kg and E2 4g/kg). There was no statistically significant difference between C and E considering pH1 (p=0.260) but there was statistically significant difference between them considering pH2 (p=0.037). There was statistically significant difference in L* breast muscle color (p=0.039) between C and E while there were no statistically significant differences in a* and b* breast muscle color between them (p=0.167 and p=0.637, respectively). There were no statistically significant differences between the C and E considering water-holding capacity (p=0.767) and consistency (p=0.505) of breast muscle. There were no statistically significant differences in protein and fat content between C and E (p=0.368 and p=0.244, respectively). The obtained results confirm the benefits of the tested supplementation


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    Zbog svojih svojstava propolis se smatra funkcionalnom hranom. Budući je upotreba propolisa u preh-rani ljudi ograničena, treba ju povećati kroz konzumaciju namirnica obogaćenih propolisom koje se uče-stalo koriste u prehrani, poput pilećeg mesa. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj dodatka propo-lisa hranidbi pilića na tjelesnu masu pilića, masu trupova pilića i randman, kao i na masu pojedinih dije-lova trupa (prsa, batkovi sa zabatcima, leđa sa zdjelicom, krila i vratovi) kao pokazatelja mogućnosti uporabe propolisa u hranidbi tovnih pilića i moguće proizvodnje obogaćenog pilećeg mesa. Istraživanje je provedeno na 180 pilića Ross 308 provenijencije podjednako raspoređenih prema spolu i podijeljenih u tri skupine: kontrolnu skupinu pilića (K) koja je hranjena standardnom krmnom smjesom i dvije eks-perimentalne skupine pilića (E) hranjene uz dodatak propolisa u dvije različite koncentracije ( E1 2 g / kg i E2 4 g / kg). Istraživanje je pokazalo kako nisu postojale statistički značajne razlike između skupina K i E s obzirom na tjelesnu masu i potroÅ”nju hrane u bilo kojem tjednu pokusa. Istraživanje je nadalje otkrilo kako nije bilo statistički značajnih razlika u masi trupova pilića, randmanima i masi pojedinih dijelova trupa između skupina K i E. Može se zaključiti kako dodavanje propolisa nije rezultiralo statis-tički značajnim razlikama u istraživanim proizvodnim pokazateljima pilića. Kako bi se bolje procijenila mogućnost stvaranja propolisom obogaćenog pilećeg mesa potrebna je dodatna analiza drugih pokaza-telja.Due to its properties, propolis is considered a functional food. Since the use of propolis in the human diet is restricted, it needs to be increased by consumption of propolis enriched foodstuffs that are common in the diet such as chicken meat. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of die-tary supplementation with propolis on the chickensā€™ body weight, the carcass body weight of slaugh-tered chickens and carcass yield as well as carcass body parts weight (breasts, drumsticks with thighs, backs with pelvis, wings and necks) as indicators of the use of propolis in the feeding of chickens and the possible production of enriched chicken meat. The study was conducted on 180 Ross 308 chickens equally distributed by sex and divided into three groups: the control group of chickens (C) fed with a basal diet and two experimental groups of chickens (E) fed with the same diet supplemented with propolis (E1 2 g/kg and E2 4 g/kg). The study showed that there were no statistically significant dif-ferences between C and E considering body weights and feed consumption in any week of the feeding trial. Study further revealed that there were no statistically significant differences in carcass body weights of slaughtered chickens, carcass yields and carcass body parts weight between C and E. It can be con-cluded that propolis addition did not result in statistically significant differences in evaluated perfor-mance indicators of chickens. In order to better evaluate the possibility of creation of the propolis en-riched chicken meat analysis of different parameters are needed

