44 research outputs found

    Association of Altered Collagen Content and Lysyl Oxidase Expression in Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease

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    Background—Collagen cross-linking is mediated by lysyl oxidase (LOX) enzyme in the extracellular matrix (ECM) of mitral valve leaflets. Alterations in collagen content and LOX protein expression in the ECM of degenerative mitral valve may enhance leaflet expansion and disease severity. Methods—Twenty posterior degenerative mitral valve leaflets from patients with severe mitral regurgitation were obtained at surgery. Five normal posterior mitral valve leaflets procured during autopsy served as controls. Valvular interstitial cells (VICs) density was quantified by immunohistochemistry, collagen types I and III by picro-sirius red staining and immunohistochemistry, and proteoglycans by alcian blue staining. Protein expression of LOX and its mediator TGFβ1 were quantified by immunofluorescence and gene expression by PCR. Results—VICs density was increased, structural type I collagen density was reduced, while reparative type III collagen and proteoglycan densities were increased (p \u3c 0.0001) with an increase in spongiosa layer thickness in myxomatous valves. These changes were associated with a reduction in LOX (p \u3c 0.0001) and increase in TGFβ1 protein expression (p \u3c 0.0001). However, no significant change was seen in gene expression. Linear regression analysis identified a correlation between type I collagen density and LOX grade (R2 = 0.855; p \u3c 0.0001). Conclusions—Reduced type I collagen density with a simultaneous increase in type III collagen and proteoglycan densities possibly contributes to spongiosa layer expansion resulting in incompetent mitral valve leaflets. Observed changes in type I and III collagen densities in DMVD may be secondary to alterations in LOX protein expression, contributing to disorganization of ECM and disease severity

    Role of dental findings in the diagnosis of idiopathic hypoparathyroidism

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    Idiopathic hypoparathyroidism (IHP) is a rare endocrinopathy, characterized by the disturbances in the calcium and phosphorous metabolism, owing to deficiency in parathyroid hormone, which leads to tetanic manifestations. Onset of the clinical features occurs early in the life and the seventy depends on the extent of chemical imbalance. This article describes a case of 22-year-old male patient undiagnosed for 12 years with this endocrinopathy (IHP). Overretained deciduous teeth, delayed eruption, impacted tooth and short roots probably resulting from untreated hypocalcemia during the developmental phase of dentition enabled us to unearth this endocrinopathy through a series of investigations. Thus, the article emphasizes the importance of dental findings of this endocrinopathy

    Comparison and Analysis between the NAV6 Embolic Protection Filter and SpiderFX EPD Filter in Superficial Femoral Artery Lesions

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    Objective. To compare the safety and efficacy between the SpiderFX EPD and Emboshield NAV6 filter in the collection of embolic debris created from lower limb atherectomy procedures in patients with PAD. Materials and Methods. Between January 2014 and October 2015, 507 patients with symptomatic peripheral artery disease were treated with directional atherectomy (SilverHawk), rotational atherectomy (JetStream), or laser atherectomy (Turbo Elite) based on operator discretion. Emboshield NAV6 (n = 161) and SpiderFX (n = 346) embolic protection devices were used with each of the 3 atherectomy devices. The primary study endpoint was 30-day freedom from major adverse events (MAEs). An MAE was defined as death, MI, TVR, thrombosis, dissection, distal embolization, perforation at the level of the filter, and unplanned amputation. A descriptive comparison of the MAE rates between Emboshield NAV6 and SpiderFX embolic protection devices was conducted. Results. The freedom from major adverse event (MAE) rate was 92.0% (CI: 86.7%, 95.7%) in patients who received an Emboshield NAV6 filter compared to 91.6% (CI: 88.2%, 94.3%) in patients who received the SpiderFX filter (p=0.434). The lower limit of 86.7% freedom from major adverse event rate in the Emboshield NAV6 group was above the performance goal of 83% (p<0.0008). Conclusions. There were no significant clinical outcome differences between Emboshield NAV6 and SpiderFX EPD filters in the treatment of lower extremities. This evaluation indicates the safety and efficacy to use either filter device to treat PAD patients with lower extremity lesions

    Histological features of restenosis associated with paclitaxel drug-coated balloon: implications for therapy.

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    PURPOSE: To investigate the cellular and extracellular changes induced by drug-coated balloons (DCB) in the treatment of superficial femoral artery (SFA) restenosis, and to compare histopathological features with those observed after plain old balloon angioplasty (POBA) from the same patients. METHODS AND RESULTS: Plaque samples for five patients with SFA restenosis (first-time) after POBA were collected using atherectomy and DCB. These samples constitute the POBA restenosis group. The same five patients developed recurrent restenosis (RR) after DCB, at the same intervention site. These SFA-RR lesions were again treated using atherectomy and POBA. These samples constitute the DCB restenosis group. DCB restenosis group plaques showed significant reduction in neointima, smooth muscle cells, fibroblast densities, and Ki67 index; and increase in caspase 3, features of apoptosis and type III collagen deposition in comparison to the POBA restenosis group. CONCLUSION: Plaque tissue from the DCB restenosis group show reductions in neointimal thickness, cellularity, and cellular proliferation, along with increased apoptosis, and Type III collagen content. These results suggest a different mechanistic pathway for DCB restenosis, in which neointimal proliferation is reduced but reparative fibrosis is increased. The treatment for SFA-RR after DCB may therefore benefit from different forms of therapy including scaffolding, rather than recurrent anti-proliferative therapy