    Nutritional Quality of Corn Silage on Dairy Farms in the Republic of Croatia

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    Za potrebe vrjednovanja kvalitete kukuruzne silaže, u ovome je istraživanju analizirano 270 uzoraka na mliječnim farmama u dvanaest (12) županija. Pripremljeni uzorci analizirani su uz pomoć FT-NIR uređaju uz primjenu spektrometra AgriQuant-B1 (Model: QIA 1020), kojim su analizirane vrijednosti devet (9) nutritivnih, dva (2) pokazatelja fermentacije buraga te tri (3) pokazatelja fermentacije silaže kukuruza. Jedan fizički pokazatelj, distribucija veličine čestica silaže, određen je prosijavanjem preko sustava triju sita (Penn State Separator). Prosječne vrijednosti većine praćenih nutritivnih pokazatelja bile su zadovoljavajuće: suha tvar (ST) = 349 g kg-1, sir. protein = 65 g kg-1ST, sir. pepeo = 38 g kg-1ST, sir. vlakna = 180 g kg-1 ST, kisela deterdžentska vlakna (KDV) = 210 g kg-1ST, neutralna deterdžentska vlakna (NDV) = 387 g kg-1ST, kiseli deterdžentski lignin (KDL) = 17 g kg-1ST, Å”krob = 336 g kg-1ST, neto energija mlijeka = 6,76 MJ g kg-1ST. Značajnija odstupanja u Max. i Min. utvrđena su za vrijednosti ST (156 nesukladnih uzoraka), za sirovi protein utvrđen je čak 231 nesukladan uzorak, za kisela deterdžentska vlakna 90, a za Å”krob 233 uzorka. Pokazatelji fermentacije buraga kao prosječna probavljiva organska tvar (pOT) iznosila je = 75,6 %, a probavljiva neutralna deterdžentska vlakna (pNDV) = 52,8 %. Prosječna pH vrijednost je bila poželjnih 3,85, uz prosječnu koncentraciju mliječne (54,9 g kg-1ST) i octene (21,1 g kg-1ST) kiseline. Prosječne vrijednosti distribucije veličine čestica silaža, mjerene četirima frakcijama rezultirale su sljedećim vrijednostima: sito 1ā€“5,7 %; sito 2ā€“55,7 %; sito 3ā€“26,1 % i posuda na dnuā€“12,6 %. Najjača pozitivna korelativna povezanost utvrđena je između sirovih vlakana u odnosu na KDV (r = 0,870), NDV (r = 0,959) i KDL (r = 0,790) te između NDV-a i KDV-a (r = 0,845). Korelativna povezanost negativnoga predznaka bila je najjača između KDL-a i pOT-a (r = -0,844), Å”kroba u odnosu na sir. vlakna (r = -0,835) i NDV (r = -0,809), te pH i mliječne kiseline (r = -0,804). Navedene korelativne veze između pokazatelja bile su i statistički visoko značajne (p < 0,001).For the purpose of corn silage quality evaluation, 270 samples on dairy farms in twelve (12) counties were analyzed in this study. The prepared samples were subjected to the FT-NIR device using the AgriQuant-B1 spectrometer (Model: QIA 1020), which analyzed the values of nine (9) nutritional, two (2) indicators of rumen fermentation, and three (3) indicators of corn silage fermentation. One physical indicator, the silage particle size distribution, was determined by sieving through a three-sieve system (Penn State Separator). The average values of most of the monitored nutritional indicators were satisfactory: DM = 349 g kg-1, crude protein = 65 g kg-1 DM, crude ash = 38 g kg-1 DM, crude fiber = 180 g kg-1 DM, acid detergent fiber = 210 g kg-1 DM, neutral detergent fiber = 387 g kg-1 DM, acid detergent lignin = 17 g kg-1 DM, starch = 336.59 g kg-1 DM, net energy of milk = 6.76 MJ g kg-1 DM. Significant deviations in Max. and Min. were found for the DM values (156 non-compliant samples), as many as 231 non-compliant samples were found for crude protein, 90 noncompliant samples were detected for the acidic detergent fibers, and 233 for starch. The rumen fermentation indicators, expressed as average digestible organic matter (dOM), amounted to 75.6%, and those of digestible neutral detergent fiber (dNDF) amounted to 52.8%. The average pH value reached a desirable value of 3.85, with an average concentration of lactic acid (54.9 g kg-1 DM) and acetic acid (21.1 g kg-1 DM). The average values of silage particle size distribution, measured through four fractions, resulted in the following values: sieve 1 ā€“ 5.7%; sieve 2 ā€“ 55.7%; sieve 3 ā€“ 26.1% and bottom vessel ā€“ 12.6%. The strongest positive correlation was found between the crude fiber in relation to the ADF (r = 0.870), NDF (r = 0.959), and ADL (r = 0.790) and between the NDF and ADF (r = 0.845). Negative correlation was strongest between the ADL and dOM (r = -0.844), between the starch compared to the CF (r = -0.835) and NDF (r = -0.809), and between thepH and lactic acid (r = -0.804). These correlations between the indicators were also statistically highly significant (p<0.001)

    Nutritional and energy value of corn silage on dairy farms in Eastern Croatia

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi kvalitetu kukuruzne silaže kao dominantne komponente u hrani mliječnih krava u tri županije Istočne Hrvatske; Brodsko-posavske, Osječko-baranjske i Vukovarsko-srijemske. Praktični dio istraživanja obuhvatio je 25 mliječnih farmi u svakoj Županiji u kojima je uzorkovana i potom analizirana kukuruzna silaža. Praćeni nutritivni, fermentativni i fizički pokazatelji izraženi kao prosječne vrijednosti bili su dobri. Pokazatelji kemijskog sastava: suha tvar (ST)=349 g/kg, sirove bjelančevine=71 g/kg ST, sirovi pepeo=39 g/kg ST, sirova vlakna=186 g/kg ST, kisela deterdžent vlakna=212 g/kg ST, neutralna deterdžent vlakna=393 g/kg ST, kiseli deterdžent lignina=17 g/ kg ST, Å”krob=325 g/kg ST, energetska vrijednost izražena u neto energiji za laktaciju (NEL, MJ/kg ST)=6,78, prosječna probavljivost organske tvari=75,8% i probavljivost neutralnih deterdžent vlakana=53,7%. Pokazatelji fermentacije silaže uključili su mjerenje prosječne pH vrijednosti koja je iznosila 3,86, koncentraciju mliječne kiseline=56,37 g/kg ST i octenu kiselinu 20,68 g/kg ST. Fizički pokazatelj, određivanje distribucije veličine čestica silaže (sustav tri sita) zabilježio je; sito 1=7,1%; sito 2=56,3%; sito 3=24,8% i kutija na dnu=11,7%. S obzirom na utvrđene statističke značajnosti testiranih razlika prosječnih vrijednosti kod devet pokazatelja hranjive i energetske vrijednosti silaže kukuruza između županija, moguće je potvrditi da je kvaliteta silaže bila bolja u Osječko-baranjskoj i Brodsko-posavskoj županiji u odnosu na Vukovarsko-srijemsku. Na temelju značajnijih odstupanja u minimumu i maksimumu te utvrđivanjem većeg broja nesukladnih uzoraka kod nekih pokazatelja od prosječnih vrijednosti, navodi na zaključak o neujednačenoj kvaliteti silaže kod pojedinih proizvođača.The aim of this study was to determine the quality of corn silage as the dominant component in the diet of dairy cows in three counties of Eastern Croatia; Brod-Posavina, Osijek-Baranja, and Vukovar-Srijem. The practical part of the research included 25 dairy farms in each County in which corn silage was sampled and then analyzed. The monitored nutritional, fermentative, and physical indicators expressed as average values were satisfactory. Indicators of chemical composition: dry matter (DM) = 349 g/kg, crude protein = 71 g/kg DM, crude ash = 39 g/kg DM, crude fiber = 186 g/kg DM, acidic detergent fiber (ADF) = 212 g/kg DM, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) = 393 g/kg DM, acidic detergent lignin (ADL) = 17 g/kg DM, starch = 325 g kg DM, energy value expressed in net energy for lactation (NEL, MJ/kg DM) = 6.78, average digestibility of organic matter (dOM) = 75.8% and digestible neutral detergent fibers (dNDF)= 53.7%. Indicators of silage fermentation included the measurement of an average pH of 3.86, a concentration of lactic acid = 56.37 g/kg DM, and acetic acid of 20.68 g/kg DM. Physical indicator, determination of silage particle size distribution (three sieve system) recorded following values: sieve 1 = 7.1%; sieve 2 = 56.3%; sieve 3 = 24.8% and box at the bottom = 11.7%. Given the established statistical significance of the tested differences in average values for nine indicators of nutritional and energy value of corn silage between counties, it is possible to confirm that the quality of silage was better in OsijekBaranja and Brod-Posavina counties than in Vukovar-Srijem County. Based on significant deviations in the minimum and maximum, and by determining a larger number of non-compliant samples in some indicators than the average values, it leads to the conclusion of uneven quality of silage in some producers

    Prijenos glukoze kroz epitel tankoga crijeva

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    The duodenum, jejunum and ileum are parts of the small intestine and the sites of the terminal stages of enzymatic digestion, and the majority of nutrient, electrolyte and water absorption. The apical, luminal membrane of the enterocyte is built of numerous microvilli that increase the absorptive surface of the cell. Carbohydrates, in the form of monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and especially polysaccharides, make up the largest quantitative and energetic part of the diet of most animals, including humans. Galactose, fructose and glucose, the final degradation products of polysaccharide and oligosaccharide enzymatic digestion, can be absorbed by enterocytes either by active transport or by facilitated diffusion. In the small intestine, the transepithelial transport of glucose, the most abundant monosaccharide after carbohydrate digestion and the main source of energy, is performed by a specific membrane transporter located in the brush border membrane of the enterocyte, the sodiumglucose cotransporter 1 (SGLT1). While SGLT1 transports glucose across the brush border membrane, a specific basolateral membrane glucose transporter, the sodium-independent glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2), transfers glucose out of the enterocyte down the concentration gradient. The sodium-potassium pump (Na/KATPase), as a sodium and potassium ion transporter, is functionally closely related to the sodium-dependent SGLT1. Na/KATPase is responsible for maintaining the electrochemical gradient of sodium ions, as the driving force for glucose transport via SGLT1. Transepithelial transport of glucose in the small intestine and the differentiation of enterocytes occurs relatively early during the foetal period, allowing glucose to be absorbed from ingested amniotic fluid. Nutrient transport is possible along the whole villus-crypt axis during intrauterine development, while transport shifts toward the villus tip in the mature small intestine. With maturation, glucose transport rates change not only across the villus-crypt axis, but also along the proximodistal axis in the small intestine. The glucose absorption rate shows differences between subunits of the small intestine depending on the age and type of ingested carbohydrates, where complex carbohydrates replace less complex carbohydrates or disaccharides.Duodenum, jejunum i ileum dijelovi su tankog crijeva gdje se dovrÅ”ava enzimatska razgradnja i najveći opseg apsorpcije hranjivih tvari, elektrolita i vode. Apikalna, luminalna stanična membrana enterocita građena je od brojnih mikrovila koji povećavaju apsorpcijsku povrÅ”inu stanice. Ugljikohidrati, u obliku monosaharida, oligosaharida i posebno polisaharida, čine najveći kvantitativni i energetski dio prehrane većine životinja, ali i ljudi. Galaktozu, fruktozu i glukozu, krajnje produkte enzimatske razgradnje polisaharida i oligosaharida, enterociti mogu apsorbirati aktivnim prijenosom ili olakÅ”anom difuzijom. Transepitelni prijenos glukoze, najzastupljenijeg monosaharida nakon razgradnje ugljikohidrata i glavni izvor energija u tankom se crijevu odvija pomoću specifičnog transmembranskog prijenosnika smjeÅ”tenog u četkastom porubu membrane enterocita, prijenosnika glukoze ovisnog o natriju 1 (engl. sodiumglucose cotransporter 1, SGLT1). Dok SGLT1 prenosi glukozu preko četkastog poruba membrane, specifični prijenosnik smjeÅ”ten na bazolateralnoj membrani, prijenosnik glukoze neovisan o natriju 2 (engl. glucose transporter 2, GLUT2), prenosi glukozu iz enterocita niz koncentracijski gradijent. Natrij-kalijeva pumpa (Na/K-ATPaza), kao prijenosnik iona natrija i kalija, funkcionalno je usko povezana sa SGLT1. Na/K-ATPaza odgovorna je za održavanje elektrokemijskog gradijenta natrijevih iona, koji je pokretačka sila prijenosa glukoze putem SGLT1 prijenosnika. Transepitelni prijenos glukoze u tankom crijevu pojavljuje se relativno rano tijekom fetalnog razdoblja, zajedno s diferencijacijom enterocita, Å”to omogućava apsorpciju glukoze iz progutane amnionske tekućine. Prijenos hranjivih tvari moguć je tijekom intrauterinog razvoja duž cijele dužine crijevne resice, dok se u zrelom tankom crijevu prijenos hranjivih tvari pomiče prema vrhu crijevne resice. Sazrijevanjem tankog crijeva aktivnost prijenosnika ne mijenja se samo duž crijevne resice, nego i duž proksimo-distalne osi u tankom crijevu. Apsorpcija glukoze u pojedinim dijelovima tankog crijeva mijenja se ovisno o dobi i vrsti konzumiranih ugljikohidrata, pogotovo kada složeni ugljikohidrati zamjenjuju manje složene ugljikohidrate ili disaharide u prehrani